PhD students

201 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AMANN Marine UNINE E‑Mail The effect of ecology on brain development and cognition in the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus Prof. Redouan Bshary
ANGIOLANI Francesca UNIBE E‑Mail Reproductive ecology of tropical glass frogs Eva Ringler
ANTUNES Diogo UNIBE E‑Mail Epigenetic transmission of early-environment effects across generations
ARNOLD Isabelle UNIBE E‑Mail Biodiversity restoration of montane and subalpine hay meadows. PD Dr. Jean-Yves Humbert et Prof. Rafaël Arlettaz 2027
AUGUGLIARO Claudio UNIL E‑Mail Status and Conservation of snow leopard in NW Mongolia: threats, potential population size and potential distribution Philippe Christe
Fridolin Zimmermann
AYALA Julio UNIBE E‑Mail Pending Claudia Bank 2027
BAINBRIDGE Jessica UNIL E‑Mail Plant sexual system evolution John Pannell
BATES Olivia UNIL E‑Mail Invasive ant behaviour with changing climate Cleo Bertelsmeier 2024
BECK Caleb UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of Salmonids Dr. Claus Wedekind
BERNET Martin UNIFR E‑Mail Neurobiology and reproductive behavior of Drosophila melanogaster Anne V. Philipsborn 2026
BERTOLINO Francesca UNIGE E‑Mail Center for life in the Universe: Evolutionary Biology Bastiaan Ibelings
BESCOND--MICHEL Zoé UNIFR E‑Mail Understanding positive and negative environmental impacts of alien species Prof. Sven Bacher
BHARATH Dhanya UNIBE E‑Mail Eco-evolutionary dynamics of ecosystem stability and resilience Claudia Bank 2029
BOLIS Léa UNINE E‑Mail Sustainable production of oilseed rape in Switzerland Prof. Sergio Rasmann
Dr. Ivan Hiltpold
BONIN Leonore UNINE E‑Mail General intelligence in cleaner wrasse Prof. Redouan Bshary
BONNAMOUR Aymeric UNIL E‑Mail Impact of globalization on the spread of alien species and infectious diseases Prof. Cleo Bertelsmeier
BOSNJAKOVIC Maja UNIBE E‑Mail Population structure of freshwater fish species in dendritic river networks Ole Seehausen
Jakob Brodersen
Bastiaan Ibelings
BOVAY Baptiste UNINE E‑Mail Plant-insects relationship under climate change focusing on asynchronous migration of functional groups of species toward higher elevation Sergio Rasmann 2027
BROCARD Sarah UNINE E‑Mail Event cognition, a comparative study Klaus Zuberbühler
BRÜLHART Jeanne UNIL E‑Mail Costs linked to social polymorphism in the ant Formica selysi. Michel Chapuisat
BRUN Loïc UNIL E‑Mail From the individuals to the system: understanding knowledge movements Erica van de Waal 2025
BUCAO Christabel floi UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of expression variability Marc Robinson-Rechavi 2024
CACHEIRO Julie UNINE E‑Mail Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the taxonomic, functional and phytochemical diversity of phytobenthos and macrophytes Sergio Rasmann 2027
CALDERONI Gregorio UNIGE E‑Mail Unraveling the mechanisms underlying enhanced social behaviour linked with gut microbiota in honeybees Joanito Liberti
CALISTI Robin UNINE E‑Mail Greenhouse gas fluxes in peatlands & testate amoebae Pr. Edward Mitchell
CAMARGO DOS SANTOS Bruno UNIBE E‑Mail Does sibling number matter? Effects on later-life behavior and life-history decisions and their molecular and physiological basis Barbara Taborsky
CAMENZIND Domenic UNIBE E‑Mail Understanding the impact of environmental stressors on wildbees Peter Neumann
Lars Straub
CAMPLI Giulia UNIL E‑Mail Domain: arthropods genomics Prof. Robert Waterhouse
CANDELOTTO Laura UNIBE E‑Mail Comparison of traditional and novel behavioural observation methods in poultry and rabbits Dr. Michael J. Toscano
Dr. Yamenah Gómez
CARDENAS Cody UNIGE E‑Mail Phylogenomics and macroevolution of Calosoma beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabinae) Dr. Emmanuel Toussaint (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Geneve)
Dr. Evgeny Zdobnov (UniGe Faculty de Medecine)
