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Causes and consequences of phytochemical diversity along tropical elevation gradients

Author Julia CORRÊA
Director of thesis Sergio Rasmann
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

The diversity of chemical compounds in plants, or phytochemical diversity, plays a vital role in how plants interact with their surroundings. However, only a small portion of phytochemicals have ecological functions elucidated. This project aims to investigate the ecological consequences of phytochemical diversity in various plant taxa within the natural variation in biotic and abiotic factors along South American sky island transects.


Utilizing elevation gradients, we will measure potential causes and consequences of phytochemical diversity, such as biotic pressure, edaphic factors, and climatic conditions in different biomes and climatic variables. The findings will expand our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary forces driving phytochemical diversity and community assembly by identifying which ecological factors drive variation in phytochemical diversity across plant communities, and what its subsequent ecological consequences are.


The results address climate change's impact on biodiversity and can improve crop protection, pharmaceutical screening, and strategies for plant metabolite engineering. Understanding ecological factors can help cultivate crops resistant to pests. The role of the host institution is crucial as it will enhance the existing research on functional diversity by including thorough examinations of phytochemical diversity. This strategic approach will help us gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex mechanisms that regulate community dynamics and evolutionary processes in the Espinhaço Range, one of Brazil's most biodiverse regions.

Status beginning
Administrative delay for the defence 2027
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliaviotti/