Scientific board

Mission of the scientific board

The scientific board meets twice annually and defines the overall goals of the program and the specific overreaching activities including seminar series, workshops, symposia, and retreats. The scientific board also assigns the individual activities to different centers.   

Members of the scientific board

Lastname Firstname University
CROLL Daniel UNINE director
FUMEAUX Coralie UNIL representative for CHUV
STORELLI Nicola UNIGE representative for UNIGE & SUPSI
VIOLLIER Patrick UNIGE representative for UNIGE
SCHAERLI Yolanda UNIL representative for UNIL
WEISSKOPF Laure UNIFR representative for UNIFR and vice-director
JUNIER Pilar UNINE Representative for UNINE and former director
JERJEN Livia UNIFR student representative for UNIFR
CORSET Margaux UNINE student representative for UNINE
BENEDETTI Jérôme UNIL student representative for UNIL
GARCIA Méline UNIL student representative for UNIL