Title |
Biology 2025 conference fee [activity full]
Dates |
Feb 13-14, 2025 |
Lang |
Workshop language is English |
Organizer(s) |
Speakers |
- Inger Greve Alsos - Arctic University of Norway
- Susana Coelho - Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Germany
- Joanito Liberti - University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Andreanna Welch - Durham University, United Kingdom
- Catherine Peichel - University of Bern, Switzerland
Description |
Biology 25 is the largest conference of organismic biology in Switzerland and aims to provide a platform for exchange between students, researchers and professors across scientific institutions, research groups and topic areas. The two-day conference will include four plenary talks by invited speakers, many oral presentations by early-career scientists and numerous poster sessions. On Thursday evening there is the traditional Darwin Talk in honor of Darwin's birthday |
Program |
wp.unil.ch/biology25/programme/ |
Location |
UNIL, Dorigny Campus
Information |
Conference website
PLEASE REGISTER ON THE CURRENT CUSO PAGE in addition to THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE so that we know we have to plan budget for you! |
Expenses |
Registration Fee & Travel expenses: PhD students of the DPEE programme are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class) and registration fees. Travel costs can be claimed on MyCUSO at the end of the activity, once the attendance list has reached the CUSO DPEE office (this can take some time, since it's an external activity).
For the registration fees (reimbursement doesn't include the satellite event), please send the registration invoice (provided by the conference organisers) along with the conference certificate and the reimbursement form (sent to you by the DPEE coordinator) :
Dr. Catherine Suarez, CUSO DPEE Université de Genève, Sciences II Département de Génétique et Évolution - Unité d'anthropologie (UANT) Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30 CH - 1205 Genève
Note: NO reimbursement of your meal expenses
Accommodation on site: Regarding reimbursement of accommodation (if you live more than 1h-1h15 from the event), please contact the coordinator of the doctoral programme (ecologie-evolution(at)cuso.ch) BEFORE Dec 15 to plan the budget accordingly. NO reimbursement of accommodation costs without PRIOR AGREEMENT of the coordinator of the doctoral programme.
!!! Deadline to claim your reimbursements (documents need to reach the office before this date): Friday 01.03.2025 !!! |
Registration |
Through the website of Biology25! HERE Deadline for abstract submission: 15 Nov 2024 Deadline for registration: 15 Jan 2025
CUSO DPEE members, please register also on this website for us to plan budget to reimburse your travel and registration expenses.
Places |
36 |
Deadline for registration |