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Lausanne Omics Days 2025


6-7 February 2025


Pre Julia Santiago, UNIL Pr. Philipp Engel, UNIL Pr. Sven Bergmann, UNIL


Prof. Jan Baumbach (Universität Hamburg)
Prof. Maria Brbic (EPFL)
Prof. Boyan Bonev (Helmholtz Munich)
Prof. Rui Faria (University of Porto)
Prof. Johanna Joyce (UNIL/CHUV)
Prof. Sonja Lehtinen (University of Lausanne)
Prof. Peter Meister (University of Bern)
Prof. Rui Faria (University of Porto)
Prof. Nicolas Salamin (University of Lausanne)
Prof. Lauren Saunders (Universität Heidelberg)
Dr. Maite Saura Sanchez (VIB Ghent)
Prof. Rüdiger Simon (Universität Düsseldorf)
Prof. Tanja Slotte (Stockholm University)
Prof. Marja Timmermans (Universität Tübingen)
Prof. Edze Westra (University Exeter)
Prof. Fides Zenk (EPFL)


Series of seminars from international speakers. Common lunches students-speakers will be organized to promote networking discussions and exchanges between the participants and the experts in the field. Les développements récents dans le secteur de la génomique et ses applications à différents secteurs de la recherche seront présentés. L'utilisation de la génomique pour la compréhension des théories évolutives et écologiques, ainsi que l'analyse du fonctionnement et de la biodiversité des écosystèmes sera illustrée. L'importance de l'analyse globale du génome dans le domaine médical et cellulaire sera également traitée. Finalement, des exposés de génomique comparative permettront de montrer comment on arrive à mieux comprendre des principes généraux.



This program is preliminary and is subject to some changes and adjustments:

Last version on:


Thursday 6 Feb.


Welcome breakfast


Breakthrough technologies in Biology and Medicine (chair: Prof. Sven Bergmann)


Prof. Johanna Joyce (UNIL/CHUV)

Opening Keynote

Prof. Maria Brbic (EPFL) 

Decoding Life's Complexity with AI

Prof. Jan Baumbach (Universität Hamburg)

Network-wide epistasis detection with quantum computing



Lunch - Walk through sponsors


Single cell genomics in evolution and development (chair: Prof. Sebastian Soyk)


Prof. Marja Timmermans (Universität Tübingen)

Mapping the Progression from Stem Cell to Differentiation Through Single-Cell Analyses

Prof. Rüdiger Simon (Universität Düsseldorf)

Combining single cell RNAseq with spatially resolved gene expression data to explore plant development

Prof. Lauren Saunders (Universität Heidelberg)

Developmental genomics from single cells to organisms

Coffee break - Walk through sponsors


Biological interactions across scales (chair: Prof. Philipp Engel)


Prof. Sonja Lehtinen (University of Lausanne)

Why are antibiotic resistance genes on plasmids?

Prof. Edze Westra (University Exeter)


Dr. Maite Saura Sanchez (VIB Ghent)

Profiling the early events during root-knot nematode gall development using single cell RNA sequencing







Friday 7 Feb.


Welcome breakfast


The role of structural variation for adaptation and species divergence (chair: Prof. Tanja Schwander)


Prof. Rui Faria (University of Porto)

Understanding the evolutionary significance of chromosomal inversions: insights from Littorina marine snails

Prof. Tanja Slotte (Stockholm University)

Genomic architecture and parallel evolution of heterostyly in plants

Prof. Nicolas Salamin (University of Lausanne)

Genomic underpinnings of the clown fish species radiation



Lunch - Walk through sponsors


Epigenomics & 3D genome folding in organoids and organisms (chair: Prof. Maria Cristina Gambetta)


Prof. Boyan Bonev (Helmholtz Munich)

Context-dependent epigenome rewiring during neuronal differentiation

Prof. Fides Zenk (EPFL)

Epigenomic reconstruction of early human brain organoid development from single cells

Prof. Peter Meister (University of Bern)

Folding the genome: how micromachines compact DNA inside the nucleus

Closing Apero









Deadline for registration
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