PhD students

77 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ACEVEDO SANCHEZ Leslie UNIGE E‑Mail The role of PDX3 enzyme in the regulation of carbon sources Teresa Fitzpatrick
ACHKHANIAN Joanna UNIGE E‑Mail Phytochimie et Pharmacologie clinique Prof. Jean-Luc Wolfender
Prof. Youssef Daali
AGUIRRE DE LA CRUZ Paola Isabel UNIGE E‑Mail Control of seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana Luis Lopez Molina 2029
ALDERSON Ruby UNIL E‑Mail Establishing a new model system for plant adaptation to extreme cold Christian Hardtke
ALTERMATT Kathrin UNINE E‑Mail Crops under biotic and abiotic threats: What do they tell us, how can we help them Prof. Ted Turlings and Prof. Gregory Röder 2026
ARRIGHI Matteo UNIGE E‑Mail UV-B perception and signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana Prof. Roman Ulm
BALLABANI Gent UNINE E‑Mail Remodeling of protein import mechanism under stress and hormone treatment in Chloroplast early developmental stages Prof. Felix Kessler
Dr. Shanmungabalaji Ventakasalam
BARBOSA CARVALHO Isis gabriela UNIFR E‑Mail Impact of cell wall remodelling in Pseudomonas in plant hosts Stefanie Ranf 2027
BAUTZMANN Robin UNIBE E‑Mail Effects of microplastic and organic nitrogen on plant growth and development Prof. Doris Rentsch, IPS, UniBE, phil. nat. Fakultät
Prof. Zerihun Tadele, IPS, UniBE, phil. nat. Fakultät
BELLANI Etienne UNIL E‑Mail Analysis of suberization molecular mechanisms in A.thaliana Niko Geldner 2026
BERG Lea UNIBE E‑Mail Generation of a transcriptomic leaf cell atlas of the model plant Brachypodium distachyon Prof. Michael Raissig
BOUZIRI Sami UNIL E‑Mail Understanding the mechanisms of phosphate cycle regulation in Laccaria Bicolor Prof. Yves Poirier 2026
BRECHET Marion UNIL E‑Mail Perception and signaling of phosphatidylcholines from insect eggs by Arabidopsis Pr. Philippe Reymond 2026
BRESSOUD Ségolène UNINE E‑Mail Plant Physiology x Molecular Biology KESSLER Felix
BUSER Christophe UNIGE E‑Mail Control of seed dormancy in Arabidopsis Thaliana Prof. Luis Lopez-Molina 2028
CABIANCA Alessandro UNINE E‑Mail Molecular Study and Field Survey of Quarantine Root-Knot Nematode Populations in Switzerland Sergio Rasmann
Paul Dahlin (Agroscope)
CAPITAO Maria UNIGE E‑Mail Suberin function and regulation in the endodermis Marie Barberon
CAREGNATO Alberto UNIGE E‑Mail Plant leucine-rich receptor kinases M. Hothorn
CAVALLINI Elena UNIGE E‑Mail Discovering new pathways mediated by PP-InsP signalling molecules in Arabidopsis
CHEN Cindy UNINE E‑Mail Environmental Control of Branching in Arabidopsis. Prof. Martina Legris
CORNELIS Salves UNIFR E‑Mail CLE peptides - unraveling the functions in root growth and adaptations Hazak Ora
DALLE Ambre UNINE E‑Mail This thesis is relative to the plant cell and developmental physiology Lothar KALMBACH 2029
DENIS Elisa UNIGE E‑Mail Intraspecific diversity of macrophytes in European pondscapes Dr. Yamama Naciri
Dr. Aurélie Boissezon
DIAZ ARDILA Harold Nicholay UNIL E‑Mail Mécanismes moléculaires dans la différentiation du phloème Prof. Christian Hardtke
EROGLU Cagla UNIL E‑Mail Plant-plant interactions Prof. Niko Geldner
FARKAS Peter UNIGE E‑Mail The role of PIPY in vitamin B6 homeostasis and carbon nitrogen balance in plants. Professor Teresa B. Fitzpatrick
FIORENZA Celeste Aurora UNIGE E‑Mail Regulation of root permeability for nutrient transport Marie Barberon
FOROUGH Maryam UNINE E‑Mail Plant hormone- dependent import of proteins in to chloroplasts Prof. Dr. Felix Kessler
GARCÍA ALONSO Marina UNIBE E‑Mail Volatile waves across maize canopies Matthias Erb
Tristan Cofer
