PhD students

113 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
Benjamin Meyer
AVENDANO VEGA Roberto UNIL E‑Mail Engineering bacterial self-organizing living materials Prof. Yolanda Schaerli
Prof. Stephan Gruber
BATSCH Maxime UNIL E‑Mail Investigating microbial interactions and community assembly in soil communities using picoliter droplets cultivation Jan Roelof van der Meer
BENEDETTI Jérôme UNIL E‑Mail Causes of host specificity in the gut microbiota of social bees Philipp Engel
BENIGNO Valentina UNIL E‑Mail Environmental cues controlling integrative and conjugative element transfer Jan Roelof van der Meer 2026
BONI Emanuele UNIL E‑Mail Synthetic gene regulatory networks for spatio-temporal pattern formation Yolanda Schaerli
BOULKROUNE Afaf UNIGE E‑Mail medecine moleculaire et microbiologie Professeur Martine Collard
BOURBON Alixia UNIGE E‑Mail Glucosidases as effectors of intracellular killing of bacteria in Dictyostelium discoideum Pr. Pierre COSSON
BOVAY Baptiste UNINE E‑Mail Plant-insects relationship under climate change focusing on asynchronous migration of functional groups of species toward higher elevation Sergio Rasmann 2027
BRANDENBURG Lisa UNIBE E‑Mail Exploring microbial homochirality as a potential biosignature in extraterrestrial environments Prof. Dr. Brice-Olivier Demory
Prof. Dr. Pilar Junier
BUFFI Matteo UNINE E‑Mail Electrical signalling in filamentous fungi / Recovery of precious metals from sewage sludge Pilar Junier
Saskia Bindshelder
BURNIER Jessica UNIL E‑Mail Identification of virulence factors and cell cycle proteins in Staphylococcus aureus Jan-Willem Veening 2026
CADENA CANALS Jasmine UNIGE E‑Mail Plant-microbe interactions: Flavescence doréee and Vitis vinifera Roman ULM
Olivier Schumpp (Agroscope Changins)
CAUSEVIC Senka UNIL E‑Mail Exploring microbial community engineering from the perspective of bioaugmentation. Jan Roelof van der Meer
CHEN Carmen UNIL E‑Mail Microbiota and host response in Salmonella Typhimurium infection (MISTIC) Benoit Guery
CHOUNG Mi Sun (Ruth) UNIL E‑Mail Gene Therapy Approaches for Retinal Degeneration in Cohen Syndrome Prof Thomas Wolfensberger
Dr Muhammad Ansar
CONVERS Anthony UNIL E‑Mail Environmental cues controlling ICEclc activation and transfer Jan Van der Meer 2026
COPPENS Kayla UNIGE E‑Mail Vermifiltration for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Serge Stoll
John Pote, Laurent Matthey, Linda Strande
CORSET Margaux UNINE E‑Mail Effect of light on the growth of cyanobacteria and toxine production Pilar Junier
Diego Gonzalez
COSTANTINI Anna Beatrice UNINE E‑Mail Ethology and endocrinology Zegni Triki 2029
CRESP Lisa UNINE E‑Mail Encapsulation of bacterial-fungal consortia for agricultural applications BINDSCHEDLER Saskia
CRÉZÉ Margaux UNIL E‑Mail Dynamic of the gut microbiota early in life in the context of infant and maternal malnutrition Prof. Pascale Vonaesch
DE BRUIN Dieuwertje UNIL E‑Mail Spatiotemporal regulation of mycomembrane assembly in Corynebacterium Andrea Vettiger
Justine Collier
DE LA RUË DU CAN Odile UNINE E‑Mail Hydrogeologie & Cryosphère Philippe Renard
Clement Roques
DE VILLIERS DE LA NOUE Hugues UNIL E‑Mail SUPPLY: SUperfast Photonic detection of bacterioPhage Lysis Dr. Gregory Resch 2027
DEBAS Meron UNIFR E‑Mail Self-assembled nanostructures
DELFINO Alexandre UNIL E‑Mail New diagnostic methods for urogenital infections Prof. Gilbert Greub 2026
DEMARIA Francesca UNINE E‑Mail Bioremediation of micropollutants applied to wastewater plan Philippe Corvini
Pilar Junier
EBERHARDT Lukas Wilhelm UNIL E‑Mail Culturing and functional characterization of divergent gut communities from different bee species Philipp Engel
ELKAMOUNY Basma UNIL E‑Mail Chlamydia vaughanii, a novel bacteria isolated from fish Professor Gilbert Greub
DR Carole Kebbi*Beghdadi
