
255 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ABATE Maria Valentina UNIGE E‑Mail Differentiation dynamics and functional characterization of mouse pancreatic islet cell-types Pedro Louis Herrera
ABBOUD Ernest UNIGE E‑Mail I am working on the metabolism of the phylum of Apicomplexa Dominique Soldati-Favre
Joachim Kloehn
ABDELRAHMAN Ola UNIFR E‑Mail Unveiling Sudanese Soil Actinomycetes and Their Metabolites as Effective Weapons Against Phytophthora infestans Prof. Laure Weisskopf June 2024
AESCHLIMANN Léa UNIL E‑Mail The role of the gut microbiota in the vulnerability to alcohol use disorders Dr. Benjamin Boutrel 2024
ALBELDA BERENGUER Magdalena UNINE E‑Mail Development and evaluation of a biotechnological protocol for the conservation of archaeological waterlogged wood Prof. Edith Joseph
Prof. Pilar Junier
ALBINI Monica UNINE E‑Mail Use of biopatinas as protection of copper alloys artworks Pilar Junier
Edith Joseph
ALMEIDA Mauro UNIFR E‑Mail Deciphering nanoparticle endocytosis to improve therapeutic strategies Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
Prof. Alke Petri-Fink
ANAND Abhishek UNIFR E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms underlying the inhibition of Phytophthora infestans by Pseudomonas strains Prof. Laure Weisskopf, Department of BIology, University of Fribourg 2021/2022
ANCHIMIUK Anna UNIL E‑Mail DNA organization, dynamics and repair Stephan Gruber
ANCHISI Stéphanie UNIGE E‑Mail Molecular basis of RIG-I activation Dominique GARCIN
ANDRES BARRAO Cristina UNIGE - Characterization of acetic acid bacteria and study of the molecular strategies involved in the resistance to acetic acid during oxidative fermentation Dr. Francois Barja
Prof. Teresa Fitzpatrick
ANTAR Hammam UNIL E‑Mail Cell biology of the soil bacterium bacillus subtilis with a major focus on factors involved in chromosome maintenance and segregation Dr. Stephan Gruber
ARUANNO Marion UNIL E‑Mail Study of Aspergillus fumigatus mecanisms of resistance to Azoles and Echinocandins Dominique Sanglard
ASGARI Fatemeh UNIL E‑Mail The role of PTX3 in sepsis.
AUBRY Christèle UNIL E‑Mail Application of nanomotion to investigate antibiotics tolerance in Escherichia coli strains and viability of Chlamydiales bacteria Gilbert Greub
AYADI Imen UNIGE E‑Mail intracellular killing in phagocytic cells Pr Cosson
AYMOZ Delphine UNIL E‑Mail Study of the cross talk and regulation of the MAP kinase network using a real time transcription reporter at the single cell level Serge Pelet
BALESTRA Aurélia UNIGE E‑Mail Calcium signalling in malaria parasites
BARBIER Içvara UNIL E‑Mail Gene regulatory network for pattern regulation Pr. Yolanda Schaerli
BARNOUD Coline UNIGE E‑Mail Circadian rhythm and Immune system Prof. Christoph Scheiermann
BASTIDA RUIZ Daniel UNIGE E‑Mail Role of GRP78 in trophoblastic cell fusion.
BAYRAMOVA Firuza UNIL E‑Mail Cell division mechanism and regulation of the Chlamydia-related pathogen Waddlia chondrophila Gilbert Greub
BEAUME Marie UNIGE - Detection and characterization of small RNAs in Staphylococcus aureus Dr. Patrice FRANCOIS
Prof. Jacques SCHRENZEL
BELLAH Hadjer UNINE E‑Mail The role of co-infection in the trajectory of plant disease. Dr. Daniel Croll 31.10.2022
BELLAMECHE Fares UNINE E‑Mail Induced resistance in wheat Dr. Brigitte Mauch-Mani, University of Neuchâtel
Dr. Fabio Mascher, Agroscope Changins.
BEN CHAABENE Rouaa UNIGE E‑Mail Parasitology/ Toxoplsma gondii Dominique Soldati Favre
BEN JEDDOU Fatma UNIGE E‑Mail Dendrimer and bicyclic antimicrobial peptides against multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria
BERCHTOLD Lena UNIGE E‑Mail Développement d'outils diagnostiques et pronostiques en insuffisance rénale chronique et chez les greffés rénaux Pre Sophie de Seigneux
Pr Pierre-Yves Martin
BERGOTTINI Veronica UNINE E‑Mail Evaluation of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) associated to Ilex paraguariensis. Pilar Junier.