CARRASQUER PUYAL Ines Carmen UNIGE E‑Mail New prospects for insects’ diversity monitoring: assessment of the insect decline during the 20th century and development of a new multi-locus marker Nadir Alvarez
Jérémy Gauthier
CASTEX Clara UNIL E‑Mail Transmission of parasites in bats Philippe Christe
Jérôme Goudet
CERVERA Céline UNIGE E‑Mail L'habitat médiéval de Djoutoubaya (Sénégal oriental) au temps des grands empires ouest-africains Dre Anne Mayor
Prof. Eric Huysecom
CHAMPOUD Luca Gabriel UNIL E‑Mail Effects of cadaver degradation and anthropic disturbances on soil biodiversity Luca Fumagalli
Vincent Varlet
CHEN Kai-hsiu UNIL E‑Mail Sex allocation with a trade-off among growth, defence, and reproduction John Pannell 2022
CHU Pui Ching UNIBE E‑Mail How inbreeding impacts developmental robustness and stress resilience in mice Prof. Dr. Hanno Würbel 2028
CISSÉ EPSE NIAMBÉLÉ Khadidiatou UNINE E‑Mail Self-treatment using nectar of infected mosquito Anopheles gambiae with Plasmodium falciparum in Tiassalé (Southern Côte d’Ivoire) Jacob Koella
Koudou Benjamin
CLAVIJO Diego UNIL E‑Mail Applied Microbiology Prof. Ian Sanders
COMTE Valentin UNINE E‑Mail La viticulture neuchâteloise face au changement climatique Martine Rebetez 2021-2022
COOPER Rebecca UNIFR E‑Mail Implimenting models in computational palaeobiology to study the links between intraspecific population dynamics and macroevolutionary diversification rates Daniele Silvestro
CORNET Camille UNINE E‑Mail Comparative genomics in Erebia butterflies Kay Lucek 2026
CORVAL Hugo UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of colour in the genus Tyto Jérôme Goudet
COUDENE Marie UNINE E‑Mail Urban soils and ecosystem services in cities: assessing the potential for water and heat regulation. Prof. Dr. Claire Le Bayon
Prof. Dr. Géraldine Bullinger, Prof. Dr. Philip Brunner
DANIEL Caroline UNIBE E‑Mail Plant coexistence mechanisms, impact of resources and enemies Eric Allan January 2024
DANNER Tiena UNINE E‑Mail Morpho-phonetics: studying speech using geometric morphometrics Steven Moran 2025
DANO Arnaud UNINE E‑Mail Phylogeny, taxonomy and phylogeography of testa amoebae Pr. Edward MITCHELL
DAS Ritam UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks under Frequency-Dependent Selection Prof Charles Mullon
Prof Tanja Schwander
DE LAMARRE Matthieu UNIL E‑Mail The evolution of supercoloniality in wood ants Michel Chapuisat
DE MATTOS FARINA Bruna UNIFR E‑Mail Secondary aquatic adaptations in tetrapods Daniele Silvestro 2024
DELARUE Coralie UNIBE E‑Mail Migration and adaptive radiation of Arctic charr (Salvinus Alpinus) from Southern Greenland Ole Seehausen
Jakob Brodersen
DENIS Elisa UNIGE E‑Mail Intraspecific diversity of macrophytes in European pondscapes Dr. Yamama Naciri
Dr. Aurélie Boissezon
DJAHOUI Edgard UNIFR E‑Mail Theoretical Ecology PD. Dr. Rudolf P. Rohr 2023
DJORDJEVIC Jelisaveta UNIL E‑Mail Genomics and transcriptomics of the sexual conflict Tanja Schwander
DJOROVIC Aleksa UNIGE E‑Mail Quantum Biosensing of Greenhouse gases, and Soft X-ray Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of biomolecules in liquid state (I am currently working on both of these topics) Jean-Pierre Wolf 2024
DO O Isabela UNIL E‑Mail The effects of population structure on testing adaptive divergence on metapopulations Jerome Goudet
DUROSIER Hans UNIL E‑Mail What narratives for ecological transformation? (re)Thinking technosolutionist and apocalyptic imaginaries for a more sustainable society Prof. Stéphanie Missonier
Prof. Estefania Amer
DÜRST Andrin UNIBE E‑Mail Small structures to promote biodiversity in agricultural landscapes Jean-Yves Humbert expected 2026
ECKEL Raphael UNIFR E‑Mail Expanding on "Analysis Tools for Low-coverage and Ancient Samples" (ATLAS) Daniel Wegmann
EGLOFF Gregory UNINE E‑Mail Bee conservation and systematics Christophe Praz
Prof. Clara Zemp
