
398 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ABRAHAM Leen Nanchira UNINE E‑Mail Genome wide dissection of effector gene regulation Daniel Croll 8.5.2023 (
AEBISCHER Thierry UNIFR E‑Mail Biodiversity in the heterogeneous landscape of the Central African forest-savanna ecotone; Species richness, abundance, standing variation, local adaptation and its importance in nature conservation. Prof. Daniel Wegmann ?
AGHAGOLZADEH Parisa UNIBE E‑Mail Cellular and molecular mechanisms of thiosulfate-mediated vascular calcification inhibition Dr. Andreas Pasch August 2016
AGIUS Thomas UNIL E‑Mail Nutritional and pharmacological strategies to limit Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Jean-Marc Corpataux
Alban Longchamp
AGUILAR BULTET Lisandra UNIBE E‑Mail Genetic and functional analysis of rhombencephalitis-associated Listeria monocytogenes strains Prof. Dr. Joachim Frey
Dr. Laurent Falquet
ALFAIZ Ali UNIL E‑Mail High Throughput Sequencing Prof.Alexandre Reymond
Prof. Ioannis Xenarios
ALIJEVIC Omar UNIL E‑Mail Analysis of gating of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) Stephan Kellenberger Soutenance : 01.12.2016
ALMEIDA RODRIGUES Marisa UNIFR E‑Mail The physiological and metabolic basis of the fecundity/longevity trade-off in Drosophila Thomas Flatt 04.11.2022 (
ALOCCI Davide UNIGE E‑Mail Novel glycobioinformatics resources to support systems glycobiology of gastric cancer Frederique Lisacek 28.9.2018
ÁLVAREZ-OCAÑA Raquel UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of Olfactory Pathways in Drosophilids Richard Benton 19.01.2023
ANDRES BARRAO Cristina UNIGE - Characterization of acetic acid bacteria and study of the molecular strategies involved in the resistance to acetic acid during oxidative fermentation Dr. Francois Barja
Prof. Teresa Fitzpatrick
ANJALI Anjali UNIL E‑Mail To study the role of Drosophila Insulator Binding proteins Maria Gambetta
David Gatfield
APOSTOLOPOULOU Anthi UNIFR E‑Mail The role of the mushroom body in larval olfactory learning Dr. Andreas Thum
ARNDT Nick UNIBE E‑Mail Functional studies on p20, a yeast 4E-BP. Prof. Dr. Michael Altmann April 2018
AUWERX Chiara UNIL E‑Mail Impact of natural genetic diversity Prof. Alexandre Reymond; Prof. Zoltan Kutalik 28.6.2024
AVALOS Diana UNIGE E‑Mail genetic determinants in chronic immune diseases Pr. Dermitzakis 2023
AWASTHI MISHRA Nivedita UNIBE E‑Mail Finding out the causal variant for the belted phenotype in Cows Prof. Tosso Leeb, Inst of Genetics, University of Bern
BACHOFEN Claudia UNIBE E‑Mail --- Prof. Ernst Peterhans
BALMER Pierre UNIBE E‑Mail Cellular and molecular functions investigation of SUV39H2 and FAM83G in genodermatoses. Prof. Dr. Eliane Jasmine Müller Prof. Dr. Pieternella Roosje 2019
BAO Mengjing UNIBE E‑Mail Function of tyrosination of α-tubulin in regulating microtubule dynamics, and development of the ovary, the embryo and the nervous system of Drosophila. Beat Suter 31.05.2023 (
BARCELÓ Catalina UNIL E‑Mail Population kinetic modelling of metabolic traits in HIV-infected individuals Chantal Csajka (Director of thesis) Amalio Telenti (Co-Director of thesis) 21.09.2018
BASSET Patrick UNIL E‑Mail
BAUD Gilles UNIL E‑Mail Bee gut microbiology. Prof. Philipp Engel 26.06.2023
BAUER Anina UNIBE E‑Mail Genetic analysis of genodermatoses Prof. Dr. Tosso Leeb 12 Dezember 2018
BAYAZIT Bilal UNIL E‑Mail non coding RNAs in diabetes Romano Regazzi 14.01.2022
BECKER Doreen UNIBE E‑Mail A genome-wide association study to identify QTL affecting drip loss in pork. Prof. Dr. Tosso Leeb I just finished my PhD-programe at the 18th December, 2013
BEKKAR Kawter Amel UNIL E‑Mail Development and application of computational methodologies in qualitative modeling Prof. Ioannis Xenarios 18 January 2019
BELLAH Hadjer UNINE E‑Mail The role of co-infection in the trajectory of plant disease. Dr. Daniel Croll 31.10.2022
BENNESCH Marcela UNIGE E‑Mail Pathways to tamoxifen resistance in ERα-positive breast cancer Didier Picard Soutenance 23.03.2016
BÉRARD Melvin UNIL E‑Mail Cell-Cell fusion signaling in fission yeast Pr. Sophie Martin 02.02.2024
BERDOUS Dassine UNIL E‑Mail identification of new regulators of insulin secretion Bernard Thorens 25.10.2019
BERNARDO GARCIA Francisco Javier UNIFR - Studying cell fate determination and differentiation of Drosophila photoreceptors Simon Sprecher 26.1.2018
BERTO Melissa UNIGE E‑Mail cAMP Signaling Reprograms the Estrogen Receptor α Didier Picard 24.05.2018 -
BIASINI Adriano UNIL - lincRNAs in murine development Prof. Ana Claudia Marques
Marc Rechavi
BIENERT Friederike UNIL E‑Mail Genetic structure of cannabis sativa from population genomics to forensic application Luca Fumagalli
BILICAN Adem UNIL E‑Mail Genetic basis of alternative splicing regulation in mammals Henrik Kaessmann
BINAGHI Marta UNIBE E‑Mail Understanding genetic and phenotypic diversity in the speciation of Petunia: evolution of quantitative and qualitative traits Prof. Dr. Cris Kuhlemeier 13 December 2021
BISE Thomas UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms of retina regeneration in adult zebrafish Anna Jazwinska 2021
BONHOURE Nicolas UNIL E‑Mail Molecular characterization of a Maf1 KO mouse model. Nouria Hernandez 11.12.2015
BONTRON Severine UNIFR E‑Mail ? entre 2012 et 2016...