Betty Benrey
BERTHET Mélissa UNINE - Alarm system of the black-fronted titi monkey K. Zuberbühler
BERWEILER Vincent UNIGE E‑Mail The relationship between early gut colonization and development of adipose tissue browning Mirko Trajkovski 2023
BILLAULT-CHAUMARTIN Ingrid UNIL E‑Mail Capping Protein Insulates Arp2/3-Assembled Actin Patches from Formins
BLANDENIER Quentin UNINE E‑Mail Biogeography and macroecology of testate amoeba following a metagenomics approach Enrique Lara
Edward Mitchell
BOCK Florian UNIL E‑Mail SMC Biochemistry Dr. Stephan Gruber
BOMPADRE Olimpia UNIGE E‑Mail Epigenetic engineering in development
BONINI Fabien UNIGE E‑Mail Cryogel-assisted cell therapy for brain tissue reconstruction BRASCHLER THOMAS
BRANDT Ludivine UNIL E‑Mail Dynamics of HIV latency and reactivation at population and single-cell level Angela Ciuffi
BRAVO Daniel UNINE - Assessing the diversity and metabolism of oxalotrophic bacteria Pilar Junier
BREGNARD Danaé UNINE E‑Mail Endobacteria in fungi Pr. Pilar Junier
BREJNDAL Kamilla ankær UNIGE - Microbiology Patrick Viollier 2023
BROCHET Silvia UNIL E‑Mail The honey bee gut microbiota Philipp Engel
BUECHE Matthieu UNINE E‑Mail Spore-forming bacteria as an indicator of pollution in sediments of Lake Geneva Pilar Junier
BURRI Dominique Julien UNIL E‑Mail Characterization of arenaviruses glycoproteins processing by the cellular protease SKI-1/S1P Prof. Stefan Kunz
BUTTAZZONI Elena UNIGE - --- P. Linder
BUVELOT Hélène UNIGE E‑Mail The role pf phagocyte NADPH oxidase in the defense against S. aureus Krause
CALO Nicolas UNIGE - --- François BARJA Patrick LINDER
CASINI Laurent UNIL E‑Mail Epigenetic cell-cycle regulator study in Caulobacter crescentus DrSc. Justine Collier MER1
CHAI Tiancong UNIL - Molecular microbiology Justine Collier
CHARLON Julia UNIGE E‑Mail Role of miRNAs in regulating platelet reactivity Pr. Pierre Fontana
Pr. Jean-Luc Reny
CHERNI Ala Eddine UNIGE E‑Mail Probing the diversity of nitrogen-fixing micro-symbionts of fenugreek and chickpea in soil of north Tunisia Xavier Perret
CHIU Yen-chi UNIL E‑Mail Ultrastructural analysis of host interactions and infection dynamics of Zika virus
CHOI Yangji UNIL E‑Mail Metagenomics analysis of microbiota in COVID-19 patients
CHONOVA Teofana UNIGE E‑Mail Effects of mercury on phytoplankton
CLULOW James UNIL E‑Mail Jan Roelof van der Meer
COMENSOLI Lucrezia UNINE - Use of Biopatinas as protection of iron artworks Junier Pilar
Joseph Edith
CORDEIRO FILIPE Ines UNIGE E‑Mail The influence of microbiota on viral infections Prof. Caroline Tapparel
CORONA RAMIREZ Andrea UNINE E‑Mail Spore biodiveristy in the environment Prof. Dr. Pilar Junier 2022
CORONADO-MARTINEZ Edith UNIL E‑Mail Degradation of dibenzofuran by Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 under environmental stresses Jan van der Meer
COSTAFROLAZ Jordan UNIGE E‑Mail Interplay between beta-lactam antibiotics and the polarity of Caulobacter crescentus Professor Patrick Viollier. MIMOL department in CMU. Geneva
COURRIER Alexis UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization of MDA5 functions upon Mononegavirales infections prof. Dominique GARCIN
CRISTINELLI Sara UNIL E‑Mail Exploration of the Epitranscriptomic landscape of HIV infected cells Dre Angela Ciuffi
Stephan Von Reuss
DA PALMA Joel UNIL E‑Mail Targeting envelope glycoprotein processing as a novel strategy to combat human pathogenic arenaviruses Prof. Stefan Kunz
Dr. Antonella Pasquatto
