

Proposals for these training modules are examined by the MPS executive board, and selected on the basis of the audience targeted, proposed topic, costs, date of the event, etc. Proposals have to be submitted at least a year in advance to the MPS executive board. Financial requirements have to meet CUSO standards. These activities are open to participants outside of the programme, although MPS doctoral students do have priority.


In parallel, the CUSO also offers "Generic Skills" workshops in management, communication, professional planning, etc...


Cat. Title Location Map [d] Speakers Dates Places
Teaching and Learning Science University of Lausanne, Room CUB-233 (Auditoire III) map

Kostas Kampourakis, Dr., University of Geneva

1726178400 13, 20 & 27 September 2024 0 / 20 joint
RNA in Plants, Animals, and Bacteria University of Lausanne, Amphipole 202 map

Andres Jäschke, Prof., University of Heidelberg, DE
Claudia Keller, Dr., IMB Mainz, DE
Evelina Tutucci, Prof., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
Matthew Disney, Prof., The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology, Floride, US

1728856800 14 October 2024 4 / 25 registration
Electron Microscopy (EM) and Cryo-EM - Practical Course University of Lausanne, Rooms 338/340/340a

Christel Genoud, head of EM Platform, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Jean Daraspe, EMF, University of Lausanne
Benjamin Boury-Jamot, University of Lausanne
Amanda Lewis, Dr., EPFL
Alexander Myasnikov, head of Dubochet Center for Imaging (DCI), Lausanne
Cristina Martin Olmos, head Cryo-SEM, EPFL
Bertrand Beckert, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Emiko Uchikawa, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Sergei Nazarov, DCI, UNIL & EPFL
Inay Mohammed, DCI, UNIL & EPFL


1730070000 28-29 October and 4-5 November 2024 3 / 12 registration
Introduction to R (second edition 2024) University of Geneva, Room TBA

Dr. José Manuel Nunes, UNIGE; Dr. Nicolas Hulo, UNIGE

1732143600 21-22 November & 5-6 December 2024 0 / 20 joint
Visit to the Biotech Company BAYER, Lyon, FR Bayer, Lyon (FR)

Collaborators of BAYER, Lyon (FR)

1732230000 22 November 2024 0 / 12
Advanced Programming with R University of Lausanne, Room TBA

Frédéric Schütz, Dr., UNIL & SIB

1733094000 2-3 December 2024 0 / 24 joint
Plant Imaging: Advanced Light Microscopy University of Geneva, Sciences III, Room 0059

Sylvain Loubéry, Dr., Plant Imaging Unit, UNIGE

1706742000 1-2 February 2024 9 / 9
Introduction to Phylogenomics: from Theory to Practice University of Geneva, Sc II, room 4-419 (TBC)

Charles Pouchon, Dr., UNIGE and CJBG

1707174000 6-7 February 2024 3 / 10 joint
Lausanne Omics Days 2024 University of Lausanne, GEN Aud. C map

Prof. Alexander Meissner (Max Planck Molecular Genetics, Berlin)
Dr Giulia Zancolli (University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution)
Prof Knut Drescher (University of Basel, Biozentrum)
Prof. Peter Krawitz (Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Prof. Janna Hastings (University of St. Gallen)
Prof. Marianna Rapsomaniki (University Lausanne)
Prof. Emma Slack (ETHZ)
Prof. Itzik Mizrahi (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Prof. Adria LeBoeuf (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Gioele La Manno (EPFL)
Prof. Michael Hiller (Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics, Senckenberg Research Institute, Germany)
Prof. Korbinian Schneeberger (LMU, Munich, Germany; MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany)
Prof. Aurora Ruiz-Herrera (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Prof. Maria Cristina Gambetta (University Lausanne)

2 additional speakers to be determined


1708556400 22-23 February 2024 14 / 150 joint
Introduction to R University of Geneva

Dr. José Manuel Nunes, UNIGE
Dr. Nicolas Hulo, UNIGE

+4 assistant


1709593200 5-6 and 19-20 March 2024 4 / 20 joint
Introductory Biostatistics for Biologists University of Lausanne, Room 319 Amphipôle map

Romain-Daniel Gosselin, Dr., CHUV

1710370800 14-15 March 2024 COMPLET/FULL 8 / 15
Data Visualization With R University of Lausanne, Room 414 Amphimax map

Frédéric Schutz, Dr., UNIL & SIB

1713132000 15-16 April, 2024 3 / 24 joint
Data Analysis and Graphing Using GraphPad Prism: An Introduction University of Lausanne, Room 340 Amphipôle map

Romain-Daniel Gosselin, Dr., CHUV

1713996000 25-26 April 2024 COMPLET/FULL 5 / 15
Visions for a Sustainable Agriculture University of Necuhâtel - UniMail F200 Auditoire Louis Guillaume
  • John Pickett, Cardiff University, UK
  • Segenet Kelemu, icipe, Kenya
  • Celso Luiz Moretti, Embrapa, Brazil
  • Justice Tambo, CABI, CH
  • Amritbir Riar, FiBL, CH
  • Claudio Screpanti, Syngenta, CH
  • Wilson Nabakwe, Kenya
  • Ruth Buteme, Uganda


1715724000 15-17 May 2024 2 / 30 joint
Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part I University of Geneva, Sciences III, Room 0059

Sylvain Loubéry, Dr., UNIGE

1717624800 6 June 2024 8 / 12
[ANNULÉ] Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part II - “Image Analysis Café“ University of Geneva, Sciences III, Room 0059

Sylvain Loubéry, Dr., UNIGE

1717711200 7 June 2024 0 / 6
CUSO MPS PhD Retreat: First Steps in Academia After the PhD Centre Loewenberg Murten/Morat

Jazmín Reyes-Hernández, Dr., Universiy of Copenhagen
Florent Waltz, Dr., Basel University
Elia Stahl, Dr., IECB European Institute of Chemistry and Biology, Bordeaux University

1718834400 20-21 June 2024 12 / 22
Introduction to Plant Metabolomics University of Fribourg, Room 0.109, PER.04 map

Dr. Gaétan Glauser, University of Neuchâtel
Maître assistant. Emmanuel Defossez, University of Neuchâtel & Fribourg
Maître assistant. Pierre-Marie Allard, University of Fribourg

1719266400 25-26 June 2024 COMPLET/FULL 10 / 10
Field Trip Investigation 2024 Cabâne de Moiry, Val de Moiry, VS

Louis Nusbaumer, Dr., University of Geneva & CJBG

1720821600 13-14 July 2024 9 / 12