Proposals for these training modules are examined by the MPS executive board, and selected on the basis of the audience targeted, proposed topic, costs, date of the event, etc. Proposals have to be submitted at least a year in advance to the MPS executive board. Financial requirements have to meet CUSO standards. These activities are open to participants outside of the programme, although MPS doctoral students do have priority.
In parallel, the CUSO also offers "Generic Skills" workshops in management, communication, professional planning, etc...
Title | Location | Dates | Reg. |
Early Career Meeting SwissPLANT 2023 | Diablerets (VD) | 22-23 January 2023 | |
Plant Imaging: Advanced Light Microscopy | University of Geneva, building Sciences III, Room 0059 | 26-27 January 2023 | |
Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part I | University of Geneva, Sciences III, room 0059 | 9 February 2023 | |
[ANNULÉ] Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part II - “Image analysis café” [CANCELED] | University of Geneva, Sciences III, room 0059 | 10 February 2023 | |
Introduction to R | University of Geneva | 9-10 & 23-24 March 2023 | |
Data Visualization With R | University of Lausanne, Amphipôle 459 | 27-28 March 2023 | |
Data Analysis and Graphing Using GraphPad Prism: An Introduction | University of Lausanne, AMPHIPOLE, Room 334 | 27-28 April 2023 | |
MPS PhD Retreat: ‘Growing Up In Science’ | Youth Hostel, Davos | 5-6 June 2023 | |
Patenting in Life Sciences & Chemistry | Centre Loewenberg, Murten | 12-13 June 2023 | |
Peer Reviewing in Natural- and Life Sciences: From Submission to Retraction | University of Fribourg, PER17, Room 001 | 16 & 23 June 2023 | |
[ANNULÉ] Introduction to Plant Metabolomics [CANCELED] | University of Fribourg, building PER04, room 0.109 | 27-28 June 2023 | |
Genome duplication at the intersection of biodiversity and crop sciences | University of Fribourg | 10 - 11 July 2023 | |
Field Trip Investigation | Alpine botanical garden of La Linnaea, Bourg-St-Pierre, Valais, CH | 14-16 July 2023 | |
Advanced Statistics: Statistical Modelling (SIB) | University of Lausanne | 4-7 September 2023 | |
Advanced Programming with R | University of Lausanne, room Amphipôle 334 | 5-6 September 2023 | |
Advanced Studies in Systematics | Conservatoire & Jardin botaniques & Muséum d’histoire Naturelle de Genève | 4-6 October 2023 | |
Electron Microscopy - Practical Course | Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF), University of Lausanne | 9-13 October 2023 | |
Teaching and Learning Science | University of Lausanne, Cubotron III | 3, 10 & 17 November 2023 | |
NGS - Quality Control, Alignment, Visualisation (SIB) | University of Bern | 22-24 November 2023 |