Detailed information about the course
Title | Whole genome sequencing work-shop |
Dates | 1-2 October 2015 |
Organizer(s) | Emanuel Schmid, Post-doctorant, Institut suisse de bioinformatique (ISB)/Vital-IT |
Speakers | (Gina M. Cannarozzi, Ph. D. Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern) replaced by Debora Gasperini, Post-doctorant, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne Laurent Falquet, Department of Biology Fribourg Hannes Svardal, Post-doctorant, Gregor Mendel Institute, Austria Practical Part: Emanuel Schmid, Post-doctorant, Institut suisse de bioinformatique (ISB)/Vital-IT Amel Bekkar, Doctoral researcher, Institut suisse de bioinformatique (ISB)/Vital-IT Martial Sankar, Research Assistant, Institut suisse de bioinformatique (ISB)/Vital-IT |
Description | In the last few years the price for whole-genome sequencing dropped continuously and recently the 1000$ genome barrier was announced to be broken (under certain circumstances) see Nature news. This facilitates the de novo but as well the re-sequencing of many genomes, especially for large eukaryotic genomes. One new technique which evolved e.g. from these developments is the whole genome re-sequencing to identify mutants in mutagenesis screens. In the herewith proposed work-shop two topics might be presented and complemented by a hands-on experience and talks of external speakers: a.) de novo sequencing of genomes (brief). The goal is two show the participants a work-flow, how to evaluate the raw data (NGS reads), prepare them and use common assemblers to generate a first draft assembly. Topics to discuss will be the different nature of the raw-reads (Hiseq, mate-pair, paired-end or long reads), common expressions (such as contigs, unitigs, scaffolds, phred-score,..) and ways to compare genomes. A special focus will be drawn on how to measure the quality of an assembly and how to verify its completeness. b.) re-sequencing of genomes (extensive) to cover the demands from many groups to present such a topic, a special focus will be drawn on how to identify mutations in model organism after mutagenesis. The model organism of choice might be Arabidopsis since the initial demand for such a work-shop derived from the plant community in Lausanne. Accompanied with a hands-on session, students will be shown how to treat the raw-data of NGS, assure quality and properly map them against the model genome. Analysis of SNPs and/or other mutation will be shown, together with ways how to determine the effect of mutations on the gene functionality. This session will be followed by an extensive hands-on workshop. |
Location |
UNIL SORGE, Génopode, 1015 Lausanne |
Information | Day1- Talks 8.30 - 17.00 Session 1: Gina Cannarozzi Biological background, EMS mutagenesis, designing screens,importance of ploidy,..
Session 2: Laurent Falquet Genome sequencing and assembly
Session 3: Hannes Svardal SNP detection and analysis
9.00 - 16.00: Practicals
Expenses | CUSO PhD students: Free External participants: 100.- CHF |
Places | 20 |
Deadline for registration | 28.09.2015 |