ERMOLAEVA Elizaveta UNINE E‑Mail Variation of testate amoeba functional traits across environmental gradients in Holarctic peatlands Edward Mitchell Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, Rue Emile-Argand 11, Neuchâtel 2000, Laboratory of Soil Biodiversity [email protected] 2024-2025
FANTASIA Serena UNIFR E‑Mail Impact of summer drought on vineyard soil, plant communities and vines Sven Bacher
Thierry Heger
FARK Sarya UNIL E‑Mail Supergenes and hybridisation in socially polymorphic ants Prof. Dr. Michel Chapuisat
Not defined yet
FAYE Ndeye UNIGE E‑Mail Selective and demographic mechanisms driving the evolution of HLA genes Prof. Alicia Sanchez-Mazas 2025
FAZAN Laurence UNIFR E‑Mail Thousands of years of solitude: past, present and future of relict trees in the Mediterranean – the case of Zelkova abelicea from Crete Gregor Kozlowski
FERNANDES Margarida UNIFR E‑Mail Computational Ecology Daniel Wegmann
FERREIRA Diana UNIL E‑Mail MHC evolutionary ecology Luca Fumagalli
FERREIRA Océane UNIBE E‑Mail Behavioural and neural mechanisms underlying behavioural flexibility in Division of Labor in a cooperative breeding cichlid: Neolamprologus pulcher Barbara Taborsky
Alex Jordan
FITZGERALD Lucy UNIL E‑Mail Genomics of the coloration patterns in clownfishes and damselfishes Nicolas Salamin 2026
FORGIONE Laura UNIBE E‑Mail Response of lowland grasslands to active restoration treatments Raphaël Arlettaz
Jean-Yves Humbert
FREIBERG Aimée UNIFR E‑Mail Novel computational tools to automate biodiversity monitoring with a focus on camera trapping images from the Central African Republic Daniel Wegmann
FREYMOND Noémie UNINE E‑Mail Sleep in wild chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda Prof. Klaus Zuberbühler
Dr. Clara Hozer
FRYNS Caroline UNINE E‑Mail Surrounding and directed sound on infant vocal development in chimpanzees Klaus Zuberbühler
G. ZEFERINO Tiago UNINE E‑Mail Nutritional and sexual preference in Anopheles gambiae Jacob C Koella 2023
GALLOT Quentin UNINE E‑Mail Monkey syntax in Taï Forest, Ivory Coast Klaus Zuberbühler
Steven Moran
GARCIA JIMENEZ Alberto UNIL E‑Mail Effects of mutualism in the ecology and evolution of clownfishes Nicolas Salamin 2024
GARRIDO PRIEGO Marina UNIBE E‑Mail Different parental strategies shape space use, communication, and cognition in tropical frogs. Dr. Eva Ringler
GAUDICHAU Emelyne UNIL E‑Mail Insect sex determination and differentiation
GERCHEN Jörn Frederik UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of sex determination in plants John Pannell
GERPE Christopher UNIBE E‑Mail Depopulation of end of lay hens Prof. Dr. Hanno Würbel
Dr. Michael J. Toscano
GRANELL RUIZ Maria UNINE E‑Mail Acts of assistance and the physiology of social bonds Redouan Bshary
GUADAGNO Angelo UNIBE E‑Mail Costs of developing complex brains and their cognitive benefits in a cichlid fish Barbara Taborsky
Zegni Triki
GUENAT Julie UNIL E‑Mail Investigation of species ecology using environmental DNA Luca Fumagalli 2024
HABLÜTZEL Loraine UNIBE E‑Mail How ecological interactions shape evolutionary trajectories Claudia Bank
HADJADJI Cloé UNIL E‑Mail Selection and evolvability of mitochondrial traits in alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) Jérôme Goudet
Pierre Bize
HAUSER Gilles UNIBE E‑Mail Protection of high-alpine alluvial habitats released by melting glaciers as a consequence of global warming Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Dr. Alejandra Morán Ordóñez
HAVINGA Alessandra UNIGE E‑Mail Identification of priority forest fragments to complete the protected areas network in northern Madagascar Louis Nusbaumer (Prof. Yamama Naciri)
Patrick Ranirison
HEERSCHE Hailey UNIL E‑Mail domain: ecology and evolution Claus Wedekind
HEINTZ Anne-Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on a nocturnal bird of prey, the barn owl Alexandre Roulin
Bettina Almasi Pierre Bize
HUANG Linjia UNIBE E‑Mail Interactions between herbivores, pathogens and plants Prof. Eric Allan
