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A two-day course during which the participants learn and apply project management methods and instruments to their own research projects.
The participants: * know how to structure, plan, control and document projects * are able to apply selected project management methods and tools effectively to their own research project * are aware of how to use aspects of project management for working constructively with others in a project environment Target group Doctoral students who are actively working on a research project. The course can be attended at any stage of the doctoral work, to greatest advantage during the first half of the project. Contents * What is a project and what is special about project work? * Formulating project objectives * How can I structure and realistically plan my project (time and capacity planning)? Where should I set milestones and why? * Project tracking and controlling * Stakeholder analysis and information concept * Risk assessment and risk management * What factors favour collaborative work with my supervisor and project partners? * What belongs to the documentation of a project? Requirements: No prior knowledge of project management is assumed for the course. Methods Short theoretical inputs, exercises, small-group discussions. Participants work on applying the theory to their own projects (transfer work between the two course days) and on exchanging results of the exercises with others in the course. The success of the course depends on the willingness of the participants to contribute ideas and share experiences from their own projects, as well as to show an interest for the questions and needs of the other doctoral students in the course.
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General information
Number of participants: maximum 14 Location: Bern, Baltzerstrasse 4 - Hörraum C161 Schedule: 9:30 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 18.00 ECTS: 1
Nadia Bruyndonckx Coordinator of the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Ecology and Evolution Biophore building University of Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 692 4244 Fax: +41 (0)21 692 4165 E-mail: nadia.bruyndonckx(at) |