09:30 Opening Words
09:40 Keynote speaker talk:
Prof. Dr. Artemis Hatzigeorgiou
10:20 Pioneers of Bioinformatics spotlights: a walk through history
Prof. Dr. Bruno Strasser
10:40 Coffee Break
10:55 Paralell session I History and Future of Swiss Bioinformatics
with Dr. Patricia Palagi, Prof. Dr. Bruno Strasser, TBD
Paralell session II
Career panel
with Prof. Dr. Anna Oevermann, Séverine Duvaud, Dr. Natasha Glover, TBD
Paralell session III
Bioinformatics Support at the University of Bern - «Ask Us Anything"
with PD Dr. Rémy Bruggmann, Dr. Alexander Nater, Dr. Heidi Tschanz-Lischer, Dr.
Guillaume Witz and Dr. Anne-Christine Uldry
12:35 Lunch
13:30 Bioinformatics Spotlights of the Present
with Prof. Dr. Mariana Rapsomaniki, Dr. Natasha Glover , TBD
14:45 Break
15:00 Keynote speaker talk:
Prof. Dr. Raphäelle Luisier
15:40 Dayhoff grant recipient talk
16:00 Closing words, followed by an apéro riche
open end, including Brickopore Sequencer |