Detailed information about the course
Title | Lausanne Genomics Days 2022 |
Dates | 16-17 June 2022 |
Lang | Workshop language is English |
Organizer(s) | Dr. Julien Marquis, UNIL Prof. Julia Santiago, UNIL Prof. Philipp Engel, UNIL Prof. Sven Bergmann, UNIL Prof. Tanja Schwander, UNIL |
Speakers |
Prof. Bert De Rybel Vlaams, Instituut voor Biotechnologie, Belgium
Dr Yan Ma, UNI Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology
Prof. Bart Deplancke, EPFL Laboratory of Systems Biology and Genetics
Surbhi Rana, UNI Lausanne Department of Plant Molecular Biology
Prof. Matthew Loose, University of Nottingham, UK
Vincent Sommerville, UNI Lausanne Department of Fundamental Microbiology
Disha Tandon, UNI Bern Institute for Infectious Diseases
Lucas Paoli, ETH Zürich Institute of Microbiology
Prof. Mark Blaxter, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
Prof. Robert Waterhouse, UNI Lausanne Department of Ecology and Evolution
Caroline Meier, CHUV Institut de Microbiologie
Dr Estella Poloni, UNI Genève, Department of Genetics and Evolution
Prof. Peter Claes, KU Leuven, Belgium
Dr Mattia Tomasoni, Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin Lausanne
Prof. Bogdan Draganski, UNI Lausanne Laboratoire de Recherche en Neuroimagerie
Dr Jonas Richiardi, Lausanne University Hospital and UNI Lausanne
Prof. Amanda Larracuente, University of Rochester, USA
Dr Thomas Badet, UNI Neuchâtel Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics
Dr William Toubiana, UNI Lausanne Department of Ecology and Evolution
Dr Envel Kerdaffrec, UNI Fribourg Department of Ecology and Evolution
Description | Series of seminars from renown speakers overing a broad spectrum of genetics and genomics topics. Common lunches students-speakers will be organized to promote networking discussions and exchanges between the participants and the experts in the field. |
Program | |
Location |
University of Lausanne, Génopode, Auditorium C |
Map | |
Information | The course is organized in collaboration with the CUSO doctoral programs in Microbiology (CUSO Microbiology) and Molecular Plant Sciences (CUSO MPS). |
Expenses | Reimbursements for CUSO students: train ticket, 2°class, half-fare from your institution to the place of the activity. NO reimbursement for your meal expenses.
NEW from 2021: Reimbursement of your travel tickets can be asked online through your MyCUSO. Other CUSO students: |
Places | 150 |
Deadline for registration | 22.06.2022 |