BOSCH Nuria UNIBE E‑Mail Discovery of long non-coding RNAs in cancer using CRISPR/Cas9 Rory Johnson
William Keyes
BOSSHARD Sandra UNIL E‑Mail Study of DNA repair and recombination mechanisms in cultured cells Nicolas Mermod Soutenance : 03.05.2019
BOTTON-AMIOT Gaëlle UNIFR E‑Mail Neurogenetics in Nematostella vectensis Pr. Simon Sprecher 7.7.2023 (
BOUAMEUR Jamal-Eddine UNIBE E‑Mail ---
BOUCHE Axelle UNIGE E‑Mail Molecular signature, metabolic profile and therapeutic potential of human myogenic reserve cells Hannouche Didier
Laumonier Thomas
31.1.2024 (
BRESADOLA Luisa UNIFR E‑Mail Coupling genomics with experiments to study divergence-with-gene-flow in trees Prof. Christian Lexer
BRITES Daniela UNIBAS E‑Mail ---
BROYE GONZALEZ Liliane UNIL E‑Mail Identification of the epigenetic determinants of malignancy in pediatric tumors Prof. Nicolo Riggi 9.7.2021
BRUGGER Christiane UNIGE E‑Mail establishment and maintenance of heterochromatin at centromeres Thomas Schalch, PhD Professeur boursier FNS University of Geneva Department of Molecular Biology, 2045 30, quai Ernest-Ansermet CH-1211, Geneva 4, Switzerland 24 February 2017 (
BRÜGGER Valérie UNIFR E‑Mail Functions of histone deacetylases in Schwann cells during manintenance and regenearation Prof. Claire Jacob
Michael Wegner
BRUNET AVALOS Clarisse UNIFR E‑Mail Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Photoreceptor Development Prof. Dr. Simon Sprecher 2020 (date exacte pas connue)
BRUNNER Magdalena UNIBE E‑Mail Canine hair cycle disturbances Prof. Dr. Monika Welle April 2019
BRUNNER Maxime UNIL E‑Mail Single cell in cancer adenomas Federico Santoni 15.11.2024
BÜRKI Sibylle UNIBE E‑Mail Detection of virulence factors of Mycoplasma bovis by transposon mutagenesis and cytotoxicity assays Prof. Dr. Joachim Frey
Prof. Dr. Laurent Falquet
Eté 2015 (juin)
BURTON Kathryn UNIL E‑Mail Nutrigenomic strategy for identifying food components after ingestion of milk products in humans and their impact on heath parameters Professeur François Pralong
Dr Nathalie Vionnet
BUSTAMANTE EDUARDO Mariana UNIBE - Role of estrogen receptor on tumor progression in human breast cancer Prof. Rolf Jaggi 24.8.2018 (
CACHAT Julien UNIGE E‑Mail The role of Nox2 in adaptative immunity Pr. Karl-Heinz Krause 11.05.2017
CALIGARIS Marco UNIFR E‑Mail Nutrient and Energy Sensing in Yeast: The Crosstalk of the SNF1/AMPK and TORC1/mTORC1 Pathways Prof. Caludio De Virgilio 2025
CAPUTO Tiziana UNIL E‑Mail Linking obesity, metabolic disorders and inflammation via metabolomics and epigenetics . Béatrice Desvergne
Federica Gilardi
CARELLI Francesco Nicola UNIL E‑Mail Functional evolution of retrogenes and regulatory regions in mammals Henrik Kaessmann 24.08.2016
CARLEVARO Joana UNIBE - Classification and functional prediction of long non-coding RNA Rory Johnson (Department for Clinical Research (DKF), University of Bern, Bern)
Roderic Guigó (Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona)
CASEYS Céline UNIFR E‑Mail Ecological and evolutionary genomics of a species boundary in European Populus Christian Lexer 13 décembre 2013
CASSATELLA Daniele UNIL E‑Mail Identification of new disease-associated genes in GnRH deficiency using Whole Exome Sequencing Nelly Pitteloud
Brian J. Stevenson
CASTELO-SZEKELY Violeta UNIL E‑Mail Post-transcriptional regulation of circadian rhythms. David Gatfield 21.09.2018
CASTRO Javier UNIGE E‑Mail Study of gene regulation in the Bithorax Complex François Karch Robert K. Maeda
CERATO Luca UNIGE E‑Mail Chemical and genetic tools to study nucleosome dynamics in S. cerevisiae Pr. David Shore 29.9.2021
CHABOT Noémie UNIL E‑Mail Nanog foci merging to reach high levels and ensure transcription 15.12.2023
CHANDRAGIRI Srikanth UNIFR - Storage and mobilization of neutral lipids. Prof Roger Schneiter
CHASAPI Anastasia UNIL E‑Mail Application and development of computational methodologies in biological systems modeling Ioannis Xenarios 25.03.2015
CHAVAN Rohit UNIFR E‑Mail Per2 and Food en-trainable oscillators Prof. Urs Albrechrt Unit of Biochemistry Department of Biology universite de fribourg 2016
CHAVARRIA Heidy UNIFR - Topology of the phosphatidylserine synthase (CHO1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Andreas Conzelmann 2019 (
CHEN Siyu UNIGE E‑Mail The control of translation elongation and co-translational events by Not proteins is critical for the appropriate production of mitochondrial proteins Prof. Martine Collart Octobre 2023
CHONG Chloe UNIL E‑Mail Immunopeptidomics Prof. George Coukos
Dr. Michal Bassani-Sternberg
27th March 2020
CHRISTEN Matthias UNIBE E‑Mail Animal Genetics Prof. Tosso Leeb 2022 ou 2023
CINESI Cinzia UNIL E‑Mail Alleviation of pathogenic phenotype of myotonic dystrophy type 1 Vincent Dion 21.6.2019
CISAROVA Katarina UNIL - Bioinformatical analysis of human diseases Carlo Rivolta 10.03.2020
CISMARU Anca Liliana UNIBE E‑Mail Genetics of Metamizole-induced Agranulocytosis Dr.Ursula Amstutz fin avril 2020
CISSÉ Ousmane H. UNIL - De novo sequencing of the genome of the human pathogenic fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii and study of Pneumocystis pneumonia lung microbiome Dr. Philippe Hauser
Dr. Marco Pagni
COLOMBO Martino UNIBE E‑Mail Bioinformatics analysis of posttranscriptional gene regulation Prof. Oliver Mühlemann
Prof. Rémy Bruggmann
CONDE RUBIO Maria del Carmen UNIL E‑Mail Proteolytic landscape in mild stressed cells Prof. Widmann Soutenance : 30.03.2021
CONSTANTIN Daniel UNIL E‑Mail Implications of APOBEC3 in genome stability. Identification of sensitivity and resistance genes to bleomycin, in the context of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Christian Widmann 28.09.2020
COPPE Benedetta UNIBE E‑Mail Epigenetic inheritance of cardiac regenerative capacity Nadia Mercader Huber 01.12.2023 (
COSTA NEVES FERREIRA DA SILVA Maria UNIL E‑Mail microRNA-dependent role of long non-coding RNAs in mouse embryonic stem cells Ana Marques 04.05.2023
COTTET DUMOULIN David UNIGE E‑Mail Protein biosynthesis within islets Prof. Domenico Bosco décembre 2022
CREFCOEUR Remco UNIGE E‑Mail UVR8-based optogenetics and new model systems to study the DNA damage response Prof. Dr. Thanos Halazonetis soutenu le 23 septembre 2017 (
CRIBIOLI Elisabetta UNIL E‑Mail Exploring Immunometabolic Gene-Engineering Strategies to Enhance T cell Activity Against Solid Tumors Prof George Coukos
Dr Melita Irving
CRISCI Angela UNIGE - Analysis of SF1 functions and its alternatively spliced isoforms Angela Krämer 17 décembre 2014