DANZA Francesco UNIGE - Mauro Tonolla
DAVERI Andrea UNIL E‑Mail The conjugative machinery of the ICEclc element of P. nackmussii B13 Jan Roelof van der Meer 2023
DE BAKKER Vincent UNIL E‑Mail Systems biology approaches to unravel pathogenic bacterial phenotypes Jan-Willem Veening 2024
DE IACO Alberto UNIGE - ---
DE RIDDER David UNIGE E‑Mail Spatial epidemiology
DELABY Marie UNIGE E‑Mail Control of cell cycle transcription in Caulobacter crescentus Pr Patrick Viollier
Pr François Karch
DELARZE Eric UNIL E‑Mail Identification of mediators of antifungal tolerance in C. albicans Dominique Sanglard
DEMARCO Benjamin UNIL - Mechanism and function of Gasdermin-induced inflammatory cell death Petr Broz
DÉNÉRÉAZ Julien UNIL E‑Mail Genetic interactions in Streptococcus pneumoniae Jan-Willem Veening 2024
DI MARTINO Rita UNIL E‑Mail Disentangling the interactions within a four-species bacterial community Dr. Sara Mitri
Prof. Jan Willem Veening
DI NEZIO Francesco UNIGE E‑Mail Bioconvection-mediated microbial ecophysiology in aquatic systems: multi-scale dynamics in the chemocline of meromictic Lake Cadagno Prof. Michael Hothorn
Prof. Dr. Mauro Tonolla
DIJKHOFF Irini Magdelina UNIFR E‑Mail The impact of diesel and gasoline exhaust on the cutaneous and biomechanical responses of the human skin. Prof. Dr. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
Dr. Barbara Drasler
DOGGA Sunil Kumar UNIGE E‑Mail Role of Palmitoyl Acyl Transferases (PATs) in the lytic cycle of Toxoplasma gondii Prof. Dominique Soldati-Favre
DOLICKA Dobrochna UNIGE E‑Mail RNA biology and liver cancer
DOS SANTOS Andrea Raquel UNIL E‑Mail Controlling species embedded within a small microbial community Prof. Sara Mitri 2024
DOS SANTOS PACHECO Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail Molecular mechanisms that control the actomyosin system in Toxoplasma gondii Dominique SOLDATI-FAVRE
DREIER Matthias UNINE E‑Mail Quantitative characterization of the microbiota in raw milk cheese by high-throughput qPCR. Pilar Junier
DUBATH Céline UNIL E‑Mail Change of intestinal microbiota induced by psychotropic drugs and influence on metabolic parameters Chin Eap
DUBEY Manupriyam UNIL - Design and systems biology of functional microbial landscape Prof. Jan Roelof Van der Meer
DUBOIS David UNIGE E‑Mail Characterisation of key players in microneme exocytosis in the Apicomplexa Prof. Dominique Soldati-Favre 2020
DUCKERT Clément UNINE E‑Mail Protist taxonomy, evolution, biogeography and ecology Edward Mitchell 2021
EICH Katharina UNIL E‑Mail --- Prof. Justine Collier
EL CHAZLI Yassine UNIL E‑Mail Microbial interactions in the honey bee gut Pr. Philipp Engel 2023
EMERY Olivier UNIL E‑Mail Interactions between the gut gammaproteobacterium Frischella perrara and its host the honey bee (Apis mellifera) Philipp Engel
ESTERMANN Manuela UNIFR - Bioprinting a human omentum model to investigate ovarian cancer cell adhesion and invasion. Prof. Dr. Barbara Rothen
Prof. Dr. Alke Fink
ESTOPPEY Aislinn UNINE E‑Mail Oxalotrophy as a biocontrol strategy Prof. Pilar Junier 2022
FAIVRE Anna UNIGE E‑Mail Role of tubular cell metabolism in chronic kidney disease progression
FATTON Mathilda UNINE E‑Mail Kurthia gibsonii and evolution of sporulation Prof. Pilar Junier 2022
FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ Carmen UNIL - Regulation of the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle by DnaA-related proteins. Justine Collier
Philippe Moreillon