EWANY Jaspher UNINE E‑Mail Soil–legacy effects of entomopathogenic nematodes and their symbionts on plant performance and resistance Ted Turlings
Ricardo Machado
FRANK Konstantin UNIGE E‑Mail Replication of endemic and emerging respiratory viruses in airway epithelial cells Prof. Isabella Eckerle
Dr. Manel Essaidi-Laziosi
FRUND Mélissa UNIL E‑Mail Cell division in Acinetobacter species. (provisional) Coralie Fumeaux
Coralie Fumeaux
GANGA Emma UNIGE E‑Mail Signalling mechanisms of malaria parasites Pr Mathieu Brochet 2025
GARCIA Méline UNIL E‑Mail Community assembly and resilience in the honeybee gut microbiota Pr Philip Engel 2027
GESLAIN Sandra UNIGE E‑Mail RNA decay in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pr. Martina Valentini 2026
GHAZISOLTANI Giti UNIL E‑Mail Regulation of developmental cycle in Chlamydia and Waddlia Gilbert Greub
GILLON Alisson UNIFR E‑Mail The ability of Swiss Actinomycetes to protect potato and tomato plants from phytopathogens. (provisional title) Laure Weisskopf
Ola Abdelrahman
GLEISSNER Clara Luise UNIGE E‑Mail Development of a novel vaccine platform based on glycosylated flagellin as carrier Prof. Arnaud Didierlaurent 2028
GOSSELIN Ophélie UNIL E‑Mail How does the SMC motor work? Identifying different states and how it binds to DNA Prof. Stephan Gruber
Prof. Markus Seeger
GUEX-CROSIER Sylvain UNIGE E‑Mail The role of the RNA degradosome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa's adaptation to the human airway epithelium Prof. Martina Valentini
HACKMANN Amke UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization and localization of the Plasmodium berghei ookinete conoid Mathieu Brochet 2027
HAMEED Owais UNIFR E‑Mail Design of antimicrobial lipid-protein complexes: From purification to delivery of cytotoxic peptides granulysin and granzyme B Prof. Michael Walch
Prof. Stefan Salentinig
HEIMAN Clara Margot UNIL E‑Mail Towards building microbial consortia for pest control: exploring adaptation to insect hosts and intraspecific diversity of pathogenicity and competition traits in insecticidal pseudomonads Dr. Christoph Keel
HOPE Rachel UNIL E‑Mail Spatiotemporal regulation of bacterial cell wall hydrolases Andrea Vettiger
HOUMEL Maya UNIL E‑Mail How are telomeres protected from cellular nucleases in bacteria ? Prof. Dr. Stephan Gruber 2025
IGNOTO Benjamin UNINE E‑Mail Environmental economics Prof. Bruno Lanz
JAGGI Cyril Andrea UNIFR E‑Mail Deciphering the molecular mechanism of mitochondrial retrograde signalling in yeast Claudio De Virgilio
JANDRASITS Damian UNIBE E‑Mail Establishment of the CRISPR-CAS system for rapid diagnostics and the development of antiviral strategies Michael Hothorn
Mauro Tonolla
JERJEN Livia UNIFR E‑Mail Understanding and enhancing expression of biocontrol traits in plant-associated bacteria Prof. Laure Weisskopf
KOSZTI Szilamér UNIGE E‑Mail Substrate identification of essential apicoplast transporters of Toxoplasma gondii Dominique Soldati-Favre
Joachim Kloehn
KOZUSNIK Thomas UNIL E‑Mail Investigation the the mecanisms and regulations of the formation of aberrant bodies in Chlamydia trachomatis and Waddlia chondrophila Prof. Gilbert Greub
KRAVCHUK Ekaterina UNIL E‑Mail Studying the structure and molecular interactions of corynephage Cog with its host by single particle cryo-EM and cryo-ET Prof. Paula Navarro
Prof. Stephan Gruber
KRIACH Amane UNIGE E‑Mail Sciences biomédicales - Transcriptional regulators of development in free living and obligate intra-cellular alpha-proteobacteria Patrick Viollier
Gael Panis
LAIGLE Alice UNINE E‑Mail Deciphering the dynamics of 3D genome organization in Zymoseptoria tritici and its impact on gene expression during wheat infection Prof. Daniel Croll
LAURENT Guylian UNINE E‑Mail Lithium bioextraction from geothermal brines Dr Saskia Bindschedler
Prof. Pilar Junier
