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Information Retrieval and Text Mining for Biology


June 3-5, 2015

Lang EN Workshop language is English

Ioannis Xenarios


Patrick Ruch, SIB


Patrick Ruch (SIB Text Mining, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
Julien Gobeill (SIB Text Mining, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
Cecilia Arighi (Research Associate Professor at Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware)
Donat Agosti (President of Plazi, Bern)
Terry Catapano (Plazi, Bern)
Thomas Lemberger (European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO))
Johanna McEntyre (European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge)
Thérèse Vachon (Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel)
Lynette Hirschman (Chief Scientist for Biomedical Informatics, MITRE Corporation, Bedford)
Zhiyong Lu (NCBI, NLM, NIH, Washington DC)


In the life sciences, communication and dissemination of scientific information is still largely provided by texts, notably through research articles. The proposed activity aims to provide participants with a state of the art information retrieval (identify relevant documents in a collection) and text mining (identify and extract relevant information in a document) applied to biology.
We will give an overview of successes and evolution since the 2000s (tasks have been automated with a level of greater than or equal performance to man), and current challenges, but also the most promising recent trends. Interactive demonstrations of existing tools, maintained and used by SIB or other groups will provide a practical aspect to the state of the art.


Geneva, CMU, auditorium S1/S2




See also:


Reimbursement: StarOmics PhD students are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class) and meals. Please send the original tickets (no copies, except for the general abonnement) and receipts with the reimbursement form to Corinne Dentan. If you are not a CUSO PhD student: You will be billed for the course (CHF 100.-).


CUSO PhD students: through your MyCUSO account.  External participants (non-CUSO PhD students, post-docs, etc...): use the icon "registration" at top of page and the last gray box "non-CUSO student" ("personne hors myCUSO").



Deadline for registration 01.06.2015
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