
Cat. Title Location Map [d] Speakers Dates Places
[REPORT DEMANDÉ] Ecology, Physiology and Control of Toxin-Producing Benthic Cyanobacteria University of Neuchâtel, Room B104

o Susie Wood, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand (toxic benthic cyanobacterial proliferations)

o Hilary Snook, USEPA New England Regional laboratory, USA (cyanobacterial surveillance programs in the USA)

o Jean-François Humbert, INRAE, France (benthic cyanobacterial proliferations in France)

o Catherine Quiblier, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris, France (benthic cyanobacterial proliferations in France)

o Elisabeth Janssen, EAWAG, Suisse (cyanotoxins)


1725487200 5 & 6 September 2024 5 / 15
Teaching and Learning Science University of Lausanne, room CUB-233 (Auditoire III) map

Dr. Kostas Kampourakis, UNIGE

1726178400 13, 20 & 27 September 2024 0 / 20 joint
First Steps with Python in Life Sciences FULL! UNIBE, room TBA map

Dr. Wandrille Duchemin, UNIBAS & SIB

Dr. Robin Engler, Vital-IT & SIB

1727215200 25-27 September 2024 0 / 30 joint
Geomicrobiology: from Fundamental Science to Applications University of Neuchâtel, Room A218 UniMail

Dr Magnus Ivarsson - Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden.

Prof Cara Magnabosco – Geobiology group, Department of Earth Sciences, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.

Dr Mike Rowley - Soil Science and Biogeochemistry, Department of Geography, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

1728856800 14 &15 October 2024 7 / 12 registration
Research Data Management for Microbiologists University of Neuchâtel, A317 & D301-303 UniMail

Dr. Quentin Gallis, UNINE


1729461600 21 & 22 October 2024 4 / 15 registration
Electron Microscopy (EM) and Cryo-EM - Practical Course University of Lausanne, rooms 338/340/340a

Christel Genoud, head of EM Platform, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Jean Daraspe, EMF, University of Lausanne
Benjamin Boury-Jamot, University of Lausanne
Amanda Lewis, Dr., EPFL
Alexander Myasnikov, head of Dubochet Center for Imaging (DCI), Lausanne
Cristina Martin Olmos, head Cryo-SEM, EPFL
Bertrand Beckert, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Emiko Uchikawa, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Sergei Nazarov, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Inay Mohammed, DCI, UNIL & EPFL

1730070000 28 & 29 October, 4 & 5 November 2024 (4 days) 0 / 12 joint
The Chalk Talk: How to Best Sell Your Science University of Lausanne, Room TBD

3 intervenant·es européen·nes

1730415600 21 November 2024 0 / 15
Advanced Programming with R University of Lausanne, Room TBA map

Dr. Frédéric Schütz, UNIL

1733094000 2 & 3 December 2024 0 / 24 joint registration
[ANNULÉ] Microbial Ecology and Evolution Conference UNIL

Pr Martin Kaltenpoth, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (DE) Dre Macarena Toll Riera, ETHZ Dr Jordi van Gestel, EMBL Heidelberg (DE) Pre Julia Vorholt, ETHZ

1704754800 9-11 January 2024 0 / 10
Philosophy of Microbiology UNINE - UniMail A317

Dr. Diego Gonzalez, UNINE

1708038000 16 February 2024 9 / 12
Lausanne Omics Days 2024 University of Lausanne, GEN Aud. C

Prof. Alexander Meissner (Max Planck Molecular Genetics, Berlin)

Dr Giulia Zancolli (University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution)

Prof Knut Drescher (University of Basel, Biozentrum)

Prof. Peter Krawitz (Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)

Prof. Janna Hastings (University of St. Gallen)

Prof. Marianna Rapsomaniki (University Lausanne)

Prof. Emma Slack (ETHZ)

Prof. Itzik Mizrahi (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

Prof. Adria LeBoeuf (University of Cambridge)

Prof. Gioele La Manno (EPFL)

Prof. Michael Hiller (Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics, Senckenberg Research Institute, Germany) 

Prof. Korbinian Schneeberger (LMU, Munich, Germany; MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany)

Prof. Aurora Ruiz-Herrera (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Prof. Maria Cristina Gambetta (University Lausanne)


1708556400 22 & 23 February 2024 12 / 150 joint
Introduction to R University of Geneva

Dr. José Manuel Nunes, UNIGE

Dr. Nicolas Hulo, UNIGE

+4 assistants

1709593200 5,6 & 19,20 March 2024 7 / 20 joint
Introductory Biostatistics for Biologists University of Lausanne, Room TBA

Dr. Romain-Daniel Gosselin, UNIL

1710370800 14 & 15 March 2024 4 / 15 joint
Data Visualization With R University of Lausanne, room Amphimax 414 map

Dr. Frédéric Schütz, UNIL

1713132000 15 & 16 April 2024 3 / 24
Data Analysis and Graphing Using GraphPad Prism: An Introduction University of Lausanne, Room 340 Amphipôle

Dr. Romain-Daniel Gosselin, UNIL

1713996000 25 & 26 April 2024 4 / 15 joint
Visions for a Sustainable Agriculture UNINE - UniMail F200 Auditoire Louis Guillaume
  • John Pickett, Cardiff University, UK
  • Segenet Kelemu, icipe, Kenya
  • Patrick Fallet, University of Neuchâtel, CH
  • Justice Tambo, CABI, CH
  • Amritbir Riar, FiBL, CH
  • Benjamin Thiombiano, Syngenta, CH
  • Claudio Screpanti, Syngenta, CH
  • Wilson Nabakwe, Kenya
  • Ruth Buteme, Uganda
1715724000 15-17 May 2024 6 / 30
[REPORT DEMANDÉ] Visit to CHUV Diagnostic Lab CHUV

Dr. Damien Jacot, Dr. Alix Coste, Dr. Onya Opota, CHUV

1717020000 30 May 2024 0 / 12
PhD Writing Retreat Crêt-Bérard, Puidoux

Marc Matter, HEG Fribourg

Benjamin Hoyt, HEG Fribourg

1725141600 1-4 September 2024 COMPLET/FULL 15 / 14