CUNY Maximilien UNINE E‑Mail Enemy mediated apparent competition between insects that attack maize and beans. Betty Benrey
DAGA Neha UNIZH E‑Mail --- Prof Christian Von Merring
DARROUS Liza UNIL E‑Mail Robust Causal Inference Methods to Assess Risk Factors for Common Diseases Zoltán Kutalik 24.11.2023
DAS Moushumi UNIBE E‑Mail Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by chromatin compaction Prof Peter Meister Institute of Cell Biology Universität Bern Switzerland 31.05.2022 (
DE ANDRES Lucia UNIFR E‑Mail Modelling Neural Circuit Sensorimotor Transformations in Drosophila larvae Professor Simon Sprecher
Professor Walter Senn and Professor Christian Mazza
20.07.2020 (
DE NITTIS Pasquelena UNIL E‑Mail Genetics of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder Prof. Alexandre Reymond 28.02.2020
DE NIZ HIDALGO Mariana UNIBE E‑Mail Host-pathogen interactions: Involvement of the spleen and liver in malaria: immunological and cellular correlates of disease. Prof Volker Heussler printemps 2016 (a reçu un prix)
DEGUEURCE Gwendoline UNIL E‑Mail miRNA as regulators of organ regenerative capacity Liliane Michalik
Ioannis Xenarios
DEHAENE SENEZ Harmonie UNIL E‑Mail Role of HCF-1 and its THAP harem in the control of cell proliferation Prof. Winship Herr 08.03.2019
DELACRÉTAZ Aurélie UNIL E‑Mail Life sciences: Influence of psychotropic drugs on the development of metabolic syndrome Chin Eap Soutenance : 10.11.2017
DELANEY Kamila UNIGE E‑Mail Identity and function of the variant histone H3.3 in C. elegans. Florian Steiner 13 mai 2020
DI MEGLIO Ilaria UNIGE E‑Mail Biochemistry/Biophysics Title: Alginate capsule formation to investigate the coupling between physical constraints within a tissue with the growth and proliferation of an epithelial monolayer Dr. Aurelien Roux
DIAZ Naryttza UNIFR E‑Mail ---
DOHNALKOVA Michaela UNIGE E‑Mail mRNA cap modifications Ramesh Pillai October 2023 (
DOMMANN Noelle UNIBE E‑Mail LIM protein Ajuba promotes tumor cell growth and survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prof. Dr. Deborah Stroka
PD Dr. Marianna Kruithof-de Julio
2021 (pas trouvé de date plus précise)
DUART-GARCIA Carolina UNIBE E‑Mail Functional analysis of insulin-like growth factor-II antisense transcripts in mouse and pig. PD Dr. Martin Braunschweig
Prof. Oliver Mühlemann
I finished my PhD in 2013
DUARTE Fabio UNIL E‑Mail Gene Repair for Huntington's Disease fin 2022 ou début 2023
DUARTE AZEVEDO Marcelo UNIL E‑Mail Gene therapy for parkinson's disease treatment Liliane Tenenbaum 02.06.2023
DUKANOVIC Nina UNIL E‑Mail Role of Acot11 in sleep regulation Paul Franken 18.10.2024
DUMAN Mert UNIFR - Control of Oligodendrocyte Plasticity by Histone Demethylases After Spinal Cord Injury Prof. Claire Jacob 2019 (
DURAND Jonas UNINE E‑Mail Evolution of pathogen's diversity in a vector-borne disease Maarten Voordouw Thèse passée en avril 2016 (voir mail du 12.4.2016 de Christiane Bobillier)
DURMAZ Mukaddes Esra UNIL E‑Mail Population Genomic Basis of Evolutionary Change in Drosophila Aging and Life History Thomas Flatt
EDELMANN Simone UNIL - Role of Nuclear Factor 1-C in tissue regeneration Nicolas Mermod
Deborah Stroka - University of Bern
EL ADNANI PRINCE Raja UNIL E‑Mail The role of Gas6 and Protein S in coagulation and inflammation Prof. Tatiana Petrova
Pr Angelillo-Scherrer Anne
2017 à Lausanne
EL ATAB Ola UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular function of CAP superfamily members. Roger Schneiter 17.12.2021 (
EL HAJJ Zeinab UNIL E‑Mail Oxidation and Ubiquitination of synaptic proteins in aging and disease Beat Riederer Soutenance : 22.04.2016
ERNI Silvia UNIBE - New molecular therapy approaches to counteract bacterial meningitis induced sensorineural hearing loss Prof. Dr. med. Stephen Leib A quitté l'UNIBE le 31.12.2019
ESPINOZA Felipe UNIGE E‑Mail Microglial HIF-2 role in hypoxia-mediated glioblastoma immunosuppression Paul R Walker 2024 (
FARCA LUNA Abud Jose UNIFR E‑Mail ---
FAVRE Patrick UNIFR E‑Mail ---
FELEKIS Dimitris ETHZ E‑Mail --- Prof. Dr. Bradley J. Nelson
FERNANDEZ Eric Aria UNIL E‑Mail The Role of SR proteins on the development of Insulin Resistance and Obesity Prof. Lluis Fajas Coll 18.2.2022
FERON Romain UNIL E‑Mail Investigating the relationship between sequence conservation and function using multispecies whole genome alignments Robert Waterhouse 01.07.2024
FERRARI Paolo UNIGE E‑Mail Histone modifications and histone exchange in yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Prof. Michel Strubin Soutenance : 30.4.2015
FERREIRA Anne-Maud UNIL E‑Mail The personal genome Alexandre Reymond
Frédéric Schütz
FIRNKES Raquel UNIGE E‑Mail FKBP10 regulates protein translation to sustain lung cancer growth Prof. Roberto Coppari 22.6.2022
FLÜCK Rébecca UNIGE E‑Mail Assessing metal bioavailability through transcriptome response in aquatic primary producers Dr. Claudia Cosio
Prof. Vera Slaveykova
1.9.2017 (
FONSECA COSTA Sara UNIFR - Modeling feedback loops of the mammalian circadian oscillator - Adjustment of the mouse liver transcriptome to the photoperiod Dr. Jürgen A. Ripperger and Prof. Dr. Daniel Wegmann 2017 probably
FORMENTI Ludovico UNINE E‑Mail Local adaptation in plant-soil microbes interactions along an elevation gradient, and their effect on plant resistance Prof. Sergio Rasmann
FRISCHKNECHT Mirjam UNIBE E‑Mail Population genomics of the Franches-Montagnes horse-breed Prof. Dr. T. Leeb octobre 2015
FRITSCH Pauline UNIFR E‑Mail Genetic and Functional Dissection of Neuronal Circuits in Drosophila Visual Learning. Dr. Simon Sprecher Septembre 2017
FRÖHLICH Tanja UNIBE E‑Mail --- Carlo R. Largiadèr
FÜGI Matthias UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Pascal Mäser
GALLI Valentina UNIGE E‑Mail The dynamics of Dynamin in vivo Aurélien Roux 28.02.2016
GARCIA Carolina UNIBE E‑Mail Mitochondrial respiration and cardiovascular development, repair and regeneration. Prof. Nadia Mercader Huber
Prof. Jose Antonio Enriquez Dominguez
29 April 2020
GARCIA OSUNA Guillermo Miguel UNIFR E‑Mail NUTRIENT SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND CONTROL OF QUIESCENCE IN YEAST Dr. Claudio de Virgilio 2021 date précise inconnue :
GARCÍA-MARTÍN Ana Belén UNIBE - Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and virulence in Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Prof. Dr. Vincent Perreten
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann
8.2.2022 (
GARSCHALL Kathrin UNIL E‑Mail Population Genomic Basis of Evolutionary Change in Drosophila Aging and Life History Thomas Flatt
GAUBITZ Christl UNIGE E‑Mail Structural determination of the two distinct PIKK complexes TORC1 and TORC2 Prof. Robbie Loewith 06.01.2016
GERBER Hermeto UNIFR - Modulation of amyloid-beta production to prevent Alzheimer’s disease Urs Albrecht 2019 (
GHAHHARI Nastaran UNIGE E‑Mail Activity determinants of Estrogen Receptor Prof. Didier Picard 18.06.2021
GIANOLIO Stefania UNIBE - Immobilized enzyme systems in flow biocatalysis Francesca Paradisi 2023 (
GMEL Annik Imogen UNIBE - Optimising phenotypes to improve selection criteria in the Franches-Montagnes horse population Prof. Dr. Tosso Leeb
Dr. Markus Neuditschko
23 January 2020
GOBET Nastassia UNIL E‑Mail An integrative systems bioinformatics approach of the environmental, genetic, and molecular factors regulating sleep Ioannis Xenarios
Paul Franken
GODEL Christelle UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Pascal Mäser
GOMAA Fatma UNINE - “Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and biogeographical distribution of testate amoebae” Professor Edward Mitchell
Dr. Enrique Lara
août 2012
GRIMALDI Yoselin UNIGE - The dynamics of the transcription pre-initiation complex in vivo Prof. Michel Strubin
Prof. Françoise Stutz
soutenance de thèse : 29.1.2014
GRUHL Franziska UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of circular RNAs Henrik Kaessmann 17.07.2017
GSCHWIND Andreas UNIL E‑Mail Functional Impact of Genome Structural Variation on Gene Expression Alexandre Reymond
GUEBEY Rémy UNIGE E‑Mail Exploring cerebral microdialysis in human subarachnoid hemorrhage: Discovery and validation of proteins biomarkers for vasospasm prediction Dr. Jean-Charles Sanchez
Dr. Natacha Turck Prof. Denis Hochstrasser
GUERREIRO Isabel UNIGE E‑Mail The evolution of Hox gene regulation in vertebrates Denis Duboule 06.06.2016
GUEX Géraldine UNIBE E‑Mail ---
GUILLERMIN Oriane UNIFR E‑Mail Genetic mechanisms regulating Drosophila optic lobe neurogenesis Prof. Simon Sprecher 2016 (
GUIRAUD Laetitia UNIL E‑Mail Role of the CREB coactivator CRTC1 in mood disorders and antidepressant response Prof. Jean-René Cardinaux 6 avril 2022
GUPTA Tripti UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular and Genetic Dissection of Neuronal networks for insect behavior Prof. Simon Sprecher
GUSYATINER Olga UNIL E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms and behaviour in glioma. Prof Monika Hegi
Dr Mauro Delorenzi
GUTIERREZ BETANCUR Jayson Arley E‑Mail ---
HÄFLIGER Irene UNIBE E‑Mail Forward vs. reverse genetics: a bovine perspective based on visible and hidden phenotypes of inherited disorders Prof. Dr. med. vet. Cord Drögemüller
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann
HALL Matthew UNIL E‑Mail PPARb a player in astrocyte metabolism and morphology B.Desvergne
HALLAL Mahmoud UNIBE - Development and Validation of a Phosphoproteomics Analysis Pipeline for the Characterization of Targetable Kinases in Myeloid Dr. med. Nicolas Bonadies
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Allam Ramanjaneyulu
22 avril 2020
HASHEMI GHEINANI Ali UNIBE E‑Mail The role of microRNAs in organ remodelling in lower urinary tract dysfunction PD Dr. Katia Monastyrskaya 17.08.2015
HEEB Silvan UNIBE E‑Mail Characterization of the autoantigen-autoantibodies relation to develop a novel therapy for immune-mediated Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (iTTP) Johanna A. Kremer Hovinga 5.10.2021
HEIM Sara UNIL E‑Mail Metabolomics/Transcriptomics of clownfish mucus NICOLAS SALAMIN 8 November 2024
HENSEL Janine UNIBE E‑Mail Reciprocal interaction of cancer cells and bone marrow stroma in osteolytic bone metastasis Dr. Marco Cecchini/Dr. Antoinette Wetterwald/Prof. George Thalmann
Prof. Aurel Perren
HERMANN Katrin UNIBE E‑Mail Genetics underlying sexual organ morphology in Petunia Prof. Cris Kuhlemeier
Prof. Tom Gerats
En 2012 probablement
HINTERMANN Aurélie UNIGE E‑Mail Regulation of homeotic genes in vertebrates Denis Duboule 07.09.2021
HO Uyen linh UNIL E‑Mail Development of a methodology to study suppressor mechanisms in HAP1 cells Jolanda Van Leeuwen
Liliane Michalik
HOFMEISTER Robin UNIL E‑Mail Impacts of genetic alterations on molecular phenotypes Olivier Delaneau
Sven Bergmann
HOHENDAHL Annika UNIGE E‑Mail Regulation of Dynamin-Mediated Membrane Fission by the N-BAR Protein Endophilin Aurélien Roux 16.12.2016 (date of defense)
HOHM Tim UNIL E‑Mail ---
HUMBERG Tim-Henning UNIFR E‑Mail In search of light processing and behavior in Drosophila larvae Prof. Dr. Simon Sprecher 2016
HUMBERT CAMPS Ana Margarita UNIFR E‑Mail The molecular and genetic basis of learning and forgetting in Drosophila Dr. Simon Sprecher 05.04.2022
HUO Qing UNIBE - Investigation of splicing defects in spinal muscular atrophy and progress towards a somatic gene therapy Daniel Schümperli
Mihaela Zavolan
May 2014
INCHINGOLO Marta Angela UNIGE E‑Mail The impact of mRNA 5' UTR heterogeneity on human proteome Joseph Curran 21 September 2022
IPPOLITO DOMENICA UNIFR E‑Mail Analysis of the controlled subcellular localization of CMK-1 in C. elegans nociceptor neurons, upon thermal habituation Dominique Glauser 2021 date non précisée :
IYER Arvind UNIL E‑Mail Genomic and Transcriptomic signatures for cancer evolution. Prof Giovanni Ciriello 19.6.2024
IYER Pavithra UNIL E‑Mail Cell and gene therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy using transposable vectors and mesioangioblasts Professor Nicolas Mermod Soutenance : 25.10.2017
JAN Maxime UNIL E‑Mail New Variant Calling Pipeline Ioannis Xenarios 18.5.2018
JANISZEWSKA Michalina UNIL E‑Mail Nuclear CD44, trafficking and function Prof. Ivan Stamenkovic
JEJINA Aleksandra UNIBE E‑Mail Investigating the function of BicDR in Drosophila melanogaster Beat Suter 10.07.2023 (
JI Honglei UNIL E‑Mail Role of CDK7 in adipose tissue metabolism Lluis Fajas 04.07.2018
JIN Chaonan UNIBE E‑Mail Mitochondrial dysfunctions in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Prof. Dr. med. Jean-François Dufour
Prof. Jordi Gracia
13 September 2022 (
JORDAN Aurore UNIFR E‑Mail C. elegans Neurogenetics and Behaviour Prof. Dominique Glauser 18.11.2022
KAFLE Tanuj 'tane' UNIL E‑Mail The evolution of temperature preference in drosophilids. Roman Arguello
