Detailed information about the course

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Introduction to Plant Metabolomics


2-3 June 2022


Pierre-Marie Allard, Dr., University of Fribourg
Gaétan Glauser, Dr., University of Neuchâtel
Emmanuel Defossez, Dr., Universit of Neuchâtel and University of Fribourg


Pierre-Marie Allard, Dr., University of Fribourg
Gaétan Glauser, Dr., University of Neuchâtel
Emmanuel Defossez, Dr., Universit of Neuchâtel and University of Fribourg


This practical course intends to provide an overview of the different steps needed to perform mass spectrometry-based plant metabolomics.

After half a day of lectures on the topic, the course will take place in the laboratory and in computer rooms where participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with sample preparation, analysis by HPLC-MS, data processing, and compound identification.




DAY 1 - Meeting point in the morning: Entrance of the Botanical Garden

*** Morning - 8h45-12h15 (Botanical Garden, Chem. du Pertuis-du-Sault 58, 2000 Neuchâtel)

Introduction to plant Metabolomics
- Definitions
- Sample preparation for Metabolomics
- Analytical techniques for Metabolomics
- Data processing and metabolite annotation

Collection of plant samples at the botanical garden
- Plant selection
- Plant collection and storage

*** Afternoon - 13h45-16h45 (University of Neuchâtel, Rue Emile-Argand 11, UniMail, Building G, lab A28)

Laboratory session
- Sample preparation of collected samples
- Anaylsis by HPLC-MS/MS
- Visualization of raw data



*** Morning - 9h00-12h00 (University of Neuchâtel, UniMail, room E026)

Data processing
- Overview of the workflow
- Data conversion
- Data pre-treatment (peak picking, deconvolution, alignment)

*** Afternoon - 13h30-16h30 (University of Neuchâtel, UniMail, room E026)

- Biostatistics
- Molecular Networks
- Metabolite annotation (MSFinder, GNPS, Sirius)




University of Neuchâtel


The course is organized in collaboration with the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Organismal Biology of Neuchâtel.


Reimbursements for CUSO MPS Students:
- Train ticket, 2°class, half-fare from your institution to the place of the activity.
- NO reimbursement for your meal expenses.


NEW from 2021: Reimbursement of your travel tickets can be asked online through your MyCUSO.
for the procedure.
For any question concerning reimbursement please contact the CUSO MPS coordinator Debora Zoia


Reimbursement for DP-Biol Students: please see with the Program Coordinator.


Deadline for registration: 10 May 2022

6 places for CUSO MPS Students
4 places for DP-Biol Students

***for cancelations after the deadline of May 10 or no-show: administrative fees of 50 CHF will be requested***



Deadline for registration 10.05.2022
short-url short URL

short-url URL onepage