
Activities in the DPEE are divided in three basic categories:

  1. Scientific knowledge (K): scientific seminar series, workshops for improvement of scientific knowledge, topic groups, national and international congresses.
  2. Methodological improvement (M): workshops and courses on specific methods and softwares (e.g. statistical or phylogenetic course), scientific exchanges to learn new methods.
  3. Acquisition and reinforcement of skills (S): courses/workshops for reinforcement of expertise (e.g. scientific writing, scientific presentation, developing a grant proposal).

Activities are primarily for PhD students belonging to the DPEE. If there are places available, master students, PhD students, postdocs and academics from CUSO Universities can attend for free but traveling/accommodation expenses cannot be reimbursed.

    Scientific knowledge (K)     Methodological improvement (M)     Acquisition and reinforcement of skills (S)

Cat. Title Location Map [d] Speakers Dates Places
K Teaching and Learning Science UNIL, room CUB-233 (AuditoriumIII) map

Dr. Kostas Kampourakis, UNIGE

1726178400 Sept 13, 20 & 27, 2024 9 / 20
M Handling and Mapping Spatial Data UNIL

Dr. Sébastien Ollier, UNIL
Eddie Perochon, UNIL

1727128800 Sept 24-26, 2024 COMPLET/FULL 12 / 12
S Scientific Writing Workshop online

Dr. Kaycie Butler, ButlerSciComm

1727733600 Oct or Nov 2024 0 / 18
K Advanced Studies in Systematics CJBG, Geneva map

Dr Alice CIBOIS, Natural History Museum of Geneva
Dr Andreas SCHMITZ, Natural History Museum of Geneva
Dr Emmanuel TOUSSAINT, Natural History Museum of Geneva

1729029600 Oct 16-18, 2024 5 / 8 registration
K Genomics and Society UNIL (Genopode 4026)

Dr. Kostas Kampourakis, UNIGE

1730415600 Nov 1, 8 & 15, 2024 7 / 15 registration
M Stochastic Hybrid Models of Community Dynamics EAWAG Kastanienbaum map

Dr. Leonardo Aguirre, EAWAG

1730674800 Nov 4-6, 2024 4 / 12 registration
M Introduction to R (second edition 2024) University of Geneva

Dr. José Manuel Nunes, UNIGE
Dr. Nicolas Hulo, UNIGE
4 assistants

1732143600 Nov 21-22 + Dec 5-6 COMPLET/FULL 20 / 20 registration
M Advanced Programming with R UNIL

Dr. Frédéric Schütz, UNIL - SIB

1733094000 December 2-3, 2024 COMPLET/FULL 0 / 24 joint
M Molecular Population Genetics Training Course UNIGE, Sciences II, 4th floor, room 419

Prof. Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, UNIGE
Dr. Jose Manuel Nunes, UNIGE
Dr. Estella Poloni, UNIGE
Dr. Mathias Currat, UNIGE

1704927600 11-17 January 2024 8 / 9
K Biology 24 (conference fees) ETHZ, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich map

Bree Rosenblum
Emmanuel Toussaint
Yuko Ulrich
Nicole van Dam
Wolf Blanckenhorn (Darwin Speaker)

1705532400 18-19 Jan 2024 COMPLET/FULL 37 / 36
K Introduction to Decision Making for Applied Ecology and Conservation UNIBE

Dr. John Ewen, Zoological Society London (UK)
Prof. Antoine Guisan, UNIL
Dr. Stefano Canessa, UNIBE
Dr. Virgilio Hermoso, University of Seville (ES)
Dr. Alejandra Morán Ordoñez, UNIL & UNIBE
Dr. Benedikt Schmidt, UZ
Dr. Jana Freundt, UNIFR

1706482800 29 Jan- 2 Feb 2024 13 / 22
M Introduction to Phylogenomics: from Theory to Practice UNIGE, Sciences II, 4th floor, room 419

Dr. Charles Pouchon, UNIGE

1707174000 6-7 Feb 2024 COMPLET/FULL 8 / 10
M [ANNULÉ] Computer Skills for Biological Research: Introduction to GNU/Linux and Bash Scripting UNIGE

Dr Mathias Currat, UNIGE
Dr Jose Manuel Nunes, UNIGE

1707692400 POSTPONED TO 2025 0 / 16
M Introduction to R UNIGE

Dr. José Manuel Nunes, UNIGE
Dr. Nicolas Hulo, UNIGE


1709593200 March 5-6 & 19-20, 2024 COMPLET/FULL 6 / 20
M Data Visualization With R UNIL, room Amphimax 414 map

Dr. Frédéric Schütz, UNIL-SIB

1713132000 April 15-16, 2024 6 / 24 joint
M Data Analysis and Graphing Using GraphPad Prism: An Introduction UNIL, room 340 Amphipôle

Dr. Romain-Daniel Gosselin, CHUV

1713996000 April 25-26, 2024 COMPLET/FULL 3 / 15 joint
K Visions for a Sustainable Agriculture UNINE
  • John Pickett, Cardiff University, UK
  • Segenet Kelemu, icipe, Kenya
  • Celso Luiz Moretti, Embrapa, Brazil
  • Justice Tambo, CABI, CH
  • Amritbir Riar, FiBL, CH
  • Claudio Screpanti, Syngenta, CH
  • Wilson Nabakwe, Kenya
  • Ruth Buteme, Uganda


1715724000 May 15-17, 2024 0 / 30 joint
M Statistical Exploration and Measurement of Biodiversity With R UNIL

Dr Sébastien Ollier, UNIL
Tristan Klaftenberger, UNIL

1718661600 June 18-20, 2024 12 / 12
K 6th European Conservation Genetics meeting (reimbursement) Lausanne

1724796000 Aug 28-30, 2024 COMPLET/FULL 15 / 15
K Ancient DNA: A Time Machine to Study Evolution Gemmi, Leukerbad 1725141600 Sept 2-5, 2024 19 / 30
M Reproducible and Collaborative Data Analysis With R UNIBE

Dr. Sergio Vignali, University of Bern

1725832800 Sept 9-13, 2024 7 / 18