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Biomedicine, Metabolism of erythrocytes to store EC more sustainable and longer; Phosphoproteomics of stored red blood cells.

Author Natascha ROSER
Director of thesis Prof. Dr. Michel Prudent
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

In the context of transfusion medicine, red blood cells are stored as red blood cell concentrates (220,000

transfused in Switzerland in 2021) in plastic bags at 4°C for up to 42 or 49 days, depending on the storage solution.

solution. Under these conditions, the red blood cells show some changes, the so-called storage lesions

which change the cell functions. In addition, the characteristics of the donors influence the kinetics of the lesions. Protein

phosphorylation is one of these changes. This post-translational modification regulates enzymatic activity, modulates protein-protein

activity, modulate protein-protein interactions and influence the connections between cytoskeleton and membrane proteins.

Despite the published data, there are still some gaps in both transfusion medicine and the pathophysiology of erythrocyte

pathophysiology. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the role of

phosphorylation mechanisms in stored human erythrocytes with the help of the methods used in our laboratory.

Status beginning
Administrative delay for the defence 2028