GLAUS Anna UNIL E‑Mail Role of transcription factors in tomato architecture Prof. Dr. Sebastian Soyk 2025
GONZÁLEZ GAARSLEV Natalia UNIL E‑Mail Investigating natural genetic variation and transcriptome dynamics shaping inflorescence architecture in tomato
GRANGÉ-GUERMENTE Mathieu UNIL E‑Mail Investigations into the molecular basis of CASP microdomain formation in the endodermis of Arabidopsis thaliana Prof. Niko Geldner
GUPTA Shitij UNIBE E‑Mail Spatiotemporal study of RNA structure in transcript stability during plant adaptation to elevated temperatures Dr. Rodrigo S. Reis
HILBERS Yoëlle UNIL E‑Mail The regulation of PIF transcription factors under various environmental conditions Prof. Christian Fankhauser 2028
HIMMIGHOFEN Paul Anton UNIBE E‑Mail Effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on plant defence: Mechanisms and implications for multitrophic interactions Dr. Christelle A. M. Robert
HUA Jingmin UNIBE E‑Mail RNA structure in plant adaptation Dr. Rodrigo Siqueira Reis
IACOBINI Francesca Romana UNIFR E‑Mail ABCB1 activity sensor Markus Geisler
JUDKINS Natalie UNIFR E‑Mail Mechanisms of sanctioning against microbial cheaters in the Medicago truncatula - Ensifer meliloti symbiosis Dr. Didier Reinhardt 2026
KENTISH Owen UNIL E‑Mail Regulation of cell wall communication during pollen tube growth
KHUVUNG Khopeno UNIFR E‑Mail plant micro interaction Reinhardt Didier, Prof.
KISHIMOTO Kanoko UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding the role of DELAY OF GERMINATION (DOG1) to control flower development in the Arabidopsis thaliana accession Cape Verde Island (Cvi) Prof. Dr. Luis Lopez-Molina 4th year
KULKARNI Rucha UNIGE E‑Mail Optogenetic tool based on UV-B signaling Prof. Dr. Roman Ulm
MALAI Marius UNINE E‑Mail Endodermis de-differentiation and spacial accomodation during LR formation in Brachypodium Joop EM Vermeer
MAMIN Marine UNINE E‑Mail Chemical signaling in cotton plants Prof. Ted Turlings 2023/2024
MERAVIGLIA Andrea UNIL E‑Mail mechanosensitive control in plant growth Mateusz Majda
MICHE Sébastien UNIGE E‑Mail Phylogenomics of plants and nitrogen-fixing microsymbionts for regional biodiversity assessment in Switzerland Prof. Roman Ulm
Dr. Mathieu Perret
2024 or 2025
MINEIRO Maria UNIL E‑Mail The molecular defense pathway in plants after oviposition Pr. Philippe Reymond
MOTTET Léonie UNIL E‑Mail Root nodule symbiosis Macarena Andrea Marin Arancibia
MUTHERT Lucius UNIL E‑Mail Early phototropic signalling in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Professor Christian Fankhauser 2026
NEGI Shrihari UNIL E‑Mail Tissue-specific lipid metabolism controlling oxygen permeation in Lotus Japonicus nodules.* (provisional) Prof. Dr. Macarena Marin
NICOLET Jade UNIL E‑Mail Investigation of the role of the putative protease LOTR1 in Casparian Strip formation Niko Geldner
PALOMERO GOMEZ Maria UNIGE E‑Mail Identification and molecular characterization of novel inositol pyrophosphate signaling components in plants Michael Hothorn 2029
PANG Jia UNIL E‑Mail Research about root-microbe interactions Niko Geldner
PEREIRA GOMES FILHO Antonio aristides UNIBE E‑Mail Physiological importance of subsidiary cells in the succulent model plant Kalanchoë laxiflora Prof. Dr. Michael Raissig 2027
PICHON Vivien UNIFR E‑Mail Research of a probiotic cure to potato late blight. Laure Weisskopf
Laurent Falquet (unifr) brice Dupuis (Agroscope)
QUAN Yifat UNIL E‑Mail Role of ABCG transporter in the formation of tomato cuticle Dr. Christiane Nawrath 2026
RAISIN Axelle UNIFR E‑Mail How does Medicago truncatula select against Sinorhizobium meliloti inefficient strains in its nodules? Prof.Didier Reinhardt.