FILIPPIDOU Sevasti UNINE E‑Mail Diversity and Metabolism of Endospore-forming Bacteria in Geothermal Sites Prof. Pilar Junier
FOSSOU Kouakou Romain UNIGE E‑Mail Identification and testing of indigenous elite rhizobial strains to improve Cajanus cajan yields in Ivory Coast. Dr. Xavier Perret
FREITAS MONTEIRO Marta UNIGE E‑Mail Regulation of innate immune cell function by Fc-gamma receptor engagement Jörg D. Seebach
Gisella Puga Yung,
FUMEAUX Coralie UNIGE E‑Mail Identification and analysis of new transcriptional regulators in Caulobacter development Patrick Viollier
GALLEGO Irene UNIGE E‑Mail The role of cell size as a key functional trait to understand phytoplankton co-existence
GALLO Daniela UNIL E‑Mail Cdc42 regulation in fission yeast Professor Sophie Martin
GDANIEC Bartosz Gerard UNIGE - Metabolomic, biochemical and genetic exploration of antimicrobial properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa supernatants Prof. Christian van Delden
Dr. Thilo Köhler
GONÇALVES CABECINHAS Ana Rita UNIL E‑Mail Interactions between arenaviruses and antigen presenting cells and evaluation of a novel nanoparticles based vaccine platform against arenaviruses Stefan Kunz
Melody Swartz
GONZALEZ Diego UNIL E‑Mail --- Prof. Justine Collier
GUAN Ziyu UNIGE E‑Mail Using the algae to improve the fresh water quality
GUERREIRO Amanda UNIGE E‑Mail What is the role of MAPs in mitosis? Patrick Meraldi 2021
GUIDI Valeria UNIGE E‑Mail --- Mauro Tonolla
Xavier Perret
HAAS Dieter UNIL E‑Mail ---
HAFNER Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail Synthetic Reactivation of Epigenetically Silenced Genes in Disease
HAMMOUDI Pierre-Mehdi UNIGE E‑Mail Role of an aspartyl protease in maturation and trafficking of secreted proteins in Toxoplasma gondii Key words: Parasitology, Microbiology Dr. Dominique Soldati-Favre
Dr. Luis Lopez-Molina
2017 (started in September 2013)
HASHMI Isha UNINE E‑Mail Screening of PGPR endospore forming bacteria and interaction with soil fungi: role for plant growth. Prof. Pilar Junier
Dr. Saskia Bindschelder
HEILIG Rosalie UNIL E‑Mail Inflammasome formation and cell death Prof. Petr Broz
HENRY Christopher UNIGE E‑Mail Calcium fluxes at ER-PM membrane contact sites
HUMBERT Marion UNIGE - Regulation of peripheral T cell responses by modulating unconventional MHCII-mediated antigen presenting cell functions Pr. Stéphanie Hugues
HUMMEL Daniel UNIGE E‑Mail The role of SH3 domains in yeast endocytosis Marko Kaksonen
IDRIS Tahir UNIGE E‑Mail Differentiation and innate defense of the respiratory epithelium Professeur Marc CHANSON
IFRID Estelle UNIGE E‑Mail Inhibitors of Klebsiella pneumoniae virulence Pierre Cosson
IGLESIAS Laura UNIGE E‑Mail Sp5, a newly identified evolutionarily conserved repressor of Wnt signaling Brigitte Galliot
ILGAZ Ilke UNIGE E‑Mail Immunoregulation
IMPERIALI Nicola UNIL E‑Mail "Sustaining and improving soil health with plant-beneficial bacteria" Dr. MER Christoph Keel
JACCARD Augustine UNIL E‑Mail Mycoviruses _ impact of human activity on fungal and viral communities of crops and forests Dominique Sanglard
Olivier schumpp
JACOT Damien UNIGE E‑Mail --- Prof. Dominique Soldati-Favre
JAGER Nienke UNIL - Single cell analysis of filamentation in budding yeast S. Pelet 2023
KABA Mayis UNIGE E‑Mail Role of phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins during phagocytosis Prof. Nicolas Demaurex
Prof. Paula Nunes-Hasler
KALLERT Sandra UNIGE E‑Mail --- Prof. Daniel Pinschewer