KALBERMATTER Cristina UNIBE E‑Mail The role of maternal microbiota in durably shaping intestinal immunity and gene expression in the offspring through epigenetic mechanisms. Prof. Dr. med. Andrew MacPherson 20.1.2023
KALDUN Jenifer UNIFR E‑Mail Mechanism of Learning and Forgetting Prof. Dr. Simon Sprecher
KASTBERGER Birgit UNIGE E‑Mail Posttranslational modification of b1A integrin, its impact on kindlin-2 adaptor protein binding and cell matrix adhesion Dr Bernhard Wehrle-Haller
Dr Jean Gruenberg
8 décembre 2015
KATSIOUDI Georgia UNIL E‑Mail RNA and circadian rhythms David Gatfield 07.07.2022
KAUR Jatinder UNIGE E‑Mail Modulation of transcription through changes in histone modifications Dr. Françoise Stutz 16.10.2020
KERN Charlotte UNIBE E‑Mail The pharmacology of ivermectin Dr Felix Hammann 29 October 2024
KESKIN Tugba UNIL E‑Mail Cancer, Stem cell, mirRNA Prof. Ivan Stamenkovic 14.12.2018
KHADDAJ Rasha UNIFR E‑Mail Liid droplet Biogenesis Roger Schneiter 2020 (date exacte pas connue)
KHALIFEH Dany UNIL E‑Mail SNARE proteins Soutenance : 28.04.2020
KIEFFER Nicolas UNIFR - Emergence of antibiotic resistance Professor Patrice Nordmann
Dr Laurent Poirel
2019 (
KIESER Silas UNIGE E‑Mail Computational approaches for a healthier microbiome Mirko Trajkovski
Evgeny Zdobnov
31.08.2021 -
KOCH Michel UNIBE E‑Mail Virus discovery in small ruminants with non-suppurative encephalitis Prof. Dr. Torsten Seuberlich
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann
October-November 2019
KOMLJENOVIC Andrea UNIL E‑Mail Aging SystemsX Marc Robinson-Rechavi
KOSAKYAN Anush UNINE E‑Mail Phylogeny, Systematics and Biogeography of Free Living Microorganisms Using Testate Amoebae as Model Edward Mitchell
Enrique Lara
Thèse passée en avril 2014 (ou 2016 faute de frappe ?) (voir mail du 12.4.2016 de Christiane Bobillier)
KOSTIKOVA Anna UNIL E‑Mail Evolutionary niche dynamics of invasive species Nicolas Salamin
Dr. Peter Pearman
KOSTYRKO Kaja UNIL E‑Mail The role of MAR elements in DNA recombination Prof. Nicolas Mermod Soutenance 17.08.2015
KRAFT Matthias UNIBE - Investigation of the immunology and genetics of equine recurrent airway obstruction and defence against nematodes using NGS. Dr. Vidya Jagannathan
Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Gerber
KRASNYKOV Kyrylo UNIGE E‑Mail Single-cell genomics, NGS and bioinformatics Ramesh Pillai 2025
KUHN Thierry UNINE E‑Mail Modelling and experimental investigation of microbial interactions and dispersal Dr. Xiang-Yi Li
Prof. Redouan Bshary
19 décembre 2022 (
KUSMIDER Beata UNIGE E‑Mail TORC2 structural studies Robbie Joseph LOEWITH, PhD 28.1.2020
LACOH Claudia-Marvine UNIGE E‑Mail Effects on anesthetics on the developing brain Dr Vutskits 2016 (
LALOUM David UNIL E‑Mail Bioinformatics research, Lausanne Evolution of circadian rhythms Prof Marc Robinson-Rechavi 24.11.2020
LANGENEGGER Nicolas UNIBE E‑Mail Functional and phylogenetic importance of enzymes in spider venom Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nentwig
LARDERET Ivan UNIFR E‑Mail The early visual circuit of the Drosophila melanogaster larva Simon Sprecher thèse soutenue en 2016 (
LEAKE Sarah UNIL - Human Identification Through Analysis of the Salivary Microbiome Prof. Franco Taroni
Dr Gilbert Greub
LEBRAND Cécile UNIL E‑Mail ---
LEGAY Constance UNIL E‑Mail Nutritional epidemiology Prof. Murielle Bochud
Prof. Olivier Bonny
LENI Zaira UNIBE E‑Mail Identification and characterization of leukemia stem cells (LSCs) in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) using in vitro and in vivo models. Dr. Alexandre Arcaro Leibundgut
June 2015
LI Jia UNIGE - Evolution of protein coding genes Prof. Evgeny Zdobnov soutenance de thèse : 28.8.2013
LI Lingyun UNIGE E‑Mail RNA modification and regulation Ramesh PILLAI octobre 2022
LIA Andrei-Stefan UNIFR E‑Mail Combining optogenetic and transcriptomic approaches to dissect thermal nociceptor habituation in C. elegans Prof. Dominique A. Glauser début mars 2020
LIECHTI Nicole UNIBE - Genome based analysis of the human pathogenic amoeba N. fowleri and its non- pathogenic relative N. lovaniensis Rémy Bruggmann
Matthias Wittwer
LIU Jialin UNIL E‑Mail Detecting positive selection of genes which expressed during the late development Marc Robinson-Rechavi
LOVIGLIO Maria Nicla UNIL E‑Mail Genomic rearrangements and diseases Prof. Alexandre Reymond lundi 20 juin 2016 - 16h00
LOVIS Leonore UNINE E‑Mail --- Prof. Bruno Betschart (parti à la retraite en été 2012)
MAIER Georgiana Larisa UNIFR E‑Mail Sensory processing in Drosophila larvae Simon G. Sprecher 2020 (date exacte pas connue)
MAJIDIAN Sina UNIL E‑Mail comparative genomics Christophe Dessimoz
MANGE François UNIL E‑Mail Role of Maf1 in liver metabolism Nouria Hernandez 29.01.2018
MARIANO Vittoria UNIL E‑Mail Shared Molecular Mechanism in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia Prof. Claudia Bagni 26.11.2021
MARQUES Filipe UNIFR - Develop a "forward optogenetic" pipeline to generalize the screening of neuro-modulators Dominique Glauser 2020 (date exacte pas connue)
MARQUIS Bastian UNIL E‑Mail Microbiology, Intracellular bacteria, Chlamydiae Prof. Greub 21.04.2023
MARTINI Tomaz UNIFR E‑Mail Astroclock and mood Urs Albrecht 2021
MASKEY Dipak UNIBE E‑Mail Role of Atg5 in cell cycle and cell proliferation Prof. Dr. H-U. Simon
Prof. Dr. Shida Yousefi
MATEUS Ivan UNIL E‑Mail Role of host and fungal intra-species genetic variability in the symbiosis between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus "Rhizophagus irregularis" and cassava (Manihot esculenta) Ian Sanders 2016 (date précise inconnue)
MBAGWU Smart UNIFR E‑Mail Characterization of Mechanisms of cerebral Malaria Prof Luis Filgueira
Pierre-Yves Mantel
01.07.2020 (
MEDINA Jessica UNIL E‑Mail Metabolomics Julijana Ivanisevic 18.01.2024
MELERO CARRILLO Alejandro UNIGE E‑Mail Biophysical aspects and lipid role in COPII vesicle formation. Howard Riezman, Aurélien Roux. 22.1.2016
MENDEL Mateusz UNIGE E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms of small RNA-guided DNA methylation in the mammalian germline 01.09.2021
MENDEZ GODOY Alfonso UNIFR E‑Mail Ribosome biogenesis Dr. Dieter Kessler
Prof. Claudio de Virgilio Prof. Jörn DengJel
MERIENNE Nicolas UNIL E‑Mail Mutant huntingtin mRNA silencing and DNA repair as gene therapy approaches for Huntington’s disease Pr. Nicole Déglon 23 septembre 2016
MEUNIER Cecile UNIL E‑Mail Contributions of neurons and astrocytes together with metabolic alterations in new cell-type specific mouse models of Huntington’s disease. Pr. Luc Pellerin 23 septembre 2016
