Detailed information about the course

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Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy


11 February 2022


Dr. Sylvain Loubéry, UNIGE
Dr. Christoph Bauer, UNIGE


Dr. Sylvain Loubéry, UNIGE


Images produced in microscopy need to be treated adequately so that they can be exploited. In many instances, measurements and quantifications can (and should) be performed on these images.

The objective of the course is to give participants keys to perform these operations as efficiently as possible, focusing on the use of the open-source software Fiji.

The course is accessible to beginners.
The pre-requisites are to have (even minimal) experience in microscopy,
and to come to the course with a laptop that can run Fiji (i.e. not extremely outdated and with at least 2GB of RAM).

The course includes short lectures and guided exercises on the following topics:
- what is an image, and what is IN an image,
- processing and displaying images,
- colocalization analysis,
- filters, deconvolution, use of the Fourier space
- warping,
- segmentation,
- artificial intelligence in data analysis

In addition the course includes guided exercises on the following topics:
- processing images and preparing images for figures
- processing and displaying z stacks
- performing measurements
- colocalization anlysis,
- segmentation,
- writing macros to (semi-)automate procesing, measurements and output steps




Schedule: 9h00 - 17h00


University of Geneva, building Sciences III, Room 0059


The course is organized in collaboration with the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Organismal Biology of Neuchâtel.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION concerning COVID safety measures: participants must provide a certificate of vaccination or a negative test to participate to the course. Masks have to be wore during the practicals.


Reimbursements for CUSO MPS Students:
- Train ticket, 2°class, half-fare from your institution to the place of the activity.
- NO reimbursement for your meal expenses.


NEW from 2021: Reimbursement of your travel tickets can be asked online through your MyCUSO.
See HERE for the procedure.
For any question concerning reimbursement please contact the CUSO MPS coordinator Debora Zoia


Reimbursement for DP-Biol Students: please see with the coordinator Pauline Fritsch.


- Maximum number of participants: 10 people (minimum 6).
- 5 places available for CUSO MPS students, 5 places available for DP-Biol students.
- A waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats.

Deadline for registration: 14 January 2022



Deadline for registration 14.01.2022
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