KESNEROVA Lucie UNIL E‑Mail Honey bee gut microbiota Philipp Engel
KIZIL Burak UNIGE E‑Mail The Effect of Nervous System on Tumor Growth 2024
KOENIG Isabelle UNINE - Impact of a stress on the Eukaryots network in soil Prof Edward Mitchell
Dr Claire le Bayon
KOKKORIS Kyriakos UNIL E‑Mail ---
KOOLI Wafa M. UNINE E‑Mail Development and evaluation of bacteriological method for the stabilization of archaeological iron Pr Pilar JUNIER
KOPELYANSKIY Dmitry UNIL - Innate immune response to LRV1-bearing Leishmania gyuanensis parasites Prof. Nicolas Fasel 2020
KOWALSKI Camille UNIGE E‑Mail Role of lymphatic endothelial cells in autoimmunity
KRAEMER Julia UNIL E‑Mail Structure of the farmer’s nasal microbiota: Impact of working in close contact with farm animals Anne Oppliger Markus Hilty
KRISHNAN Aarti UNIGE E‑Mail Metabolic Networks governing Toxoplasma gondii Persistence and Transmission Prof. Dominique Soldati-Favre 2020
KÜHNEL Ronja marie UNIGE E‑Mail Calcium signalling during Plasmodium gametogenesis Mathieu Brochet
LAFFITE Amandine UNIGE E‑Mail Impact of hospital and urban effluents on the dissemination of micro-pollutant in aquatic systems Dr. John Poté
Prof. Vera Slaveykova
LAMAS HERRERA Iker UNIL E‑Mail Study of Cdc42 feedback regulation in the fission yeast by optogenetics Sophie G. Martin
LÄNGST Emmanuel UNIL - Biochemical pathways in stored red blood cells PD Dr Michel Prudent
Pr Jean-Daniel Tissot
LARA Enrique UNINE E‑Mail ---
LASCANO Josefina UNIGE E‑Mail Investigation of the role of the seven mouse TRIM5 orthologues in innate immunity and as retroviral restriction factors Jeremy Luban 2014
LAUMAY Floriane UNIGE E‑Mail Functional analysis of acquired phagic genes involved in the pathogenesis and the virulence of ST398 Staphylococcus aureus strains Patrice François (PhD, PD)
Jacques Schrenzel (MD, Prof)
LE GUENNEC Maeva UNIGE E‑Mail Biology - Image Processing Pr Paul Guichard
Dr. Virgnie Hamel
LE ROUX-BOURDIEU Morgan UNIGE E‑Mail Cellular Biology & Mitosis
LEE Xiaoyun UNIL - The Pseudomonas aeruginosa antimetabolite L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (AMB) Dr Cornelia Reimmann
LI Jizhou UNIL E‑Mail Study of drug resistance in Candida auris
LI Xiaoyun UNIL E‑Mail target glutamine to reprogram tumor associated macrophages
LIENARD Juliz UNIL E‑Mail Estrella lausannensis and amoeba-resisting microorganisms: human exposure and potential pathogenicity Gilbert Greub (IMUL
Yves Lévi (Paris XI, France)
LINDNER Karina UNIGE E‑Mail Targeting the APRIL molecule by antibody-based therapeutic approaches for the treatment of B lymphomas Thomas Matthes
Bertrand Huard
LOCATELLI Manon UNIGE E‑Mail Tissue engineering Prof. Krause
Prof. Martinou
LOHBERGER Andrea UNINE E‑Mail --- Prof. Pilar Junier
LOPES João UNIGE E‑Mail Effects of Imprinting of Influenza A infections in adult microbiota Mirco Schmolke 2023
LÓPEZ JIMÉNEZ Ana Teresa UNIGE E‑Mail Single cell imaging to unravel the dynamics od the infection and the role of discoidin proteins during infection Prof. Thierry Soldati
LORETAN Morgane UNIFR E‑Mail Fabrication of Optical Antennas for Sensing and development of a point-of-care device based on smartphone-based fluorescence microscope for diagnostic purpose. Prof. Guillermo Acuna 2023
LOSA Geremia UNINE E‑Mail Metal biorecovery from industrial waste through bacterial-fungal interactions Pilar Junier
Saskia Binschedler
LUBAN Jeremy UNIGE E‑Mail I am a director or thesis projects.