MEURS Romane UNIL E‑Mail Mechanisms of translational regulation in the circadian clock and beyond. Dr. David Gatfield 22.8.2024
MEURVILLE Marie-Pierre UNIFR E‑Mail Evolution of Social Fluids Adria LeBoeuf 7.12.2023 (
MEYER Britta UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Salzburger
MICHAUD Joëlle UNIL E‑Mail ---
MICHAUD Olivier UNIL E‑Mail Phenotyping of Arabidopsis using a laser-scanning approach. Plant phenotyping, plant organ modeling. Pr Ioannis Xenarios
Pr Christian Fankhauser
Soutenance : 20.07.2018
MICHELS Annemieke UNIL E‑Mail ---
MIKA Kaan UNIL E‑Mail Identification of regulatory factors involved in the singular expression of members of an olfactory receptor gene cluster Richard Benton 6.11.2020
MIKHALEVA Anna UNIL E‑Mail brain functioning, intellectual disability, 16p11.2 locus Alexandre Reymond
Binnaz Yalcin
MISHRA Abhishek Kumar UNIFR E‑Mail Specification and Development of the Drosophila larval vision system Prof. Simon Sprecher
Octobre 2016
MONOD Vinciane UNINE E‑Mail Grapevine trunk disease Daniel Croll 12.2.2024 (
MOOR Julia UNIBE - Resistome in the pig farms: Comparison of the breeding and fattening units with a One Health approach PD Dr. Markus Hilty (Institute for Infectious Diseases)
Anne Oppliger (IST Lausanne)
MORENO TORRES Marta UNIFR E‑Mail Coordination of growth and cell division by nutrient signaling pathways in yeast Claudio de Virgilio Automne 2016
MOSER Michel UNIBE E‑Mail Next generation sequencing approach to unravel floral differences in the genus Petunia Prof. Dr. Cris Kuhlmeier
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann
MOSTACCI KRYUCHKOVA Nadezda UNIL E‑Mail Prof. Marc Robinson-Rechavi Soutenance 04.11.2016
MOTTIN Luc UNIGE E‑Mail BioInformatics Pr. Bastien Chopard Pr. Patrick Ruch 2.5.2019
MOYLE Sarah UNIBE E‑Mail Optogenetic modulation of stromal-parenchymal cell interaction in cardiac tissue as probed with a novel multi-mode sensor array (MMSA) Dr. med Stephan Rohr
Dr. Ruth Lyck
MUKHERJEE Mohana UNIBE - Immunology Prof. Siegfried Hapfelmeier Août 2022
MUMBAUER Simone UNIL E‑Mail Dynamics of Hippo signalling Fisun Hamaratoglu 14.6.2018
NADESALINGAM Niluja UNIBE E‑Mail Psychiatric Neurosciences Prof. Sebastian Walther 28 February 2023 (
NAYERNIA Zeynab-Mitra UNIGE E‑Mail "Use of human pluripotent stem cells to study the role of Nox2 in neural differentiation" Prof. Karl-Heinz Krause 30.06.2014
NEBIKER PANCHAUD Marlene UNIFR - Role of endothelial cells in promoting cancer cell invasion and dissemination Prof. Curzio Rüegg University of Fribourg
NG Hann UNIL E‑Mail Inter-strain diversity of miR-430 transcription during zebrafish zygotic genome activation Prof. Nadine Vastenhouw 1.12.2023
NIEWOLA-STASZKOWSKA Karolina UNIGE E‑Mail Dr. Robbie Loewith Eté 2016 (juillet)
NOIRETERRE Audrey UNIGE E‑Mail Repair of DNA-protein crosslinks in the yeast S. cerevisiae - Regulatory role of the cullin Rtt101 Prof. Françoise Stutz
Nov. 2022 (
OGGENFUSS Ursula UNINE E‑Mail Population dynamics of transposable elements in a fungal plant pathogen Professor Daniel Croll 29 mars 2022
OJAVEE Sven Erik UNIL E‑Mail Bayesian analysis of time-to-diagnosis, with application in large genotype-phenotype datasets 09.12.2022
ORINE Dimitri UNINE E‑Mail Effect of eco-climatic adaptation of tomato and microbes on resistance-induction. Prof. Dr. Sergio Rasmann 27.10.2023 (
ORTIN VELA Sofia UNIL E‑Mail Towards a better understanding of disease through advanced analysis of large-scale data
OTTET Marie-Christine UNIGE E‑Mail Cerebral dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a Connectome Study. Prof. Stephan Eliez UNIGE OMP
Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran EPFL
PACHOLEWSKA Alicja UNIBE E‑Mail Whole Transcriptome Analysis of PBMCs to Unravel the Molecular Pathophysiology of ‘Equine Asthma’ (Recurrent Airway Obstruction) Prof. Dr. Tosso Leeb together with Dr. Vidhya Jagannathan
Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Gerber
PAPANASTASI Eirini UNIL E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms in skin cancer Soutenance : 02.07.2021
PAREJO Melanie UNIBE E‑Mail Honeybee population genetics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Neumann
Dr. Laurent Gauthier, Swiss Bee Research Center, Agroscope Dr. Markus Neuditschko, Animal breeding, Agroscope
PATXOT BERTRAN Marion UNIL E‑Mail The Genetic Basis of Common Complex Diseases Prof. Zoltán Kutalik
Prof. Matthew Robinson
PEREPELKINA Mariya UNIGE E‑Mail The feedback of ribosome biogenesis on TORC1 activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prof. Robbie Loewith 09.11.2015
PERNA Amalia UNIFR - Genome-wide analysis of novel Notch targets in memory processing and neurodegeneration. Jean-Marie Annoni
Lavinia Alberi
PETREMAND Jannick UNIL E‑Mail High Density Lipoprotein protection of pancreatic beta-cells Christian Widmann
Gérard Waeber
PETRETTO Emanuele UNIFR E‑Mail Characterization of nanoparticle-membrane interaction via molecular dynamics simulation 2023 (
PETZOLD Tim UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling hematopoiesis in zebrafish Pr. Julien BERTRAND December 2023 (
PFENNINGER Petra UNIFR E‑Mail Prof. Jens Stein
Jun Abe
PILLONEL Trestan UNIL E‑Mail Bacterial genomics and metagenomics of medical importance Gilbert Greub 2.11.2017
POLIDORI Taisia UNIBE E‑Mail CRISPR/Cas9-based knockout screening for long non-coding RNA in lung cancer Rory Johnson
Carlo Carolis
PORTIUS Dorothea UNIGE E‑Mail Distinct Contributions of Hepatic Insulin Receptor and IGF-1 Receptor Signaling in Metabolic Alterations and Hepatocarcinogenesis Associated with Hepatic PTEN Deficiency in Mice Prof. Michelangelo Foti 26.4.2017 (
PRATTE Dagmar UNIFR - Pr Dieter Kressler 2014
PROSEE Reinier UNIGE E‑Mail CENP-A regulation in the C. elegans germline. Prof. Florian Steiner 20.11.2020
PULLEN Nick E‑Mail ---
QUINODOZ Mathieu UNIL - Doctorat ès Sciences de la vie Dr. Carlo Rivolta fin 2019
RAFIQI Umara Nissar UNIBE - DESI-MS Imaging Prof. Aurel Perren
Prof. Jean-François Dufour
RAHBAN Rita UNIGE E‑Mail Effects of antidepressant drugs on human sperm fertilizing capacities and semen quality of young Swiss men Serge Nef 2019 (
RAMSAUER Sophie UNIBE E‑Mail Characterization of equine Papillomavirus Type 2 in vitro and in vivo Supervisor: Dr. Kurt Tobler Co-advisor: Prof. Claude Favrot Mentor: Prof. Adrian Hehl End of January 2020
REGIO Sara UNIL E‑Mail Gene editing Prof. Nicole Déglon 08.04.2022
RIB PEREZ Maria Leonor UNIL E‑Mail Transcriptional programs in mammalian cell proliferation Prof Winship Herr
Dr Nicolas Guex (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
RIBA GROGNUZ Oksana UNIL E‑Mail Population Genomics in Ants Prof. Dr. Laurent Keller
Prof. Dr. Ioannis Xenarios
Soutenance 28 octobre 2016
RITLER Dominic UNIBE - New ways to target the deadly parasite Echinococcus multilocularis Prof. Dr. Britta Lundström-Stadelmann 16.06.20
RODRIGUEZ CRESPO David UNIFR E‑Mail Germ line gene regulation by chromatin remodelling during meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegant Dr. Chantal Wicky 16.12.2022
ROHWEDDER Astrid UNIFR - --- Dr. Andreas Thum
ROSS Daniela UNIBE E‑Mail Properties of p20, an eIF4E-binding protein from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prof. Michael Altmann
Prof. Patrick Linder
ROSSIER Victor UNIL E‑Mail Scaling up orthology inference Christophe Dessimoz
Marc Robinson-Rechavi
RUIZ BUENDIA Gustavo UNIL E‑Mail Nuclear organization of expanded trinucleotide repeats Vincent Dion
Ioannis Xenarios
RUSSO Barbara UNIGE E‑Mail Inflammation and fibrosis Prof. Carlo Chizzolini 2021 (
RUZZANTE Livio UNIL E‑Mail Evolutionary-Functional Genomics for an Enhanced Resolution of Arthropod Gene Function Robert Waterhouse 03.02.2023
RYSER Lorenz UNIBE E‑Mail Characterization of antibacterial activity of lactic acid bacteria Dr. Rémy Bruggmann
Dr. Stefan Irmler
May 24, 2022
SADLER Marie UNIL E‑Mail Integrating causal molecular networks with high throughput drug-response data to facilitate drug repositioning Prof. Zoltan Kutalik 12.01.2024
SAIGI MORGUI Nuria UNIL E‑Mail pharmacogenetics Prof Chin B. Eap
SAILANI M. Reza UNIGE - Identifying genetic determinants of Congenital Heart Defect in Down Syndrome Prof. Stylianos Antonarakis
Prof. Denis Double
SAKR Omar UNIGE E‑Mail Applications of Layer-by-Layer technology in the fields of delivery of proteins and small molecules Prof. Gerrit Borchard
SALAMIN Olivier UNIL E‑Mail Detection of blood doping with -omics technologies Martial Saugy Soutenance : 08.09.2021
SAMARKINA Anastasia UNIL E‑Mail Molecular Determinants of Melanoma Progression Prof. Gian Paolo Dotto 19.06.2023
SANDE Marcos UNIBE E‑Mail Role of transcription factors during cardiac regeneration Nadia Mercader
SARAROLS Pauline UNIGE E‑Mail Study of sex determination in mammals thanks to Single Cell Sequencing Pr Serge NEF (Unige)
Pr Emmanouil DERMITZAKIS (Unige/SIB)
July 2022 (
SARKAR Namrata UNIL E‑Mail The Chamois Genome Project Alexandre Reymond
Marc Robinson-Rechavi
SARO Gabriella UNIFR - New imaging tools for real-time monitoring of the C. elegans CaMK-CREB pathway in vivo Dominique Glauser 2019 (date exacte pas connue)
SAVARY Romain UNIL E‑Mail Population genetics and genomics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Prof. Ian Sanders
SAXENHOFER Moritz UNIBE E‑Mail Population Genetics PD Dr. Gerald Heckel
SCANDELLA Valentina UNIL E‑Mail Metabolic regulation of adult neural stem cells Marlen Knobloch
Julijana Ivanisevic
SEGOVIA CAMPOS Inés UNIGE E‑Mail Investigating the potential of intracellular mineral inclusions (micropearls) in microorganisms as a novel bioremediation method. Daniel Ariztegui
Montserrat Filella Karl Perron
2022 (
SEPPEY Christophe UNINE E‑Mail Study of soil micro-eukaryotes by metabarcoding Edward Mitchell
Enrique Lara
SERULLA Marc UNIL E‑Mail Mechanism of TAT-RasGAP317-326-induced cell death. Christian Widmann 11.02.2022
SEUBNOOCH Patcharamon UNIBE - MSI on Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 15.4.2024 (
SHAKHSI-NIAEI Mostafa UNIBE E‑Mail Evaluation of genetic risk factors for Recurrent Airway Obstruction in European warmblood horses Prof. Tosso Leeb
SHAW Holly UNIL - Development of Wnt inhibitors for novel anticancer drugs Dr. Stephan Kellenberger
Prof. Vladimir Katanaev
SHYIAN Maksym UNIGE E‑Mail Impact of replication fork barriers on DNA replication and genome stability David Shore 4.9.2018 (
SIDLER Michele UNIBE E‑Mail Healing of cartilage lesions in sheep after microfracturing technique and transcutaneous application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or chondroprotective medication Prof. Dr. Brigitte von Rechenberg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Siebenrock
début 2014 : [email protected]
SIEGENTHALER Caroline UNIZH E‑Mail --- Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mansuy
SINGH Nikhil UNINE E‑Mail Genetic basis of host-pathogen interaction Prof. Daniel Croll
SKOWRONSKA Magdalena UNIBE E‑Mail Understanding the splenic immune response to develop an universal diagnostic and/or therapy tool for acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP) Johanna A. Kremer Hovinga, MD
Monica Schaller, PhD
juin 2017 semble-t-il
SONMEZ FLITMAN Reyhan UNIL E‑Mail Genome Wide Association Analysis Prof. Sven Bergmann 03.07.2020
SPILJAR Martina UNIGE E‑Mail The role of energy homeostasis in multiple sclerosis Mirko Trajkovski 18.9.2020 :
SPOSITO Laura UNIL E‑Mail HCF-1 complexes: how are they formed? What is their role? Prof. Winship Herr 01.10.2018
SRINIVASAN Sriraksha UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular dynamics studies of lipid transport proteins at membrane contact sites Prof. Dr. Stefano Vanni 09.11.2022 (
SRIVASTAVA Nicee UNIL E‑Mail Phylogenetic Investigation on the Evolution of the Secretary Apparatus Dr. Dirk Fasshauer vendredi 22 avril 2016 - 16h30
STAHL Michael UNIGE E‑Mail Chemical-genetic approach to identify new TOR effectors Prof. Robbie Loewith 2012
STANKOVA Monika UNIGE E‑Mail Screen for novel players involved in TORC2 signaling Robbie Loewith
Marko Kaksonen Benoit Kornmann
STAUBER Lea UNINE E‑Mail Population genetics and phytopathology of the chestnut blight Cryphonectria parasitica Daniel Croll
Simone Prospero
STOCK Michael UNIL E‑Mail Functions and mechanisms of pseudouridine in D. melanogaster Prof. Jean-Yves Roignant 13.10.2023
SUFFIOTTI Madeleine UNIL E‑Mail Bioinformatics (throughput immunological data) Giuseppe Pantaleo (Departement of allergy and immunology CHUV)
Mauro Delorenzi (Bioinformatics Core Facility - Génopode - UNIL) Raphael Gottard (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - Seattle)
Soutenance : 10.12.2020
SUN Yan UNIFR E‑Mail Assessing ecosystem impact of and recovery from invasive plants Prof. Dr. Heinz Müller-Schärer
Dr. Urs Schaffner, CABI Europe-Switzerland & Prof. Dr. John L. Maron, University of Montana