HUMAIR Lauréline UNINE E‑Mail Biological control of parrot’s feather, Myriophyllum aquaticum in temperate biomes Pr. Sergio Rasmann
Dr. Philiip Weyl
ISAIA Julie UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of Host-parasite Interactions Philippe Christe
JECHA Kristine UNIL E‑Mail Genomic consequences of hybridization in insects Tanja Schwander
KAIJA Larisa Petra UNIBE E‑Mail Influence of inbreeding on developmental robustness Prof. Dr. Hanno Würbel 2028
KHAN Sheharyar Ahmed UNIBE E‑Mail Climate change impact on multi trophic interactions
KHELIDJ Nora UNIL E‑Mail Effect of glacier retreat on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Gianalberto Losapio
Antoine Guisan
KIM Kenneth UNIL E‑Mail Gene expression of moulting in arthropoda Marc Robinson-Rechavi
KJELSBERG Nadline UNIBE E‑Mail Conservation biology Markus Fischer
KLAFTENBERGER Tristan UNIL E‑Mail The ecology and evolution of color in ants. Cleo Bertelsmeier
Sébastien Ollier
between 2024-2026
KLÖTZLI Julie UNIFR E‑Mail Integrated management of Rumex obtusifolius Prof. Dr. Heinz Müller-Schärer
Prof. Andreas Lüscher, Dr. Urs Schaffner
KUNZ Florin UNIL E‑Mail Wolves in an alpine cultural landscape Dr. Philippe Christe
Dr. Nina Gerber Dr. Fridolin Zimmermann
KÜNZI Yvonne UNIBE E‑Mail How does change in functional composition due to land-use intensification affect temperate grasslands stability under increasingly severe droughts? Markus Fischer
Andreas Stampfli
LE BISSONNAIS Sandra UNINE E‑Mail Interactions between mosquitoes and their associated mocrobiota Jacob Koella
LE FAOU Ehouarn UNIL E‑Mail Plant Evolutionary Biology John Pannell
LE FLOCH Auriane UNINE E‑Mail Syntax in Sooty mangabeys Klaus Zuberbühler
Steven Moran
LEPORI Vasco UNIFR E‑Mail Effects of eco-evolutionary dynamics on species coexistence, network architecture, and ecosystem function Dr. Rudolf Rohr 2025
LEWIS Elliot UNIBE E‑Mail Adaptive Radiation in Greenland Arctic Charr populations Prof. Dr. Ole Seehausen
Dr. Jakob Brodersen
LEWIS Natalie UNIL E‑Mail MHC social signaling via olfaction and the impacts of fisheries on grayling fish, Professor Claus Wedekind 2027
LI Huiru UNIFR E‑Mail Invasive risk assessment of alien plants in China Sven Bacher
LIAO Aijuan UNIL E‑Mail The role of Pathogen in Sexual Selection of Drosophila Tadeusz Kawecki
LOPEZ Itzel UNIBE E‑Mail Effects of global change in belowground food webs Dr. Madhav Thakur 2026
LÓPEZ URÍZAR Zabdi Moisés UNIBE E‑Mail Dendroecology / Forest diversity and growth stability on large spatiotemporal scales Professor Eric Allan
Professor Rubén D. Manzanedo
LUTGEN Dave UNIBE E‑Mail Genomics of hybridization, speciation and phenotypic evolution in Wheatears Prof. Catherine Peichel
Dr. Reto Burri Prof. Holger Schielzeth
MAKSIC Jovana UNINE E‑Mail Hominid Event Cognition Klaus Zuberbühler 2028
MALLYA Vaibhav UNIFR E‑Mail Title to be decided on Whole genome duplication and inbreeding depression Parisod Christian 2028
MANNALL Tosca UNIBE E‑Mail The direct and indirect effects of nitrogen enrichment on grassland consumer communities Prof. Dr. Eric Allan 2023
MARCONI Leonardo UNIGE E‑Mail Neurogenetics Ivan Rodriguez
Alan Carleton
MARELJA Matea UNIGE E‑Mail Assessing the impact of nano- and microplastics on freshwater plankton Vera Slaveykova
Bastiaan Ibelings
MARTIN Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Spatial modelling for biodiversity conservation Prof. Antoine Guisan
MATTHYS Shaquille UNIBE E‑Mail Dealing with uncertainty and conflicting objectives in the control of invasive species Dr. Stefano Canessa
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
MAUSHE Dorothy UNIBE E‑Mail How entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora adapt to benzoxazinoids in western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) 2024
MAZEPA Glib UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of hybridogenesis in the Pelophylax water frogs Nicolas Perrin 2024?