LUCZKOWSKA Karolina UNIGE E‑Mail Glutamate dehydrogenase and the hyperammonemia in HI/HA syndrome: Study on the contribution by the liver thesis director: Pierre Maechler 2020/2021
LÜDIN Samuel UNIGE E‑Mail “High-throughput Proteomics of Candidatus "Thiodictyon synthrophicum" strain Cad16T” PD Dr. Mauro Tonolla
Prof. Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont
LUNGHI Matteo UNIGE E‑Mail Biology of chronic toxoplasmosis Dominique Soldati-Favre 2021
LURASCHI Amanda UNIL E‑Mail Whole genome and sex-related transcriptomics of the pathogeni fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii within human lungs Philippe Hauser
LYKOSKOUFIS Nikolaos UNIGE E‑Mail Identifying non-coding mutations in cancer Emmanouil Dermitzakis 2024
MAAG Daniel UNINE - Benzoxazinoids at the metabolic interface between plants and insects Jean-Luc Wolfender, UniGe
Ted Turlings, UniNe
MAFFENBEIER Vitali UNIL E‑Mail Biosensor applications for the european BRAAVOO project on oceanic polution Prof. Jan van der Meer
MAGALHÃES Bárbara UNIL E‑Mail Evaluation of Next Generation Sequencing for the epidemiological investigation of nosocomial pathogens Dominique Blanc
MAIOLO Elena UNIL E‑Mail --- Olivier Borens
Andrej Trampuz
MALA Peter UNIL E‑Mail
MANTZOUKI EVANTHIA UNIGE E‑Mail Cyanobacteria dynamics under eutrophication and climate change Bastiaan Ibelings ([email protected])
MARA Terry UNIL - Monitoring MAPK activity during the mating process in S. pombe Serge PELET Sophie MARTIN
MARLE Pierre UNIGE E‑Mail Title provisional "The role of hydrological connectivity in shaping the relationship between physico-chemistry, ecotoxicology and biological diversity in a large river floodplain" Emmanuel Castella
MARTÍ Adrià UNIGE E‑Mail Cancer Immunology Prof. Walter Reith
MARTINS Daniel UNIGE E‑Mail KidO: A bifunctional regulator of Caulobacter Crescentus development. Patrick Viollier
MARTISCHANG Romain UNIGE E‑Mail Infection control and prevention Stephan Harbarth
Jacques Schrenzel
MATHEZ Grégory UNIL E‑Mail Innovative approaches to broad spectrum antivirals Angela Ciuffi
Valeria Cagno
MAYOR Jennifer UNIL E‑Mail Novel therapeutic strategies against highly pathogenic emerging viruses Prof. Stefan Kunz Dr. Olivier Engler 2021
MCCALLIN Shawna UNIL E‑Mail The Rational Evaluation of Phage Therapy Philippe Moreillon
MEIER Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Expression and functional analyses of the major surface antigens of the human pathogenic fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii Philippe Hauser
MIGUEL TRABAJO Tania UNIL E‑Mail Studying pairwise bacterial species interactions to predict the composition and dynamics of synthetic soil microbial communities. Jan Roelof van der Meer 2024
MIHAJLOVIC Ljiljana UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of duplicated genes Prof. Yolanda Schaerli DMF, UNIL
Prof. Jan Roelof van der Meer DMF, UNIL
MORALES Marian UNIL E‑Mail "Synthetic engineering of microbial communities for bioremediation" Jan van der Meer
MORAZ Marie-Laurence UNIL E‑Mail Discovery of novel arenavirus receptors and entry factors Prof. Stefan Kunz 2013
MORITZ Roxane UNIL E‑Mail Environmental regulation of integrative and conjugative element (ICE) in Pseudomonas Jan Roelof van der Meer
MOTTET Manon UNIGE E‑Mail Single-cell dynamics of host pathogen interactions Thierry Soldati
OECHSLIN Frank UNIL E‑Mail S. aureus host adaptation and zoonosis
OECHSLIN Noémie UNIL E‑Mail Investigation of the Hepatitis E Virus Life Cycle Prof. Darius Moradpour
PD Dr. Jérôme Gouttenoire
OPPENHEIM Rebecca UNIGE E‑Mail --- Dominique Soldati-Favre
ÖZEL DUYGAN Birge UNIL - New biodegradation tests for chemical compounds in low environmental relevant concentrations Jan Roelof van der Meer
PALMIERI Fabio UNINE E‑Mail Oxalotrophy as a therapeutic alternative for the control of fungal pathogens Prof. Pilar Junier 2021
PASQUAL Giulia UNIL E‑Mail Interaction of human pathogenic arenaviruses with the host cell Stefan Kunz