TAGINI Florian UNIL E‑Mail Bacterial genomics of medical importance Professor Gilbert Greub 11.01.2019
TAKI Fatima UNIL E‑Mail Cell death in retinal degenerative diseases Prof. Daniel Schorderet 31.03.2017
TANCREDI Alessandro UNIL E‑Mail Epigenetic therapy in Glioblastoma Prof. Monika Hegi 01.04.2022
TANDON Disha UNIBE E‑Mail Investigating the intestinal pathogen-microbiota-host interactions that are protective against infection Prof. Dr. Siegfried Hapfelmeier 26 January 2023
TEIMURI Shohreh UNIBE E‑Mail cell biology Beat Suter 26.07.2023 (
TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA COELHO DA MOTA Bárbara UNIL E‑Mail Ancient DNA and gene expression Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas Olivier Delaneau 25.6.2024
THAPLIYAL Saurabh UNIFR E‑Mail Behavioral state dependent plasticity in C. elegans Prof. Dominique Glauser
THUILLIER Virginie UNIFR E‑Mail Loss of heterozygosity during the asexual reproduction: impact on fitness Christoph Haag
TOMASONI Mattia UNIL E‑Mail GWAS, metabolomics Sven Bergmann 16.02.2021
TOMASSETTI Susanna UNIGE E‑Mail SFP1 primarily transcriptional targets and its interaction with other ribosomes biogenesis factors David Shore Soutenance : 18.7.2016
TONELLI SEMENOVA Anastasiia UNIL E‑Mail Unbiased screening of factors important for gene insulation Maria Cristina Gambetta
Jean-Yves Roignant
Nicolas Guex
TRITSCHLER Manuel UNIBE E‑Mail Bee health and temperature: from the gene to the colony level Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann 4 avril 2017
TROFIMENKO Evgeniya UNIL E‑Mail Deciphering the mechanisms regulating cell-permeable peptide entry into cells Prof. Christian Widmann Soutenance : 23.04.2021
UGOLINI Martino UNIL E‑Mail Transcriptional regulation in Zygotic Genome Activation of Zebrafish 4.10.2024
UR REHMAN Atta UNIL E‑Mail Autozygome-based analysis of Pakistani families with monogenic conditions Carlo Rivolta Soutenance : 30.06.2020
VACHEY Gabriel UNIL E‑Mail Genome editing for Huntington's disease Prof. Nicole Déglon 03.03.2020
VAN GIESEN Lena UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular and cellular function of the gustatory system in the Drosophila larvae Prof. Simon Sprecher 2016 (
VANDENBERGHE Frederik UNIL E‑Mail Pharmacogenetics Prof. Chin Eap Vendredi 8 janvier 2016 - 17h00 - à la salle Christian Mueller du Site de Cery, 1008 Prilly
VARRONE Marco UNIL E‑Mail Studying tumor heterogeneity using spatial omics 21.6.2024
VAZQUEZ Hector UNIFR E‑Mail Topology of membrane proteins involved in lipid biosynthesis. Andreas Conzelmann thèse soutenue en 2014 (
VAZQUEZ Patricia UNIGE E‑Mail Biochemistry Dr. Bernhard Wehrle-Haller 1.12.2016
VEGUNTA Yogesh UNIGE E‑Mail Structural Biology of Eukaryotic Kinase Signaling Prof. Robbie Joseph Loewith: Director Dr. Oscar Vadas: Co-director 16.2.2018 (voir
VIDAL LÓPEZ Sara UNIBE E‑Mail Use of novel molecular techniques for improvement of abortion diagnostics in ruminants Vincent Perreten
Sabrina Rodriguez Campos
26 January 2018
VOISIN Norine UNIL E‑Mail Genetics of Intellectual Disabilities Alexandre Reymond 16.08.2019
WASZYK Patricia UNIL - Epigenetic mechanisms that regulate cancer stem cell maintenance Prof. Ivan Stamenkovic 20.03.2020
WEHRLI Lydia UNIGE E‑Mail The impact of pharmaceutical compounds on sperm fertilizing capacities Prof. Serge Nef October 2023 (
WEIDENAUER Lorenz UNIL E‑Mail Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the Hsp90-dependent oncoproteome 16.09.2021
WENDA Joanna UNIGE E‑Mail Organization of centromeric chromatin in Caenorhabditis elegans Florian Steiner 21.10.2021
WENDRICH Katrin UNIFR E‑Mail Effect of clock genes on sleep and sleep homeostasis Prof. Urs Albrecht
Prof. Jörn Dengjel
23.2.2024 (
WIDMANN Annekathrin UNIFR E‑Mail ---
WIDMER Sarah UNIBE E‑Mail Animal Genetics Prof. Dr. med. vet. Cord Drögemüller 21.12.2022
WIDMER Yves UNIFR E‑Mail Genetic, molecular and cellular basis of memory stability in Drosophila Prof. Simon Sprecher Mai 2018
WIEDEMAR Natalie UNIBE E‑Mail Genetics of horn growth in cattle Prof. Cord Drögemüller Institute of Genetics, Bern
Dr. Rémy Bruggmann Department of Biology, Bioinformatics
WILKINS SCHMID Laetitia UNIL E‑Mail Evolutionary genetics of salmonids: host-pathogen interaction and temperature variation Claus Wedekind
Luca Fumagalli
7 November 2014
WISSMANN Stefanie UNIFR E‑Mail Analysis of tissue-specific T-cell surveillance Prof. Dr. Jens Volker Stein 25.11.2022 (
WITWICKI (EXTERNAL) Robert UNIL E‑Mail Alletic expression and its mechanisms Prof. Alexandre Reymond
WUNDERLIN Tina UNINE E‑Mail New approaches to study the diversity of spore-forming bacteria in natural communities Dr. Pilar Junier, Laboratory of Microbiology, University of Neuchâtel la défense publique a eu lieu le 12.12.2013
WÜTHRICH Daniel UNIBE E‑Mail Determination of the genomic origin of biochemical diversity of different Lactobacillus casei strains that are used in food production Rémy Bruggmann
XU Xiaoying UNIL - Genetic/epigenetic marks in stromal fibroblasts associated with different predisposition to aggressive tumour development between Caucasian and African individuals Gian-Paolo Dotto 08.02.2019
YANG Bin UNIL E‑Mail Do chromatin modifiers work locally to affect trinucleotide repeat instability. Vincent Dion 10.09.2018
YANG Shu-Yi UNIL E‑Mail Defining molecular components of symbiotic phosphate uptake in Oryza sativa Uta Paszkowski
YEGANEH SEGHALAKSARI Meghdad UNIL E‑Mail RNA polymerase III regulation in embryonic stem cell differentiation Nouria Hernandez 15.03.2019
ZAGATTI MARINA UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization of Not1-Containing Assemblysomes Martine Collart 01.10.2021
ZANDER Axel UNIFR E‑Mail food webs of inquiline organisms in the pitchers of Sarracenia Purpurea Prof. Louis-Félix Bersier
ZAUGG Isabelle UNIFR E‑Mail The influence of most plant traits and natural enemies on the evolution of most specificity in a tritropmic system Sven Bacher
ZAZHYTSKA Marianna UNIL E‑Mail Structural variations and chromatin organization Alexandre Reymond, Ph.D. Soutenance : 6.8.2018
ZIEGER Martin UNIL E‑Mail --- Andreas Mayer Soutenance en avril 2012
ZONI Valeria UNIFR E‑Mail Structural characterisation of intracellular lipid droplets using MD simulations Stefano Vanni 2021
ZOU Xiaoming UNIGE E‑Mail TORC2
ZÜRCHER Christoph UNIBE E‑Mail ---
GHANDI ZADEH DEZFOULI Maryam E‑Mail Stereological study of the effect of Vitamin E on Preventing Adverse Effects of Sodium Arsenite on the Development and Structure of Ovary in Rat