MICHE Sébastien UNIGE E‑Mail Phylogenomics of plants and nitrogen-fixing microsymbionts for regional biodiversity assessment in Switzerland Prof. Roman Ulm
Dr. Mathieu Perret
2024 or 2025
MILGALTER Ron UNIBE E‑Mail The Space Use and Flight Behavior of Adult Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Swiss Alps: Applied Implications for Mitigating Airspace Conflicts with Future Wind Energy Developments Prof. Dr. Raphael Arlettaz Head of the Division Conservation Biology Erlachstrasse 9a, room 225, second floor 3012 Bern Phone: +41 31 631 31 61 Email: [email protected] Website: 2021
MLAY Clement UNIBE E‑Mail Evolutionary dynamics of trophic novelty and transitions during adaptive radiation Prof. Ole Seehausen
Dr. Pooja Singh
MONTELLO Ilenia UNINE E‑Mail Communication and cooperation in canids Klaus Zuberbuhler
Friederike Range, Sarah Marshall-Pescini, Gwendolyin Wirobski
MONTOYA-SANCHEZ Vannesa UNINE E‑Mail Up-scaling biodiversity and structural complexity in lowland rainforest transformation systems Prof Delphine Clara Zemp
MORELON Stéphanie UNINE E‑Mail Arable plants, evolution and ecology
MULLER Arthur UNINE E‑Mail Regulatory role of Photorhabdus bioluminescence in belowground multi-trophic interactions Ricardo Machado 2023
MUTURI Michael UNIBE E‑Mail Population genetics of small hive beetle in Kenya Professor Peter Neumann
Dr. Alexis Beaurepaire
NARAYANAN Shrinath UNIL E‑Mail Role of adaptation in fat bodies in experimentally evolved Drosophila populations Tadeusz Kawecki 2024/25
NELLISSEN Larissa UNINE E‑Mail vocal communication of western lowland gorillas Prof. Dr. Klaus Zuberbuehler
Dr. Shelly Masi
NEUBAUER Louisa UNIBE E‑Mail Linking biodiversity and coexistence mechanisms Prof. Dr. Eric Allan 2027
NGABA WAYE TAROUM Caleb UNINE E‑Mail "Dynamics of woody flora and its influence on the distribution of sub-Saharan antelopes in the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Fauna Reserve" (Chad). ZEMP Clara, Professeure Assistant 2026
NGUYEN Mai Thu UNIL E‑Mail A study of gender strategies in plants: when and how can males, females, and hermaphrodites coexist? Prof. John Pannell 2025
NUOTCLÀ Jon Andreja UNIBE E‑Mail Conditional decisions to stay or disperse in fungus tending ambrosia beetles Prof. Dr. Michael Taborsky 2022
OHSE Molly UNIL E‑Mail Effects of chemical pollutants on mitochondrial traits and individual fitness in wild birds Philippe Christe 2027
OLIMA Cecilia UNIBE E‑Mail Mapping and valuation of Ecosystem services provided by ecosystems in Lamu, Kenya. Professor Margaret Awuor Owuor 2026
ONYIRIAGWU Magnus UNINE E‑Mail Tropical forest ecology and restoration Professor Dr. Clara Zemp 2027
PALONEN Aura UNIBE E‑Mail Evolution of mating and reproduction underlying invasions of a beetle pest Prof Dr Peter Neumann 2025
PANZETTI Cecilia UNINE E‑Mail Detection of cereal seed- and soil-borne diseases Daniel Croll
Karen E. Sullam
PAWLAK Paulina UNIBE E‑Mail Stressing the fish: investigating the different levels of fish responses to acute positive and negative stress. Prof. Dr. Rignler Eva
Dr. Pietsch Constanze
PÉRIC Léa UNIL E‑Mail Assessing the impact of climate change in an avian apex predator (barn owl) from 1990 to 2028 Alexandre Roulin 2030
PEROCHON Eddie UNIL E‑Mail The role of environmental factors in shaping the variation and plasticity of social organization in ant species Cleo Bertelsmeier
PERREAULT Rosaelle UNIL E‑Mail Temporality and globalization in insect invasions dynamics Cleo Bertelsmeier 2028