Amalio Telenti
PASQUATO Antonella UNIL E‑Mail
PASSARETTI Arianna UNINE E‑Mail Chemistry Edith Joseph
Stephan von Reuss
PAUL Christophe UNINE E‑Mail Validation of the application of using endospores for paleoecological studies. Professor Pilar Junier
PAUZUOLIS Mindaugas UNIGE E‑Mail Immunology
PEREZ FRANCES Marta UNIGE E‑Mail Exploring the identity and plasticity potential of the elusive pancreatic polypeptide-producing γ-cells Pedro Luis Herrera
PERIYASAMY Sivalingam UNIGE E‑Mail Prevalence and diversity of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) and Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) from Rivers and Lakes under tropical climatic conditions- case of South India
PICCARDI Philippe UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of social interactions within a synthetic microbial community Sara Mitri
Jan van der Meer
PRADERVAND Nicolas UNIL - Regulation of horizontal gene transfer of the catabolic island ICEclc Jan Roelof van der Meer
PYNDIAH Nitisha UNIL E‑Mail Antiviral activity of primate proteins under adaptive evolution Professor Amalio Telenti
PYTHOUD Christelle UNIL E‑Mail Persistent infection of arenaviruses: molecular mechanisms and pathogenesis Prof. Stefan Kunz
RAYKOV Lyudmil UNIGE E‑Mail D. dictyostelium intrinsic immunity Thierry Soldati
REAL Aline UNIGE E‑Mail Functional characterization of non coding mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Prof Emmanouil Dermitzakis
Prof Joerg Seebach
REGLI Ivo UNIL E‑Mail Early sensing of parasites by Toll-like receptor 7 in neutrophils is essential for the control of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
REIMMANN Cornelia UNIL E‑Mail ---
REMY Melissa UNIGE E‑Mail Antibody control of persistent viral infection D.D.Pinschewer
RIO Laura UNIL E‑Mail Rapid, high throughput real‐time single‐cell determination of antimicrobial resistance using a miniaturized “lab‐on‐a‐chip” Thierry Calandra
ROMANENS Lou UNIGE E‑Mail Impact of menopause on triple negative breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers Intidhar Labidi Galy
Patrick Meraldi
ROYSTON Léna UNIGE E‑Mail Genetic determinants of phenotypic differences between rhinoviruses and enteroviruses Pr Caroline Tapparel
RUPP Sebastian UNIBE E‑Mail ldentification of Listeria monocytogenes virulence factors involved in neurovirulence PD Dr. Anna Oevermann
Prof. Joachim Frey
RUSCONI Brigida UNIL E‑Mail Role of Nox enzymes in phagocyte response and signaling upon Chlamydiae infection G. Greub 2014
RUSIECKA Olga UNIGE E‑Mail Panx1 role in ischemia/reperfusion syndrome Brenda Kwak
RUSSO Silvia UNINE E‑Mail Analysis and assessment of degradation of polychrome metal artworks Prof. Edith Joseph
Dr. Laura Brambilla
SANSONE andrea UNIGE E‑Mail host interactors with PB1-F2 Mirco Schmolke
SARTORI Ambra UNIGE E‑Mail Human genomics/bioinformatics
SAVE Jonathan UNIBE E‑Mail Treatment of S. aureus infective endocarditis in a rat model by phage therapy Pr Yok Ai Que
Dr Grégory Resch
SCHERLER Aurélie UNIL - Enlarged chlamydial reticulate bodies: triggers and biomedical importance Prof. Gilbert Greub
SCHERZ Valentin UNIL E‑Mail Individuals discrimination through metagenomic salivary analysis Prof Gilbert Greub, Institut de Microbiologie du CHUV, Rue du Bugnon 48 1011 Lausanne Novembre 2020
SCURCI Ilaria UNIGE E‑Mail Study of CCR5 pharmacology and cell biology by using chemokine analogs with potent anti-HIV activity
SEPIOL Aleksandra UNIGE - The role of NOX4 in the wound healing process
SHKARINA Kateryna UNIL E‑Mail Development of optogenetic toolbox to control inflammasome pathway Prof. Dr. Petr Broz 2020
SILVESTRI Ennio UNIGE E‑Mail Cellular mechanisms to achieve a symmetric cell division Prof. Patrick Meraldi 2023
SIMON Anaële UNINE E‑Mail The oxalate-carbonate pathway: understanding the fungal highways in a natural carbon sink ecosystem Prof. Pilar Junier (University of Neuchâtel)
Prof. Eric Verrecchia (University of Lausanne)
SMITH Kirsten UNIGE E‑Mail Circadian Immunology
