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AI-based biostatistical evaluation in biological sciences for non-statisticians


7 & 8 April 2025


Debora Zoia, CUSO MPS coordinator
Corinne Dentan, CUSO StarOmics coordinator
Emilie Genty, CUSO Microbiology coordinator


Ludwig Hothorn, Leibniz Hannover University, DE


A major complication of the statistical evaluation by non-statisticians is the conversion of an evaluation strategy/model into executable R code. This can now be overcome by specific AI apps, such as Based on experimental data, well organized in xls files, plain English textual instructions are converted into executable R code and the data is evaluated accordingly. The code can then be adapted/extended with certain R skills to generate graphics and tables directly suitable for a paper. The course focuses primarily on significance tests to demonstrate the treatment effects in oneway and multi-way designs with/without repeated measures-typical in molecular plant sciences and biological sciences. First, the appropriate arrangement of the data in xls files from a statistical point of view is explained in detail - this is already modeling. Secondly, some case studies from various experiments from UNIL and UNIGE groups as well as publications from Nature are used to teach the appropriate test/modeling strategy with the help of selected CRAN packages as plain text input. Subsequently, the improvement of the R-code for direct use in papers will be practiced. Finally, examples of overcoming, evaluated by the participants, will be explicitly discussed.


University of Lausanne, Amphipôle 338






Reimbursements for CUSO Students:
Train ticket, 2°class, half-fare from your institution to the place of the activity.

Reimbursement of your travel tickets can be asked online through your MyCUSO. 
See HERE for the procedure.


Deadline for registration: 23.03.25

12 places available for CUSO students (4 for each participating program)

For cancellations after the Deadline of registration or no show: 50 CHF administrative fees




Deadline for registration
Joint activity joint
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