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6th European Conservation Genetics meeting (reimbursement)


Aug 28-30, 2024

Lang EN Workshop language is English

Dr. Mathias Currat, UNIGE
Dr. Nadir Alvarez, UNIGE
Dr. Yamama Naciri, UNIGE



This will be the 6th European Conservation Genetics meeting held since 2015. This meeting will be jointly organized by members from various institutions: Muséum cantonal des sciences naturelles du canton de Vaud, Museum d'histoire naturelle de la ville de Genève, Conservatoire et Jardin botanique de la ville de Genève, University of Lausanne and University of Geneva).

The conference will consist of 5 keynotes of 45 minutes and 25 talks of 20, divided into 5 half-day sessions. Poster sessions will also be organized. The presentations will be selected by a scientific committee on the basis of proposals, and the keynotes will be given by internationally renowned researchers covering different aspects of the field. Informal exchanges between participants will be encouraged via a series of social events. The final half-day will be devoted to local stakeholders, highlighting the importance of conserving variation within species.
Given the environmental changes caused by humans, biodiversity conservation is more topical than ever and of great interest to students.






Registration Fee & Travel expenses:

PhD students of the DPEE are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class) and registration fees (early bird = 150 CHF). Travel costs can be claimed on MyCUSO at the end of the activity, once the attendance list has reached the CUSO DPEE office (this can take some time, since it's an external activity).

For the registration fees, please send the registration invoice/conference certificate
(provided by the conference organisers) along with the reimbursement form (ask the coordinator for it before the conference starts) :

Dr. Catherine Suarez, CUSO DPEE
Université de Genève, Sciences II
Département de Génétique et Évolution - Unité d'anthropologie (UANT)
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
CH - 1205 Genève

Note: NO reimbursement of your meal expenses

Accommodation on site:

Regarding reimbursement of accommodation (if you live more than 1h away from the event), please contact the coordinator of the doctoral programme (ecologie-evolution(at) BEFORE July 1st to plan the budget accordingly. NO reimbursement of accommodation costs without PRIOR AGREEMENT of the coordinator of the doctoral programme.

!!! Deadline to claim your reimbursements (documents need to reach the office before this date): Monday 16.09.2024 !!!



PhD students of the CUSO biology programmes are eligible for the reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, 2nd class) from the main station of your institution city and the course location.
Claims can be done online via MyCUSO when the activity is over.


CUSO participants: Free
Other participants: Please contact the programme coordinator at ecologie-evolution(at)




Through the website of the conference ! HERE

CUSO DPEE members: please register also on the CUSO website for us to plan budget to reimburse your travel and registration expenses.





Deadline for registration 22.07.2024
short-url short URL

short-url URL onepage