SOMERVILLE Vincent UNIL E‑Mail Compositional and functional characterisation of cheese starter cultures Philipp Engel 2021
SPIAGGIA Giovanni UNIFR E‑Mail Substrate for evaluating cell culture mechanics Alke Fink
Barbara Rothen
STEIB Emmanuelle UNIGE E‑Mail Towards the molecular characterisation of the centrioles Y-shaped linker P.Guichard
STOJANOV Milos UNIL - Horizontal transfer of SCCmec, a genomic island of Staphylococcus aureus Prof. Philippe Moreillon
Dr. Olga Sakwinska
STORELLI Nicola UNIGE E‑Mail --- Mauro Tonolla
Xavier Perret
SUBBANNA Sujatha UNIGE E‑Mail Role of ribosomes associated chaperones in the interaction between Not5 or Not2 with exosome subunits. Prof. Martine Collart
Prof.Martin Collart
SYNEFIARIDOU Dimitra UNIL - Determining the minimal genome required for pneumococcal virulence Jan-Willem Veening
TABONI Anna UNIGE E‑Mail Arterial baroreflexes in dynamic conditions in humans
TAVARES Diogo UNIL E‑Mail Changing the specificity of Escherichia coli periplasmic binding protein RbsB from ribose towards 1,3-cyclohexanediol and cyclohexanol Jan Roelof van der Meer
THÉROUDE Charlotte UNIL E‑Mail ILCs in sepsis
TOLLANCE Axel UNIGE E‑Mail Physiology of muscle stem cells Maud Frieden
TORRIANI Giulia UNIL E‑Mail Novel therapeutics against emerging viruses Stefan Kunz
TRACHSEL Emilie UNIGE E‑Mail Imbalance of envelope biosynthesis pathways promotes drug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Patrick Viollier
Yves Mattenberger
TRACHSEL Emilie UNIL - Identification of tolerance factors in Candida albicans Dominique Sanglard
TRAN Thi Lan Huong UNIL E‑Mail Porf. D. Moradpour
TSELIGKA Eirini UNIGE E‑Mail Microbiology and Molecular Medicine Prof.Caroline Tapparel-Vu
ULGEN Melis UNIGE E‑Mail Gut microbiota influence on postmenopausal metabolic dysfunction and osteoporosis Prof.Mirko Trajkovski 2023
UNAY Jovelyn UNIGE E‑Mail Towards a synthetic minimal replicon for symbiotic nitrogen fixation Dr. Xavier Perret
VALENTINI Martina UNIL E‑Mail Regulation of nutrient uptake in Pseudomoas aeruginosa PAO1. Prof. assistant Karine Lapouge
Prof. Philippe Moreillon
VALLET Simon UNIGE E‑Mail Bacteriology and antibiotics
VAZQUEZ NUNEZ Roberto Jareth UNIL E‑Mail Smc Biochemistry Dr. Stephan Gruber
VELOSO Tiago UNIL E‑Mail Toward a systems analysis of the early steps of Infective endocarditis pathogenesis Dr. José Entenza
Prof. Philippe Moreillon
VERRIER Julie UNIL E‑Mail Interaction of Fusarium spp. and other fungal pathogens in onychomycosis Pr. Michel Monod
VOUGA Manon UNIL E‑Mail Simkania, a new pathogen associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes Dr. David Baud Prof. Gilbert Greub
WALSER Dylan UNIGE E‑Mail No thesis i am secretary for the doctoral school
WANG Chen UNIGE E‑Mail Circadian and cancer Christoph Scheiermann
WANG Tai UNIGE E‑Mail Heat shock protein 90 as target against protozoan parasites Didier Picard
WATKINS Stephan Lloyd UNIBE E‑Mail Computational, Cellular and Biochemical analysis of non-haptin Adverse Drug Interactions Dr. Werner J. Pichler, MD Department RIA, Inselspital University of Bern
PD Dr. Torsten Ochsenreiter Department of Cell Biology Universtiy of Bern
WILLIAMS Nathalia UNIGE E‑Mail Identification and Characterization of novel host cell surface proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 entry. Soutenance de thèse vendredi 5 juillet 2024 à 10:30 B02.2526 (salle Reverdin), CMU Rue Michel-Servet 1, 1206 Genève Prof. Mirco SCHMOLKE 2024
YE Shu UNIGE E‑Mail Dynamics of bradyzoite cysts dissemination during chronic infection by Toxoplasma gondii
ZHANG Xuezhi UNIGE E‑Mail The roles of NADPH oxidases (Nox) on Infection & Immunity in an Amoeba Model Thierry Soldati
Karl-Heinz Krause
ZHOU Yan UNIGE E‑Mail The investigation of Glutamate dehydrogenase metabolic regulation and its online flux model development Pierre Maechler
ZUERCHER Emilie UNIL E‑Mail Characterization of Epstein-Barr virus encoded-Latent Membrane Protein 1 Amalio Telenti