Enrollment of doctoral students
Who can participate?
Ph.D. students: Activities of the Doctoral Program in Microbial Sciences are open to all PhD and MD/PhD students enrolled in one of the universities of Western Switzerland (Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel). Students can join at any time during their Ph.D thesis.
Research group leaders: Research group leaders from the Universities of Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel can participate in the organization and teaching in the program’s activities.
External members: Post-doctoral fellows are welcome to participate in activities, depending on availability, but are not eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel and accommodation expenses.
The Doctoral Program in Microbial Sciences is intended for all doctoral students (PhD and MD/PhD) working in:
- Cellular, structural, genetic and genomic analysis of microorganisms
- Environmental microbiology, microbial ecology
- Microbial evolution
- Medical microbiology (human, veterinary, and plants)
- Development of novel anti-microbial therapeutics.
Participation in the program is not mandatory, but highly recommended. Registration for each activity is mandatory.
How to enroll?
Doctoral students participating in the Doctoral Program stay inscribed in the Doctoral school of their home universities.
Enrollment in the Doctoral Program in Microbial Sciences will be open all the time. Doctoral students in all phases of their PhD thesis are encouraged to enroll by filling the Enrollment form. A confirmation is sent by email to the applicant.
IMPORTANT ! Include the name of your thesis director.
Be careful: the identification system is case sensitive.