The coordination committee members


Corinne Dentan

Coordinator of StarOmics

Center for Integrative Genomics

Génopode Building

University of Lausanne

CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: +41 (0)21 692 39 30

Email: staromics(at)cuso(dot)ch


Chair of the committee Prof. Christian Fankhauser

Co-director and Representative of the University of Lausanne Prof. Ioannis Xenarios

Representative of the University of Bern Prof. Thomas Max Lemmin (proxy: Dr Rémy Bruggmann)

Representative of the University of Fribourg Prof. Simon Sprecher (proxy: Dr Pierre-Marie Allard)

Representative of the University of Geneva Prof. Emi Nagoshi (proxy: Prof. Florian Steiner)

Representative of the University of Neuchâtel Prof. Kay Lucek 

Representative of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Dr Patricia Palagi (proxy: Dr Grégoire Rossier)

PhD students' representative of the University of Bern: Axel Giottonini

PhD students' representative of the University of Lausanne: vacant, position to be filled

PhD students' representative of the University of Fribourg: Jeferyd Yepes Garcia

PhD students' representative of the University of Geneva: Ruramai Tarupiwa

PhD students' representative of the University of Neuchâtel: Camille Cornet




A partner agreement between the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) and the StarOmics program of the CUSO has been signed beginning of 2020.