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Identification of priority forest fragments to complete the protected areas network in northern Madagascar

Author Alessandra HAVINGA
Director of thesis Louis Nusbaumer (Prof. Yamama Naciri)
Co-director of thesis Patrick Ranirison
Summary of thesis

The primary objective of this project is to identify forest fragments that currently lack protection status but play a crucial role as biodiversity relay zones between the major protected areas in northern Madagascar. The ultimate goal is to propose to local nature managers new vital areas that complement the existing large protected areas to maintain biodiversity. To achieve this, a spatial and structural characterization (geometry, environment, species, habitats, function, etc.) of the forest remnants in northern Madagascar and their role in connectivity between protected areas will be carried out. This will be coupled with a study predicting habitat distribution and the selection of characteristic species from biogeographical domains. This project is a logical continuation of nearly 30 years of botanical surveys and vegetation studies in which CJBG researchers have been involved, in collaboration with Malagasy and international researchers. These studies have notably contributed to the description of more than 100 new species to science, the creation of several protected areas in northern Madagascar, and the training of several dozen Malagasy and Swiss researchers. The direct involvement of the Famelona Association, which brings together expert botanists and environmentalists in conservation, will also be a major asset for ensuring the sustainability of these efforts. This work will not only continue to develop botanical and phytogeographical knowledge of northern Madagascar but will also contribute significantly to the concrete conservation of Madagascar's ecosystems and biodiversity.

Status beginning
Administrative delay for the defence 2028