LE BISSONNAIS Sandra UNINE E‑Mail Interactions between mosquitoes and their associated mocrobiota Jacob Koella
LEITNER Nina UNIGE E‑Mail Identification and characterization of host dependency factors and host restriction factors of influenza A virus Mirco Schmolke
LEONI Sara UNIGE E‑Mail Epidemiology of downy mildew Prof. Jérôme Kasparian
Dr Pierre-Henri Dubuis
LI Wanlan UNIGE E‑Mail Cell Mating Prediction Using Deep learning and Spatial-Temporal Analysis in Fission Yeast Sophie Martin 2026
LÓPEZ TAVARES Alejandro UNIL E‑Mail Study of the corynebacterial cell wall by cryo-electron tomography Paula Navarro
LOUVET Marine UNIL E‑Mail Adaptive stress mechanisms in relevant pathogenic fungi Frédéric Lamoth 2025
MAMTA Mamta UNIGE E‑Mail Elucidating the role of Pan1 protein during clathrin- mediated endocytosis in budding yeast Prof Marko Kaksonen
MARTYSIUK Ustina UNIBE E‑Mail Microbiology PD Dr. Markus Hilty 2027
MATOS Solange UNIL E‑Mail Gut microbiota Gilbert Greub
MCHUGH Sarah UNIL E‑Mail Causes and consequences of early life malnutrition in later life Pascale Vonaesch
Jan-Willem Veening
MERSINOGLU Beril UNIL E‑Mail Characterization of novel candidate factors impacting HIV life cycle Prof. Angela Ciuffi 2025
MOHIT Mohit UNIGE E‑Mail iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells co-cultured with retinae ensure neuroretinal cell preservation with retained synaptic connectivity enabling electroretinal recording Prof. Dr. Gabriele Thumann
Prof. Dr. Orsolya Barabas
MONACHON Mathilde UNINE E‑Mail Analyses and characterization of the treatment - Artificial degradation of wood samples to study biological treatment to extract iron and sulfur from waterlogged wood Edith Joseph
MORALES Lisa UNIGE E‑Mail The effects of changing temperatures on diatom-chytrid dynamics and carbon fluxes to lake sediments Bastiaan Ibelings
Mridul Thomas
MORENO SANCHEZ Sandra UNIGE E‑Mail Exploiting apicomplexan diversity to discover vulnerabilities in metabolite acquisition Amandine Guérin
MULIYIL Arunima UNIGE E‑Mail Characterizing the structural and functional differences in HS-dependent and HS-independent variants of Enterovirus A71 Prof. Caroline TAPPAREL
NDIAYE Mam Malick Sy UNIL E‑Mail Phage-bacteria interactions in animal-associated microbial communities Philipp Engel
ORY Benjamin UNINE E‑Mail Morphologie et Phylogénie des Hyalosphenidae Pr. Edward MITCHELL
PANDEY Shashank UNIL E‑Mail Single-cell studies of filamenting cells in S. cerevisiae to observe the dynamics of switch from vegetative to filamentous growth Dr. Serge Pelet
PARK Jung Hun UNIL E‑Mail Optogenetics to study synthetic gene circuits producing spatiotemporal patterns (provisional) Yolanda Schaerli 2027
PETRASZ Patrycja UNINE E‑Mail Biosorption of dead fungal biomass as a green alternative for chloride removal treatment for archaeological iron. prof Pilar Junier
prof Edith Joseph
PETSIOU Georgia UNIL E‑Mail Developping biosensors for the gut microbiome as part of NCCR Professor Yolanda Schaerli
PICHON Vivien UNIFR E‑Mail Research of a probiotic cure to potato late blight. Laure Weisskopf
Laurent Falquet (unifr) brice Dupuis (Agroscope)
PIGNON Estelle UNIL E‑Mail Spatial pattern formation in microbial communities 2025
PUCCETTI Guido UNINE E‑Mail Space-temporal azole resistance of a major plant pathogen in Europe Daniel Croll 2023
RAWAT Deepti UNIGE E‑Mail Mechanisms of Enterococcus faecalis intracellular persistence and replication during infection Kimberly KLINE
REYES-AVILA Sarai UNINE E‑Mail Detection of GMOs Daniel Croll
RIHA Melvin UNIGE E‑Mail Flagellins glycosylation Patrick Viollier
Silvia Ardissone
RIVERA Camilo Armando UNINE E‑Mail evolutionary entomology
ROBATEL Steve UNIBE E‑Mail Highly multiplexed, spatially resolved immunophenotyping of pancreatic cancer for biomarker discovery and identification of therapeutic targets.
RODRIGUEZ ROZO Daniel UNIL E‑Mail Aberrant bodies: characterizing the mechanisms underlying the persistence of chlamydiae Gilbert Greub 2027
ROH Noémie UNIL E‑Mail Identifying Host Factors Involved in Hepatitis E Virus Replication
SAJEEVAN Aiswarya UNIGE E‑Mail Role of Cdc42 in fission yeast cell-cell fusion Prof. Sophie Martin 2028
SALAZAR Afra UNIL E‑Mail Individuality and selection of bacterial communities Sara Mitri
SARKAR Lona UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization of Not condensates Prof. Martine Collart
SCAMARCIA Yvonne UNIGE E‑Mail Tension generation in the appressorium of M. oryzae Robbie Joséph Loewith
SCHMIDT Tanguy UNIFR E‑Mail Pyoverdine modulation upon Phytophtora exposure Laure Weisskopf
SCIAMMA Gabriele UNINE E‑Mail The effect of sex change on brain and behaviour of reef fishes Prof. Zegni Triki
SEWGOOLAM Bevika UNIL E‑Mail Antibiotic stress signatures in Streptococcus pneumoniae Prof Jan-Willem Veening 2024
SHERYLINE Loison UNIGE E‑Mail Reduction and Replacement of animal models for antiviral testing using 3D human respiratory epithelia Dr Caroline Tapparel-Vu
Dr Sophie Clément-Lebourbe
SKAKOV Ivan UNINE E‑Mail Evolution of selfish elements in fungal mitochondrial genomes Daniel Croll 2026
SPERANZA Sandro UNINE E‑Mail Investigating toxicity of Cyanobacteria
THOMAS Valentine UNIGE E‑Mail Spatio-temporal analysis of the actin fusion focus of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by centroid localization microscopy Sophie Martin 2025
TINGUELY Camille UNINE E‑Mail Horizontal gene transfer in environmental bacteria Diego Gonzalez
Pilar Junier
TORCHIAT Antoine UNIFR E‑Mail Regulation of PER proteins phosphorylation and their interaction Pr. Urs Albrecht 2026
TRAN Bettina UNIFR E‑Mail Interaction of antimicrobial polycationic polymer with bacteria and viruses in aqueous systems towards advanced antimicrobial material Stefan Salentinig
TSENG Yi-ho UNINE E‑Mail Iron and redox-sensitive elements' impacts on soil biogeochemistry and GHG emission Laurel K. ThomasArrigo 2027
VADIVEL THIRUNEELAKANDAN Bagyashree UNIGE E‑Mail Role of actin in Clathrin mediated endocytosis Dr.Marko Kaksonen
VANNAY Alana UNIGE E‑Mail The effect of microbiota on metabolism and osteoporosis Prof. Mirko Trajkovski 2029
VIRAY Jamille UNIL E‑Mail Microbe-pesticide interactions in the Gut and their impact on bee health Pr. Philipp Engel
VÖGELI Camille UNINE E‑Mail Relationship between greenhouse gas fluxes in peatlands and testate amoeba communities Edward Mitchell
XIA Yiruo UNIGE E‑Mail Harmful benthic cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater ecosystems: seasonal development, chemical control and trophic transfer of anatoxins Bastiaan Willem Ibelings
Anna Carratala Ripolles
YERSIN Simon UNIL E‑Mail Characterization of children gut microbiota by 16S rRNA sequencing and metagenomic, and assembly of a small intestin bacterial synthetic community
YESODHA SUBRAMANIAN Bibin UNIFR E‑Mail Extracellular vesicles in the regulation of host-pathogen interactions during malaria pathogenesis. Pierre-Yves Mantel 2025
ZEIN EL DINE Hiba UNIGE E‑Mail Role of proteases in Dictyostelium discoideum phagosomes Pierre Cosson 2027
ZHIOUA Sami UNINE E‑Mail Predicting and preventing the development of toxin-producing benthic cyanobacteria Prof. Pilar Junier 2026
ZWYGART Arnaud UNIGE E‑Mail Virology Professor Caroline Tapparel