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Honey bee and wild bee: a shared welfare

Author Julie CACHEIRO
Director of thesis Sergio Rasmann
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

Pollination plays an essential role in the balance of natural ecosystems and human societies. The abundance, diversity and health of pollinators, as well as pollination itself, are under threat. The main factors behind this crisis are habitat loss, chemical pollution, the spread of pathogens and introduced species, and global warming. Nevertheless, there is considerable scope for innovation and improvement in practices aimed at conserving wild and domestic bee populations.


Research into the welfare of arthropods in particular is beginning to emerge. This notion, which can be grouped under the “One Welfare” concept, takes into account the interconnections between animal, human and environmental welfare. The interdependence between these three components has yet to be fully explored, and the issue needs to be examined in a more systemic way, taking into account the bee and its environment in a holistic approach. This research project therefore seeks to address the issue of defining, assessing and improving the welfare of pollinators.


The general aim of this project is to take a holistic approach to the welfare of pollinators through a citizen science approach. More specifically, it involves co-designing and co-constructing an evaluation method to measure the dimensions of the welfare of wild pollinators and honeybees (Apis mellifera), taking into account the interactions between wild and domestic species. This interdisciplinary project, which lies at the interface between biodiversity conservation, zootechnics and sustainability education, aims to understand welfare through its multiple components, by investigating areas of research that are still relatively unexplored.

Status beginning
Administrative delay for the defence 2027