PERRET Angélique UNIGE E‑Mail Deciphering the role of membrane composition during Mycobacterium marinum infection in Dictyostelium discoideum Thierry Soldati 2025
PESSINA Letizia UNINE E‑Mail Life history of the Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus Prof. Redouan Bshary 2025
PIETTE Theophane UNIGE E‑Mail Animal's brain can follow the beat : A cross-species investigation in the link between acoustic rhythm and brain oscillations. Anne-Lise Giraud
PIOVESAN Asia UNIBE E‑Mail Population genetics of wild bees
PISTONE Azzurra UNIBE E‑Mail Eco-evolutionary data fusion approaches to predict the evolutionary potential of European and Oriental fir species (Abies spp.) facing climate change Prof Willy Tinner
Dr Katalin Csilléry
POUSSIN Charlotte UNIGE E‑Mail Etude de l'impacts des Changements climatiques sur les milieux de montagnes à l'aide de la télédétection Pascal Peduzzi 2021
PRIELER Marion UNIL E‑Mail Using eDNA for population genetics Luca Fumagalli 2027
PRIGENT Iris UNIL E‑Mail Evolutionary branching for niche construction traits in heterogeneous populations Charles Mullon 2024
PROBST Anja UNIBE E‑Mail Pathogens on the move: impact of transmission between managed and wild bees Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann
QUINTERO Fredy UNINE E‑Mail Audience awareness in Cercocebus atys Klaus Zuberbühler
REES-BAYLIS Ella UNIBE E‑Mail The effects of strength and softness of selection on sex differences in senescence Xiang-Yi Li Richter 2027
REY Pierre-Louis UNIL E‑Mail Establishment of synergies between biodiversity and Nature's Contributions to People to propose a novel approach of spatial prioritization for conservation. Antoine Guisan 2024
RODRIGUEZ FUENTES Juliana UNIBE E‑Mail Phenotypic effects of chromosomal inversions in threespine stickleback Prof. Dr. Catherine Peichel
Prof. Dr. Thomas Flatt
ROINEL Emilie UNIBE E‑Mail Developing new drought resistant forage mixtures for mountain areas Prof. Dr. Eric Allan
Dr. Pierre Mariotte
ROSSINI Elia UNIBE E‑Mail Environmental DNA in Forensics and Ecology Prof. Dr. Gerald Heckel
Dr. ès Sc. Martin Zieger
SANTILLÁN Soledad UNIL E‑Mail Ecology of ectoparasites and vector-borne diseases in bats and birds Christe Philippe
Olivier Glaizot
SCHALCHER Kim UNIL E‑Mail Effect of climate change on breeding barn owl Alexandre Roulin
SCHMID Sarah UNIL E‑Mail Adaptive radiation in clown fishes Nicolas Salamin 2022
SCHRÖCKER Camille UNINE E‑Mail Biodiversity Conservation Clara Zemp
SEHGAL Suhaas UNIL E‑Mail Sex chromosome evolution in Mercurialis annua Prof. John Pannell 2027
SEMERARO Sarah UNINE E‑Mail The research project will focus on soil sciences, using a diachronic approach, highlighting an existing database on Swiss soils from different ecosystems. The objective will be to supplement the information in order to model the existing data and to establish a cartography centered on the soil-vegetation-humus forms relationships. Sergio RASMANN
SHERPA Zoé UNIL E‑Mail Niche dynamics in invasive species Cleo Bertelsmeier
SHI Jingjing UNIBE E‑Mail Understanding the resistance and recovery of soil biota after climate extremes through biotic interactions Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur
Prof. Dr. Pilar Junier
SITHOLE Simangele UNIBE E‑Mail Quantifying the vulnerability of marine/coastal ecosystem services due to climate chnage and developing sustainable financing solutions for coastal protection Dr Margaret Awuor Owuor 2026
SKAKOV Ivan UNINE E‑Mail Evolution of selfish elements in fungal mitochondrial genomes Daniel Croll 2026
SOLDINI Luca UNIL E‑Mail Evolutionary genomics of fire ants Laurent Keller
SOUTO João UNIL E‑Mail The impact of introgression on the evolution of species Jerome Goudet
Tanja Schwander
STALDER Dominique Sabina UNIBE E‑Mail Inter- and intrapopulation variation in life-history, ecological niche space and migration ecology in Swiss lake trout Ole Seehausen
Jakob Brodersen
STEINER Théo UNINE E‑Mail Alpine plants ecometabolomics along elevation gradients Sergio Rasmann, Unine 2026
SUDASINGHE Hiranya UNIBE E‑Mail Two opposite ways to become tiny: Comparative genomics and phylogenomics of miniature fishes Catherine Peichel
Lukas Rüber
SUMUNI Simeo Marco UNIBE E‑Mail Exploiting genetic diversity to develop drought tolerant rice (Oryza sative L.) in Tanzania Prof . Zerihun Tadele, Group Leader of Breeding and Genomic, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern
Dr. Mahamba Philipo, Plant Breeder and Lecturer at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha , Tanzania
SURER Philippine UNIL E‑Mail Wolves ecology and interactions with cattle Philippe Christe
Fridolin Zimmermann
TALBI Marion UNIBE E‑Mail Evolution of the recombination landscapes within percomorph (fish). Dr Milan Malinsky
Dr Ole Seehausen
TANG Qindong UNIBE E‑Mail Diversification under Pleistocene climate change at different spatio-temporal scales: Genomic and niche modelling approaches to the pale sand martin complex Riparia diluta
TANKINK Josefien UNINE E‑Mail Title: Acts of Assistance: Solving the riddle of stable cooperation among non-relatives in nonhuman primates Redouan Bshary
Carel van Schaik Judith Burkart
TARTINI Nicolò UNIBE E‑Mail Fobex Madhav Thakur
THOMA Marco UNIBE E‑Mail Unravelling pathways of insect migration using stable isotopes and citizen science data
TIMONER Pablo UNIGE E‑Mail Modeling of aquatic macroinvertebrate distribution in Swiss rivers at the reach scale Prof. Anthony Lehmann
TOPALOUDIS Alexandros UNIL E‑Mail Genomics and quantitative genetics of a wild barn owl population Jerome Goudet
Alexandre Roulin
VERDON Valentin UNIL E‑Mail Spatial Modelling of Alpine Soil Microbiota Antoine Guisan 2025
VERNET Maude UNIBE E‑Mail Conservation Biology Dr. Stefano Canessa
Prof. John Ewen
VIEIRA TEIXEIRA Jéssica UNINE E‑Mail Multi-trophic biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality in a biodiversity enrichment experiment. Dr. Clara Zemp 2026
VIOTTI CORRÊA Julia UNINE E‑Mail Causes and consequences of phytochemical diversity along tropical elevation gradients Sergio Rasmann 2027
VÖGELI Camille UNINE E‑Mail Relationship between greenhouse gas fluxes in peatlands and testate amoeba communities Edward Mitchell
WACHALA Karolina UNIBE E‑Mail Evolutionary dynamics of chromosomal inversions and local adaptation Dr. Stephan Peischl
WANG Xuejing UNIBE E‑Mail Genomic divergence of Microtus rodents and affiliated microbial communities Prof. Dr. Gerald Heckel
WIDER Sandrine UNINE E‑Mail Multifunctionality of trees in agricultural lands Clara Zemp 2025
WIETLISBACH Xenia UNIFR E‑Mail Informing conservation management through the development of automated analysis routines suitable for big data from ecological and genomic surveyes Daniel Wegmann 2025
WRIGHT Fergus UNIL E‑Mail Unravelling the interaction between the soil microbiome and mycorrhizal fungi to improve plant productivity Ian Sanders
ZANNOU Ayomidé Joseph UNIBE E‑Mail Research on interaction of sustainable control methods against Tuta absoluta PD Dr. J. Romeis
Dr. J. Collatz
ZIMMERMANN Felix UNINE E‑Mail Landscape genomics of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated to oaks Daniel Croll 2027