RAVIRAJ Priyanka UNIFR E‑Mail Regulation and Activation of LORE receptor complex Dr Stefanie Ranf 2025
ROURA JIMÉNEZ Marina UNIGE E‑Mail Study of the function of Thi1 noncys in cereals and comparison with the Thi1 cys version Teresa Fitzpatrick
SHREYA Shreya UNINE E‑Mail Functional characterization of candidate genes involved in lateral root development Prof. Joop Vermeer
SMET Bruno UNIFR E‑Mail Regulation of the LORE S-domain kinase Stefanie Ranf 2025-2026
SOUNDARA PANDIYAN Badma Priya UNIL E‑Mail Role of PKS4 in plant phototrophism Prof. Christian Fankhauser
STURM Kristina UNIGE E‑Mail Phosphate signalling in plants Prof. Michael Hothorn
SULTAN Aimen UNIFR E‑Mail Plant immune signaling Prof. Stefanie Ranf
SUMUNI Simeo Marco UNIBE E‑Mail Exploiting genetic diversity to develop drought tolerant rice (Oryza sative L.) in Tanzania Prof . Zerihun Tadele, Group Leader of Breeding and Genomic, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern
Dr. Mahamba Philipo, Plant Breeder and Lecturer at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha , Tanzania
TETTAMANTI Emanuele UNIL E‑Mail Abscission signaling in arabidopsis thaliana Julia Santiago Cuellar
TSERING Tashi UNIFR E‑Mail Regulation of auxin transport by HSP90 Dr. Markus Geisler 2024
TURQUAND Maud UNINE E‑Mail Role of atypical kinase ABC1 in the Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato systems. Felix Kessler 2027
URIBE RAMÍREZ Lilia María De Guadalupe UNIL E‑Mail Plant kinasess signaling pathways Christian Hardtke
VEGA FERNANDEZ Adriana UNIBE E‑Mail Plant molecular physiology Dr. Doris Rentsch
VERDECIA MOGENA Arletys María UNIBE E‑Mail “Role of entomopathogenic nematode microbiome onto tritrophic interactions between maize, herbivore larvae and nematodes” Dr. Christelle Robert
VUARAMBON Dominique UNIBE E‑Mail The role of RNA conformational changes in plant perception to elevated temperatures Prof. Rodrigo Siqueira Reis
WANG Yixuan UNIL E‑Mail plant mechanobiology Prof. Mateusz Majda 2026 or 2027
WINTER Zsófia UNINE E‑Mail The role of cellular communication during organ formation Prof. Joop Vermeer
YU Fan-yu UNIFR E‑Mail LORE dimerization
YU Yu-hsiang UNIL E‑Mail Genetic and phenotypic diversity of Pseudomonas species isolated from Lotus nodules Without/will not register as a PhD student.
ZHANG Hang UNIL E‑Mail Protophloem development in Arabidopsis
Hardtke Christian, Prof., UNIL